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NATPE 2007 - Outcomes Report Conducted by: March 2007

Detailed analysis of the outcomes from NATPE 2007 survey conducted in March 2007, showcasing sales and pre-sales data, co-production deals, title screenings, and overall satisfaction.

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NATPE 2007 - Outcomes Report Conducted by: March 2007

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  1. NATPE 2007 - Outcomes Report Conducted by: March 2007

  2. Methodology • A total of 16 e-mailed invitations were sent to Canadian companies that attended NATPE 2007. • 15 of the 16 companies clicked on the link in the e-mail invitations to go to the survey site. • These 15 companies completed all of the survey - a 94% response rate. • The survey was open from February 22 until March 22, 2007. • During the course of the survey, POLLARA followed up with non-responding companies by e-mail and by telephone to encourage them to participate.

  3. Methodology E-mail invitations sent to 16 companies 15 clicked on link in e-mail to visit the survey site 15 companies reached the end of the survey

  4. Sample and Respondents by Province • Broken down by province, the sample consisted of the following companies.

  5. Respondent Profile

  6. Primary Business Focus of Company Q1. What is the primary business focus of your company? Select all that apply.N=15

  7. Main Format(s) of Interest Q2. What is the main format(s) of interest to your company? Select all that apply.N=15

  8. Location of Head Office Q3. In which province/territory is your head office located?N=15

  9. Company Revenues Q4. What were your company’s total gross revenues for its most recent fiscal year?N=15

  10. Number of Employees Q5. How many full-time employees are there currently in your company? N=15

  11. The Market

  12. Genres and Formats Company Interested in Selling and/or Pre-Selling at NATPE Q6. In deciding to attend NATPE 2007, which of the following programming genres was your company interested in selling and/or pre-selling? Q7. For each of the programming genre(s) of interest to your company, what was the type of media? N=15

  13. Sales/Pre-Sales • 11 companies indicated that they either completed sales while at NATPE or began discussions that are likely to lead to sales while at NATPE. 6 companies indicated that they either completed pre-sales while at NATPE or began discussions that are likely to lead to pre-sales. • Of these, 4 companies provided information on 21 deals involving 18 titles. • Companies reported that 4 distribution agreements were signed. • Respondents reported that $1,238,000 of sales were completed while at NATPE 2007 and that $3,498,000 worth of sales are likely to occur as a result of discussions initiated at NATPE. • Companies did not report any completed pre-sales at NATPE, but they expect $2,314,000 of pre-sales to occur as a result of discussions initiated at NATPE.

  14. Breakdown of Sales and Pre-Sales Deals Sales Pre-Sales 3 Companies 2 Companies 14 Titles 6 Titles 14 Deals 7 Deals $3,498,000 Sales likely to occur as a result of discussions completed while at NATPE 2007 $2,314,000Pre-Sales likely to occur as a result of discussions completed while at NATPE 2007 $1,238,000 Sales completed while at NATPE 2007 $0 Pre-Sales completed while at NATPE 2007

  15. Sales Q8a. Did you complete any sales of your titles, or begin discussions that will likely lead to future sales while at NATPE 2007? N=15

  16. Sales Likely Sales Breakdown of Sales and Likely Sales by Genre $’000s

  17. Breakdown of Sales by Country $’000s

  18. Breakdown of Likely Sales by Country $’000s

  19. Pre-Sales Q8e. Did you complete any pre-sales or begin discussions that will likely lead to pre-sales while at NATPE 2007?N=15

  20. Pre-Sales Likely Pre-Sales Breakdown of Pre-Sales and Likely Pre-Sales by Genre $’000s

  21. Breakdown of Likely Pre-Sales by Country $’000s

  22. Co-Production and Co-Venture Deals • Only 1 company indicated that they either signed, or began negotiating co-production or co-venture deals while at NATPE 2007. • This company reportedly made 5 co-production or co-venture deals that are expected to be worth $10 million with Germany, the UK and the USA. • Respondents reported that they participated in an average of 32 business meetings each while at NATPE 2007.

  23. Title Screening • 4 companies (27% of respondents) indicated that they had a title screened at NATPE 2007. • These respondents gave an average satisfaction score of 7.7 for the visibility their titles received from the screenings Mean satisfaction=7.7 Not at all satisfied VerySatisfied Q11. Were any of your titles screened at NATPE 2007 (n=15) Q12. (IF YES TO Q11) Using a 10-point scale where 1 means you were Not at all satisfied, and 10 means you were Very satisfied, how would you rate your satisfaction with the visibility your titles received from the screenings? (n=4)

  24. Overall Satisfaction With and Value of NATPE 2007 Not at Veryall satisfied satisfied Q13a. How satisfied would you say you were overall with NATPE 2007 in terms of facilities provided, meeting potential contacts, support, etc... Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means not at all satisfied, and 10 means very satisfied. Q13b. And thinking about what it costs your company to attend, and the quality of the services and support provided at NATPE 2007, how would you rate the VALUE you received on the same 1-10 scale... N=15

  25. Satisfaction with NATPE 2007 Not Applicable 0% 13% 0% 20% 27% 40% 80% 40% 40% 13% 47% 67% 27% Re-connect with existing business contacts Sell/distribute your existing titles Make new business contacts Learn about international markets and trends For your own professional development Identify potential new geographic markets Participate as a speaker on panels Pre-sell your titles and projects Seek out new project ideas and creative inspiration Attract visibility or press coverage for your company Seek financing or investment Acquire titles for distribution Meet potential co-production partners Not at Veryall satisfied satisfied Q13c. How satisfied were you with NATPE 2007 in terms of meeting the following objectives for attending, using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means not at all satisfied, and 10 means very satisfied. If a particular item does not apply, select, “not applicable”. N=15

  26. International Markets & Festivals Attended Q14. Which, if any of the following international markets and festivals held in other countries have you attended during the past two years? Select all that apply N=15

  27. Rating of International Festivals & Markets MIPCOM MIPTV NATPE Kidscreen Realscreen Cannes DISCOP World Congress of History Producers Q15 Thinking of NATPE together with the other major international events held outside of Canada, which one best meets your needs, is second best at meeting your needs, is third best at meeting your needs? N=14

  28. Used Services of Canada Pavilion? WHY NOT? • “Since it was unclear for a while what the situation would be for the pavilion, we decided to go with a suite at the hotel which we were very happy with. We still took a general seating area at the Canada Pavilion but had no need for it.” Q17 Did you use the services provided by the Canada Pavilion at NATPE 2007? N=15 Q18 (IF “NO” TO Q17) Why didn’t you use the services provided at the Canada Pavilion? N=2

  29. Satisfaction with Canada Pavilion Overall utility of the Canada Pavilion to your company Availability of meeting spaces Helpfulness of booth staff Location of the stand Usefulness of pavilion in holding meetings Size of meeting spaces Design and appearance of the stand Not at Veryall satisfied satisfied Q19 (THOSE WHO DID USE THE CANADA PAVILION) Please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following aspects of the Canada Pavilion at NATPE 2007 using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means not at all satisfied, and 10 means very satisfied. If a particular item does not apply, select “not applicable.” N=13

  30. Suggestions for Future Improvements to the Canada Pavilion • The main suggestions for improvements related to having more facilities for displaying promotional materials. • “The primary sales tool for an international distributor are our One Sheets. Due to budget constraints, Telefilm Canada failed to provide any display baskets for our One Sheets. This was very bad and reduced our marketing effectiveness considerably. We offered to pay for the rental of a spinner display, but that was rejected. As a last minute alternative, we recommended that the One Sheets be taped to the walls, but this was limited to x number per company, although 80% of the wall space remained empty throughout the market. This was all an error of judgement on Telefilm's part, and certainly not a result of budget issues.” • “Better facilities for hanging and displaying posters and one sheets.”  • “Better signage is required to identify location, and the reception desk needs to be redesigned. Provision needs to be made for the posting of brochures.” Q20 (THOSE WHO DID USE THE CANADA PAVILION) Please provide any suggestions you may have on how the Canada Pavilion could be improved in the future.N=13

  31. Suggestions for Future Improvements to the Canada Pavilion • Other comments included: • “We work in a visual medium. The booth should have at least one monitor playing footage from the exhibiting companies. I was very disappointed that there wasn't one.” • “The Telefilm staff was very helpful, courteous and efficient. I would suggest that the Telefilm Pavilion or general seating area return to its more vibrant and colourful look as was the case at NATPE 2006. This year's blue upholstered walls and lack of artwork failed to make it stand out among the other exhibitors.” • “I think that we have finally nailed the right formula for NATPE. Simple and functional. Anne-Marie is the best ‘Booth Babe’ you can ask for - she was great.” Q20 (THOSE WHO DID USE THE CANADA PAVILION) Please provide any suggestions you may have on how the Canada Pavilion could be improved in the future.N=13

  32. Past Attendance at NATPE Q21. Which previous NATPE events, if any, has your company attended? Select all that applyN=15

  33. Definitely Probably Not Sure Not Likely Definitely Not Likelihood of, and Reasons for, Recommending NATPE to Others • ·“NATPE allows us to pursue sales, pre-sales, coproductions, conduct market research etc. with a focus on North America.” • ·“It connects Canadians to US, Latin American and Asian buyers and producers.” • ·“NATPE is the best venue to meet US and South-American clients.” • ·“It is a great way to connect with more Latin American buyers and more US buyers who buy in all genres than any other major TV market.” • ·“NATPE provides an excellent environment for pursuing and solidifying relationships with U.S. and international broadcasters and contacts.” • ·“Depending on the type of production a company does there may be other markets that target their projects more specifically. NATPE is good for someone who isn't specializing in one genre.” Q22a. Would you recommend NATPE to other companies in the Canadian audio-visual industry? N=15 Q22b. Please explain your answer. N=13

  34. Cost of Attending NATPE 2007 • Companies incurred an average cost of approximately $11,500 in attending NATPE 2007. • 27% of respondents (4 companies) indicated that they received funding support from Telefilm, other federal government organizations or the provincial funding agencies to attend the event. • Only 1 company reported receiving federal funding (worth $1800). • 2 companies provided details of the provincial funding they received. These companies received an average of $2,250 each in provincial funding.

  35. Other Comments • “Canada's presence at NATPE is vital!!!! Having a larger group of distributors exhibiting in the Canada Pavilion would give us all more credibility with international broadcasters and home video publisher/distributors. A stripped down stand was somewhat embarrassing, but more for the ineffective use of the space, not the lack of spending money on the space. However, a total absence of the Canada Pavilion at NATPE would be catastrophic as it would send a clear message to the rest of the world (and the U.S. in particular) that Canadian companies are no longer worth working with, since their own government has forsaken them. Dramatically increase the financial support by Heritage Canada to Telefilm Canada - Markets and Festivals!!!” • “The Canadian Film and Television industries rely heavily on sales to US Broadcasters. Therefore I feel it would be wise to invest more in Telefilm's participation at NATPE as was the case in 2006.” Q26. Finally, please provide any other comments you have concerning NATPE 2007 or suggestions for improving the support provided by Telefilm and its partners. N=15

  36. Other Comments • “The Federal Government is missing the boat as far as capitalizing on presenting Canadian culture output to the rest of the world. While government support is focused on the production of Canadian films by Canadians for Canadians, those films need to be sold internationally in order to recoup some of that support. Yet, government fails to grasp the importance of helping the sellers get the job done. Another $250,000 insertion for NATPE 2008 would make a world of difference, one that we could all be proud of, and would undoubtedly bring Canada as a whole an incredibly high return on its investment.” • “I think the Canada Pavilion and the support of Telefilm is very important for this market. But it was sad to see the difference from last market and this year.” Q26. Finally, please provide any other comments you have concerning NATPE 2007 or suggestions for improving the support provided by Telefilm and its partners. N=15

  37. Other Comments • “It would be nice if NATPE could still be regarded as a viable entity by Telefilm. A group of us had to scream in order to get help on the 2007 edition and we shouldn't have to. NATPE serves the North American television industry which is just as important as the film or the European television industry (MIPCOM, MIPTV). Attendees at NATPE are more relaxed than those at MIP. They seem to have more time to discuss matters. We have never had so many requests for quotes as we have this year after NATPE. Hope Telefilm will keep it up.” • “It was a very worthwhile experience with tangible sales results. Everyone in the Telefilm booth was immensely helpful. It's encouraging us to expand our international presence.” • “I will be part of the Telefilm booth again. The staff was very nice to deal with.” Q26. Finally, please provide any other comments you have concerning NATPE 2007 or suggestions for improving the support provided by Telefilm and its partners. N=15

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