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Connecting with god’s power: fasting Matthew 6

Discover the transformative power of fasting in connecting with God. Learn the history, traditions, and effectiveness of fasting in Christianity and other faiths. Explore the spiritual benefits and practical aspects of fasting, as outlined in Matthew 6. Revitalize your connection with God and deepen your faith through this ancient discipline.

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Connecting with god’s power: fasting Matthew 6

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  1. Connecting with god’s power: fastingMatthew 6 Rev. Martin Sanders Living Christ Church February 17, 2012


  3. JESUS WANTS YOUR LUNCH! • Not simply giving something up • Offering something that matters • Simplifying for greater effectiveness

  4. FASTING • Isaiah 58:6 God’s Chosen Fast • Pattern in historic Christianity (Protestant & Roman Catholic) • Ramadan (Muslim tradition)

  5. FASTING: Assumption, Traditions • FASTING: Power of God • FASTING: Assumed in N.T. • FASTING: Pattern of Early Church & Wesleyan tradition (2x week)

  6. MATTHEW 6:16-18 16 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

  7. MATTHEW 6:16-18 ]17 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18 so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

  8. “When you fast…” • Set aside regular Life Patterns • Avoid Attention • Integrate into LIFE

  9. FASTING • Moving beyond be casual with God • Upping the score / anticipation • Drawing near to God…

  10. Draw Near • Not Problem Solving • Move Beyond Self and Casual Connection • Sense of Holy Desperation

  11. THE “HOW’S” OF FASTING • No Food • Limit food intake • Partial Fast / Full Fast • Bread and Water • Water only

  12. HOW LONG TO FAST? • A meal • A Day: evening to evening (prepare the night before) • Several days • Extended: 40 days

  13. THE HUMOR OF FASTING • Aim too high • Aim too low • Performance / Pressure approach • Rationalization • What can I get away with? • Next time…

  14. God’s Chosen Fast • Spirit of the Disciplines • Celebration of Disciplines

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