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Bosco Institute of Information Technology (Professional Education College of BICS InfoTech) Don Bosco Centre, Guezou Nagar, Yelagiri HIls. Don Bosco India – Higher Education Network Bangalore Meeting :: 6-7 November 2011. www.biit.edu.in. BICS InfoTech.
Bosco Institute of Information Technology (Professional Education College of BICS InfoTech) Don Bosco Centre, Guezou Nagar, Yelagiri HIls Don Bosco India – Higher Education Network Bangalore Meeting :: 6-7 November 2011 www.biit.edu.in
BICS InfoTech An institute for IT Education that combines professional education with industry practices and business ventures, specifically for the underprivileged rural youth. Founded in 1998 with the patronage of Fr Francis Guezou SDB and his Friends in France BICS InfoTech BIIT BOSCO ITS ARIVAGAM Knowledge Education Technology www.biit.edu.in
Principles Vision • Creating a Knowledge Society inspired by Gospel Values and beliefs using Information Technology and Services. Mission • Empowering underprivileged youth, with qualitative knowledge, practice and experience of Information Technology, so as to enable them to be well-integrated persons for career and life. In pursuit of these objectives, we serve our customers with products and services of best-in-class standards. Core Values • Primacy for God in Life, Integral formation, Commitment to Nation-building, and Quality Service www.biit.edu.in
BIIT (Bosco Institute of Information Technology) A private and independent Institute of higher education, offering a special diploma in IT with BCA/MCA Degree via IGNOU Presently not affiliated to any University. Process of affiliation is on. Industry-driven by its binding with BOSCO ITS (the technology resource centre of BICS InfoTech) and other software companies in the country and abroad www.biit.edu.in
BIIT - Programmes PGDIT (Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology)inter-twined with BCA Degree from IGNOU Week-end MCA Degree programme for graduates in Computer Science/Applications along with industrial practice in BOSCO ITS Certificate Programmes in areas related to specific software technologies, office automation, multimedia and Communicative English conducted by ARIVAGAM. www.biit.edu.in
BIIT - Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Diploma Curriculum differs from conventional programmes • Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV Communication and English language Core subjects for IGNOU BCA Specialization in Information Technology Skills related to Integrated Education (Communication, Professional Aptitude, Value Education, Physical Education, Information Literacy, Life Skills) BEETLE (Bosco Education Environment for Teaching, Learning and Evaluation) for academic administration and pedagogical practices. www.biit.edu.in
BIIT Hallmark Students Selection Target Group: Underprivileged youth of Tamilnadu with good academic record. 99% of them are first generation learners. Admission process has four stages: aptitude test, interview, house visit and selection Students pay their fee to BIIT through Educational Scholarship given by Friends of Fr Guezou in France through Don Bosco Centre (Rs 20000 per student) 90% of the students who complete their BCA with PGDIT are well-placed in the industry. www.biit.edu.in
BIIT Students 2011 Programme Year Hostellers Boys 44 41 41 18 10 13 8 172 Day Scholars Boys 3 Total Girls 31 21 21 7 7 6 10 102 Girls 2 I 2 3 1 2 3 80 62 62 25 17 19 18 283 PGDIT/BCA MCA TechTalk 3m Total 3 2 www.biit.edu.in
BIIT Staff 2011 # 1 2 3 Department English & Communication Mathematics Computer Science & Applications Software Technology Multimedia and EduTech Value Education Administrative Staff Total Staff PG+M.Phil 1 - 6 PG 2 1 1 Others - - - Total 3 1 7 4 5 5 6 3 2 - - 7 3 1 4 - - - 1 1 10 5 1 5 32 12 19 Note: Departments 4 & 5 are considered as adjunct staff only for Technology Specialization from BOSCO ITS. www.biit.edu.in
BIIT Good Practices (1/3) Communicative English First 3 Months of intensive coaching, Daily Reading Practice, Language Card, weekly communication lab Process Orientation Time management record, Personal Software Process-driven Software Engineering Course www.biit.edu.in
BIIT Good Practices (2/3) Youth Action Groups • Weekly Youth Group Meeting and Programme of Action (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annual) Groups Bosco Media Forum Bosco Fine Arts Bosco Volunteers Green Yellagiri Jesus Youth Pro-Literacy Sports Club Wisdom Seekers Student Initiatives Newman Club, Bible Study Forum, Weekly Lectio Divina, Tree for a Family, Vegetable Garden … www.biit.edu.in
BIIT Good Practices (3/3) Academic Mentors Each student has a mentor (a teacher) whom he/she meets five times in a semester during scheduled hours. Association Activities Students@IT for all, DANY club for multimedia and Freedom Soft Club for Open Source Technologies www.biit.edu.in
BOSCO ITS (Bosco Information Technology Services) Technology Resource Centre Undertakes full-fledged software development, multimedia and data processing projects Advanced Training, Research & Development Centre Deserving graduate students get qualified as IT professionals, working on live projects Research Areas • Semantic Technology, Open Source Technologies, Decision Support System, Business Intelligence, ICT for Education, ICT for Health Care www.biit.edu.in
BOSCO-ITS Hallmark Earn-learn platform for the selected students of BIIT to do their post-graduation and acquire necessary skills for career development. Updates and strengthens the learning environment of BIIT with recent technologies and its applications Evolving a social business model for higher education that provides quality education and information technology services to education, health care, religious and social work organizations A sound IT competency base with twelve years of experience www.biit.edu.in
BOSCO-ITS Hallmark Committed group of lay personnel (software professionals) who share the vision and mission of BICS InfoTech. More clarity now on the career development life cycle (CDLC) of PG Students in three years (PPT + TOC1 + TOC2) Clarity in delivery models of BOSCO ITS as Staff Augmentation Service (SAS), Product development (PRD), Bespoke Solutions (BES), Research & Development (R&D) www.biit.edu.in
BOSCO-ITS Units Division Software Unit Unit 1 Technology Dot Net/Lamp Activities Bespoke Solutions, Product Development, Staff Augmentation Service, Net Solutions, HR Development Bespoke Solutions, Product Development, Staff Augmentation Service, HR Development Research & Development, Staff Augmentation Service, HR Development Multimedia Packages Multimedia Application Brochure Technical Documentation Manual Development Course Material Development XML Conversion Unit 2 Dot Net Unit 3 Java ITES Unit 4 Virtools Macromedia Adobe Instruction Design Technical Writing EDP Data Processing www.biit.edu.in
Bosco Soft Technologies (P) Ltd Bosco Soft Technologies (P) Ltd (earlier BIPL) is the commercial, corporate front-office for BOSCO ITS Partnering with Alumni Entrepreneurs to procure business Customers from US and Middle East based organizations www.biit.edu.in
BOSCO ITS – Financial Trend www.biit.edu.in
Arivagam Arivagam is the Knowledge Resource Centre which provides a good environment for students to have access to information resources and study More than 2500 religious, teachers and administrators have attended the Summer one-week Computing Skills programme. Consistent effort is made to develop Digital Library with a cost-effective budget (has 20000 eBooks for IT- related subjects) www.biit.edu.in
Plan 2011-2015 Our Challenges. •Stability, Sustainability and Scalability BIIT Response. Affiliation to Thiruvalluvar University with students from target, affluent and local groups and Five UG Programmes, related to ICT and its application. BOSCO ITS Response. •More Business Accounts from USA, Europe, Far East and Middle East. •SaaS and PaaS models for Indian market •Investors and Partners for R&D Projects www.biit.edu.in
Conclusion (1/2) Higher education institutions are broadly divided into two groups – Research–led but also provide teaching – Teaching –led but also engage in some research. The best institutions for education are the research –led. India has less than 50 institutions that are genuinely research-led. Need for good quality research–led institutions. Establishing a research –led Institution is expensive and leads to a high fee structure. India can not afford them easily. And so, exorbitant fee is charged by some institutions to uphold research and quality. www.biit.edu.in
Conclusion (2/2) A bottom-up approach in this direction has been taking place within the ambits of BICS InfoTech for the last twelve years. It differs from other institutions by targeting on the rural and poorer youth and yet scaling up in industry-based development activities. This distinct characteristic of the institution has to be stabilized, scaled up and sustained through various channels. The Journey on Less Travelled Road continues … www.biit.edu.in
BIIT Morning Assembly www.biit.edu.in
BIIT Classroom www.biit.edu.in
BIIT Lab www.biit.edu.in
Arivagam Discussion Room www.biit.edu.in
Arivagam Conference Hall www.biit.edu.in
BOSCO ITS Lab www.biit.edu.in
Bosco Institute of Information Technology Don Bosco Centre, Guezou Nagar Yelagiri Hills, Vellore Dt, Tamilnadu - India -635 853 Phone: 91-4179-295443 Email: info@biit.edu.in www.biit.edu.in