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Explore the benefits of a 1:1 iPad program for STEM education, how it enhances student engagement, and supports teaching and learning. Discover why iPads are the ideal tool for personalized learning and fostering creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills. Get answers to FAQs, learn about security measures, and find purchasing recommendations.
iPads and STEM Education “STEM education is more important than ever. Educators and parents can help get kids interested and perhaps even hooked on STEM no matter their age with the help of the iPad and the myriad of great educational applications it offers” (http://www.onlineuniversities.com/blog/2012/05/50-best-ipad-apps-for-stem-education/ )
STEM and Education “75 per cent of the fastest growing occupations require STEM skills. Our focus on STEM will help to ensure that every Queensland student can succeed in our changing world.” Kate Jones MP Minister for Education
Our vision… • Our goal is to take advantage of the iPad as a tool to help create engaged students who are responsible and safe digital citizens, to connect parents with classrooms and to support teaching and learning.
Today… • TheChangingEducationallandscapeand21stCentury Skills • Whya1:1program • WhyiPads? • Reflecting on 2016 Pilot Program • The2017Program • Pedagogy and Research • FAQ’s, Security and Insurance • Purchasingrecommendations
Remember a time when… Calculators, diaries, atlases, thesauruses, newspapers, dictionaries, compasses, cameras, audio recorders, notebooks, text books, multiplication charts, books, digital video recorders, video players, maps and music playerswere all separate things? With an iPad your student will have access to all of these resources with a tap of a screen.
Our current year 6’s were 6 when iPads were released. • iPads have been around for half their lives. • Our current year one’s have never known a world without iPads.
TheChangingEducationalLandscape • Itisnowpossiblefor apersontohavetheworld’sinformationinthepalmoftheirhandsat anytimeatanyplace. • Knowledgeretentionandrecallisnot theonlythingwevalue. • Students needtolearnhowto harnessthemassesofinformationoutthere,evaluateitandapplyitincreativeandcollaborativeways. • WhilstLiteracyandNumeracystillformthefoundation,otherskillsneedtobedevelopedtopreparestudentsfor lifeinthe21stcentury,tosucceedintheinformationage.
21stCenturySkills • Literature and Research into key 21st Century skills identify 4 Cs that are key for success in the information age. • Creativity • Collaboration • Communication • Critical Thinking
Whya1:1program? • Give students opportunities to personalise their learning • With 1:1 iPad access students can choose to collaborate, research, plan, create and present their work in a way that suits their learning needs. • AccesstoaniPadwheneverthelearningtaskrequires • Allowslearningthattakesplaceinschooltobeeasilysharedathome
Whya1:1program? • 1:1isaboutlearning rather thantechnology • 1:1isnotabouthaving alessononiPads but rather uses the iPad in everyday learning. • 1:1is abouthaving informationandtoolsatthefingertipsofstudentsandteacherswheneverthe learningtaskrequiresit. • StudentsseetheiPadastheir personallearningdevice.Theycansetituptosuittheirlearningneeds.
Whya1:1program? • NSW Government 2013 Literature Review ‘Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in Schools’found that in schools with BYOD/1:1 programs: • Evidence of improvements in standardised test results, particularly in Literacy and Writing. • Studentsin these programs had become more self-directed learners, were more engaged andmotivated,while teachers were shifting to more student centred practices.
WhyiPads? • Moststudentshavesome iPad/iPod/iPhoneexpertisefromhome • Quicktologon • Noloading timeofacomputer • Easier totroubleshoot • Widerangeofuserfriendlyapplications as well as the Microsoft Suite • Blocks most bugs/viruses from entering the school’s network as well as the students device • More reliable connection to the school network
iPadsaremobile… • Mobile:idealforinvestigatingandcollectingevidence • Classroomsreflecthowpeopleseek,learnandcreateinthemodernworld-weneedadevicetomatch • Provideseasyandregularaccesstocollaborative classspaces. ie- closed blogs and forums. • Doesn'tcrowddesks
Thepedagogybehindtheprogram • Aswecontinue to roll out the 1:1 iPad Program in 2017, as a school we are focused onensuringthetechnologyisusedinameaningfulway–notjustforthesakeofit.
FrequentlyAskedQuestions • How Much time will my child be spending on their iPad • at school? • TheiPadwillnotreplacepenandpaperactivities–thereisstillaneedfortraditionaltextsandwritingskills todayandinthefuture. • Rather than beingusedfor long periodsoftimeinclassthe iPads will be used more frequently for shorter amounts of time. • TheiPadisa tooltosupportactivelearning–studentswillalso learnusingawiderangeofmaterialsand resources.
FrequentlyAskedQuestions • How do we manage screen time at home? • At home we recommend that students use their iPad for no more than one hour a day. • At home iPads should be used in a shared space so use can be • monitored – never in their bedroom. • We recommend charging the iPad in a central spot and then lock them away over night. • Parent can manage use and place restriction on apps and content • by going into settings-general-restrictions.
FrequentlyAskedQuestions • How can my child be responsible for looking after an iPad each day? • At CHSS we have assessed procedures to continue to ensure this valuable tool is well looked after. Although incident free in the BYO iPad classes CHSS has carefully revised our current security procedures. • During breaks iPads will be secured in a locked cabinet in the locked classroom. Students are not permitted to take iPads to break. • iPads must come to school in tough protective cases and we strongly recommend insuring them
FrequentlyAskedQuestions BYO- Security, Insurance and Finance… • Please note that the school does not provide insurance coverage for the student-owned devices. While the BYO iPads will be stored securely, parents are encouraged to seek personal insurance. Check with your preferred insurance company (or even the iPad reseller) about your personal insurance at home and, to and from school for your iPad. Damage in transit… • All iPads will require a protective case when being transported. This will be an additional cost but is well worth the outlay as it is the best form of insurance for iPads and will often protect the device from impacts and accidents. An additional sleeve to place the iPad in cover in is also recommended. Damage at school… • All devices are monitored by teachers at school and rules are in place to prevent foreseeable problems and damage, however, from time to time, accidents may occur. If any damage to a device is through negligence of the school, the school will cover the cost of repair. If damage is caused by deliberate or careless actions of a student (owner or others), the costs of repair will be passed onto those involved and necessary behaviour consequences may apply. The decision around the responsibility for repair costs is at the discretion of the Principal.
FrequentlyAskedQuestions BYO and Finance • The CHSS 1:1 iPad Program in 2017 will be a BYO Program. Students who express an interest in being included in one of these classes will need to supply a personal iPad from home. At this stage the school is unable to enter into any finance arrangements with families for the iPads. • Any questions or concerns regarding this will be referred to the CHSS admin to organise a meeting for consultation. Product Purchase and Pricing • Apple offers special iPad and Mac pricing for students attending our school. This special pricing is available for purchases made at Apple Stores or via the Apple contact centre. If you are purchasing in-store or over the phone just let the Specialist know our school’s name. • Finance options are also available for purchases if you are purchasing at an Apple Store.
FrequentlyAskedQuestions • How will you keep students safe online? • The1:1programisa fantasticlearningopportunity totackleissuesofcybersafety and appropriateuseofICTs(using iBooks and authentic cybersafety teaching) • Weaimtoembedlonglastingsafepracticesofdigitaltechnology. • Ourschool’snetworkusesstateoftheartfilteringsoftwaretopreventaccessofinappropriatecontentthroughtheinternetorapps.
Purchase Suggestions If purchasing newrecommended: • Model: iPad Air 2, Wi-Fi, 32GB or more *If already purchased accepted models in 2017 include: iPad 4th Generation, Mini 2, 3 and 4, and iPad Air • Connection: WI-FI (if 4G then Sim must be removed when in school) • Case: is necessary – the tougher the better! • Screen protector
The2017Proposal • We aim to have at least one iPad class in every year level from P-6 across the school.
Reimagining Classrooms “We need technology in every classroom, and in every student and teacher’s hand because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” – David Warlick
Whatarethenextsteps? • Remember in order for you child/children to be considered for the iPad classes in 2017 you must either return the Expression of Interest form to the school office or complete the online Expression of Interest form @ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F87HN57 • RecommendedAppslistand the updated 2017 Charter willbe providedtoparentsbyendoftermsotheycandownload the Apps and read and sign the Charterforthestartoftheschoolyear.
FrequentlyAskedQuestions PleaselookoverourlistofFrequentlyAskedQuestionstoexplainthemainpointsof our1:1program. Thisis included in the handouts from this afternoons session AnyQuestions?