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Alcohol: A Whole Population Approach

This report explores the prevalence, affordability, and availability of alcohol, as well as its impact on health, attitudes, social norms, and societal costs. It also provides guidance on understanding alcohol units, problematic drinking, and stages of alcohol brief interventions. The report highlights the high levels of alcohol consumption in the UK, particularly in Scotland, and the under-reporting of actual consumption. It estimates the costs of alcohol-related issues and discusses the specific issues related to alcohol and older people. The report concludes with recommendations for reducing alcohol-related harm, focusing on affordability, sales, and awareness.

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Alcohol: A Whole Population Approach

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  1. April 2017 Alcohol ‘ A Whole Population Approach’ Insert Names here:

  2. Whole Population – What is covered? Trends in prevalence, affordability and availability Alcohol & ill health (alcohol-related deaths) Attitudes & Values Social norms Societal costs Understanding alcohol units and guidance Drinking definitions Problematic Drinking Alcohol & ill health (wider impact) Stages of an Alcohol Brief Intervention (ABI) Screening

  3. Attitudes & Values?

  4. Alcohol Consumption UK (1900-2010) Litres of pure alcohol consumption per capita in the UK, 1900-2010

  5. Consumption – Sales – Impacts • UK has high levels of alcohol consumption in context of Europe. Scotland purchases 20% more alcohol than the rest of the UK (that gap once being as high as 25%) with an increase in sales in 2014-2015 MESAS data (2016) • In 2015 alcohol off-sales account for 74% of all sales in Scotland. Average price for off-sales alcohol is £0.52 per unit (with more than half being sold under this. Average price for on-sales is £1.74 per unit. MESAS (2016) • Mismatch between sales and reported consumption (from Scottish Health Survey) so highly likely that actual consumption is under-reported • Cost to Scotland for alcohol-related issues estimated at £3.6 billion* p.a. Costs to Aberdeen estimated to be around £120 million p.a. (2010, based on 2007 data analysis) • Costs calculated incorporate health, lost economic productivity, crime and anti-social behaviour, accidents and premature deaths (taking into account wider effects of alcohol)

  6. Hazardous / Harmful Men (SHS 2014)

  7. Hazardous / Harmful Women (SHS 2014)

  8. Alcohol & Older People Alcohol intake could cause problems due to: • Reduced liver metabolism • Lower ratio of body water to fat • Negative (multiple) medication interactions • Decrease in other activities • Cognitive impairments interfering with self monitoring (under-reporting) • Instability, falls and accidents/injuries • Poorer nutrition • Low mood/depression (80-84 age group has UK’s highest suicide rate) – alcohol a linked factor in self-harm and suicide

  9. Alcohol & Older People • RCGP estimate that between 6-7% of over 60 year olds with problems do not get the treatment they require • However, within this age group individuals more likely to have mild dependence – and generally more motivated than younger age groups to change behaviour Recommendations: • Evidence suggests not drinking more than 1.5 units per day • Focus on whole person and relationship between ageing and alcohol (including role of family/carers) • Use of SMAST-G screening tool • Mental and physical examination • Provision of brief interventions

  10. Affordability & Sales Scotland: Affordability increased 45% between 1980 and 2007 and only a small drop off since (MESAS 2012) In sum, sales follow affordability Graph from: ONS Real Households Disposable Income UK (2015)

  11. Alcohol Related Deaths UK Men 1994-2015

  12. Alcohol Related Deaths UK Women 1994-2015

  13. Alcohol Related Deaths UK in Context Health Scotland (MESAS) 2014

  14. Alcohol Awareness Week (2008) Grampian The Usual Suspects ‘social norms’ survey with 1545 respondents • 95% aware of alcohol guidelines, with 26% (??) able to calculate units • Over-estimation of peer drinking 5.2 drinks to 7.9 drinks ‘estimated’ • 86% believed their alcohol consumption had no effect on work • 21% had reported being either late for or missing work • 27% reporting being subject to gossip or a loss of dignity • 41% experiencing memory loss • 48% experiencing regretful conversations or arguments • 16% had experienced anti-social behaviour, violence or theft • 32% experience of minor injuries • 2% had experience of a major accident • 19% experiencing regretful sex • 12% reported detriment to health • 46% under age of 35 with 20% of sample under age of 25 (students)

  15. Wine drinking on steady decrease in France Fall in consumption of wine is mirrored in other countries such as Spain and Italy In France - at dinner, wine is now the third most popular drink behind tap and bottled water with other non-alcoholic drinks catching up Change in policy France – higher value wines compared to cheap table wines Proportion of people who never drink wine at all has doubled to 38% Stronger enforcement of drink-driving rules in recent years – now must carry breathalyser kits in cars Overall consumption down over last 50 yrs but rise of “beuverie express” in younger age groups A “Continental” style of drinking?

  16. Low Risk Drinking Guidelines? Units Exercise!

  17. Drinking Definitions:

  18. SHS Knowledge Attitudes & Motivations Education, Education, Education ! Nationally 23% of men and 17% of women drink hazardously / harmfully (SHS 2015) Only 20% of men and 11% of women can accurately describe sensible drinking guidance. Those in older age groups had poorer recall of limits (SHS KAM 2011) Only 1 in 6 (17%) of both sexes could accurately describe daily guidance and upper limits (SHS KAM 2011) Only 38% of both sexes could recall familiarity with keeping alcohol-free days each week (SHS KAM 2011)

  19. Thornley Model – Problem Drinking Excessive regular consumption Dependence Intoxication A problem drinker falls within the perimeter of the circles. It is worth noting that problems, risks & harms can arise from intoxication alone.

  20. Health Issues – Body Map Exercise

  21. Body Map Exercise: Premature aging

  22. Medical Presentations

  23. Summary of Specific Health Risks Drinking above daily benchmarks: Raises blood pressure, risk of coronary heart disease Leads to incremental increase in risks of cancer (oral, breast, liver), liver disease Risk of psychological/emotional problems/depression, dementia (early on-set) and detrimental to mental wellbeing overall Increases risk of increased tolerance and dependency Poorer sleep patterns Increases calorific intake and resultant weight gain Increases risky sexual health behaviours Increases risk of hospital admission

  24. Alcohol & Hypertension • Regularly drinking alcohol progressively (dose dependent) increases the risk of developing hypertension • Drinking more than 3 alcohol drinks a day can increase the chance of developing hypertension in later life by up to 75% • Hypertension untreated significantly increases risk of stroke, heart disease and vascular dementia and chronic kidney disease • Most prevalent alcohol-related condition and most prevalent in over 35 age group • It is not the type but rather the volume of alcohol consumed that affects blood pressure • Alcohol is therefore one of the most preventable risk factors related to hypertension

  25. Alcohol & Cancer – Emerging Risks • Drinking alcohol, even within the limits of current advice on sensible drinking, may increase the risks of alcohol-attributable oral and pharyngeal cancers and cancer of the female breast • Drinking alcohol at levels higher than the guidelines for sensible consumption can increase the risk of cancer within the larynx,oesophagus, liver,colon and rectum • In 2010, alcohol was an attributable risk factor in approximately 7%, or 1948 new cases, of cancer in Scotland. Globally 21% of cancer deaths alcohol related • In the UK, 6% of breast cancer cases were directly attributable to alcohol consumption – 3,000 cases (2011-12)

  26. Dose/Response – Alcohol & Cancer Type

  27. Alcohol & Mental Wellbeing • Research shows alcohol misuse is related to the development of mental health problems – e.g. depression • Alcohol can actually increase stress and anxiety rather than reduce it through disturbing sleep, inducing feelings of lethargy and low mood and increasing anxiety in situations where someone would normally feel comfortable • Drinking often encourages risk-taking and is linked with self-harm and suicide (ideation and attempts) • It is common for people with a severe mental illness to also have alcohol problems. This may be due to issues around ‘self-medication’

  28. Alcohol & Dementia • Emerging evidence shows that frequent drinking in earlier adulthood increases risk of developing early-onset dementia such as Alzheimer’s (before age 65)* • This can outweigh considerations regarding family history, use of other drug types and wider health conditions • Brain capacity naturally diminishes with age but in men who regularly drink alcohol – their brains appear between 1.5 to 5.7 years older than healthier peers • In individuals with severe alcohol problems – a type of alcohol-related dementia – ‘Wernicke-Korsakoff’s Syndrome’ can present. This is often termed alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD) • Partial recovery is possible with abstention from alcohol and a healthier diet (including vitamin B1 doses)

  29. Alcohol & Calorific Value Strong correlation between alcohol and weight gain and contributor towards obesity. Weight maintenance in adulthood also strongly associated with reduced incidence of diabetes risk Alcohol is very high in sugar and therefore contains significant calorie content (7.1 kilocalories per gram) with only fat holding a higher energy value per gram. For adult consumers, alcohol provided on average – 8.7% and 6.9% of energy intake (19-64 years and 65 years and over respectively).* *National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2008/9 - 2010/11) conducted by the Department of Health and Food Standards Agency 

  30. Sexual Health Impact • STI transmission • Unintended pregnancy • Regretted sex • 76% of those aged under 30 attending Aberdeen City Clinic rated as hazardous drinkers using the FAST screening tool • In 40% of all rape and attempted rape offences it is assumed that alcohol is a key factor. (Scotland) • Many victims of sexual assault have been drinking prior to the event – leaving them in a very vulnerable situation.

  31. Directly Attributable Hospital Admissions in Context

  32. Trauma, Hospitals & Inequalities Alcohol is associated with 1 in 5 incidents of minor and moderate trauma, rising to 1 in 3 of all major traumas cases recorded in Scotland in 2013-14. There has been no significant change in the overall rate of alcohol involvement for all trauma patients between 2011 and 2012 (25%). (Scottish Trauma Audit Group STAG 2015)

  33. Hospital Admissions& Inequalities Admissions are more than five times as common in the most deprived areas of Scotland compared to the least (503.5 compared to 97.7 cases per 100,000). This had peaked as high as 7.6 times in the last 10 years. Figure 9.1 Alcohol related hospital admissions amongst those aged <75y by Income-Employment Index, Scotland 2013 (European Age-Standardised Rates per 100,000)

  34. Social Impact Alcohol Misuse • Physical violence – assault, serious assault, domestic abuse, sexual assault • Vandalism • Antisocial behaviour • Littering, noise and associated issues – perceived fear of above • Drink-driving – around 15% of all deaths in RTAs involve at least one driver over the limit. 4% of all RTAs involve at least one driver over the limit (5,710 in 2013) – now lowest UK figure on record (DfT 2015) • Impacts on mental health and wellbeing of others • AFS estimate 1 in 2 of Scots are affected by someone else’s drinking in some way

  35. Evidence Based Interventions?

  36. A Case for Minimum Unit Pricing?

  37. Alcohol – My Role? Intervention Pathway Basic Education, Information & Advice Resources & Tools Screening Brief (Motivational) Intervention Signposting Referral Assessment Treatment

  38. Screening Tools • Screening tools depend on self-reporting but many have been well validated: • AUDIT – Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test • Developed by the World Health Organisation and is the gold standard for sensitivity and specificity • Contains 10 questions – for some too long and/or too difficult to memorise – so a shortened version available: • FAST – abbreviated version of AUDIT contains 4 questions for use in Primary Care, A&E without significantly degrading validity

  39. Screening in Practice • Purpose: to judge when to discuss alcohol further with a patient • If you already know that there is an alcohol-related problem, you may not need to use a screening tool. However use of a screening tool can be part of assessing the severity of problem • Screening tools are designed to be highly sensitive to identifying risk and have been designed specifically for use in health settings

  40. Poikolainen et al (2007) identified the top 10% heaviest drinkers in their national sample... ...and then compared their outcomes to the remaining 90% of drinkers... The heaviest drinkers experienced 33% of hospital admissions, 22% of deaths, and 19% of life years lost before the age of 65 This group experienced 67% of hospital admissions, 78% of deaths, and 81% of life years lost before the age of 65 A small risk multiplied by a larger population can produce more cases than a greater risk multiplied by a much smaller population The “prevention paradox” 42

  41. Support & Information Alcohol & Drugs Action (ADA) 7 Hadden Street, AB11 6NU Helpline Tel: 01224 594700/ Text: 07927 192706 (7 Days) Email: helpline@drugsaction.co.ukwww.alcoholaberdeen.org.uk Office Tel: 01224 577120 Alcoholics Anonymous: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk Al-Anon Family Groups: www.al-anon.org.uk My Drinkaware (Alcohol Diary): www.drinkaware.co.uk Aberdeen City Alcohol & Drug Partnership: www.aberdeencityadp.org.uk Alcohol Information Scotland: www.drinksmarter.org/ Healthy Working Lives/Alcohol: www.healthyworkinglives.com NHS Alcohol & Units, Local Support: www.nhsgrampian.org/alcohol NHS Health Information Resources: www.nhsghpcat.org Tel: (01224) 558504

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