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Be Great Be Happy: A Simple Proven System to Rewire Your Thinking & Achieve Your Lifeu2019s Goals
GET FREE CHAPTERS A GROUNDBREAKING BOOK ABOUT POSITIVE THINKING AND GOAL ACHIEVEMENT - COMING SOON Be Great Be Happy: A Simple Proven System to Rewire Your Thinking & Achieve Your Life’s Goals Your complete step-by-step walkthrough on how to think like the most successful people on earth. Science-based strategies Clear actionable steps Lasting, life-changing results GET FREE LIFE CHANGING CHAPTERS 10 Things This Book Will Teach You Transform, Conquer, Achieve 1. Uncover 2 crucial mental X-factors employed by the top 1% in any ?eld 2. Transform negative thoughts & habits into positive action 3. Develop a super-achieving personality through tiny shifts in your thinking
4. Conquer internal fear & doubt blocking your life’s major goals 5. Cultivate a world-class level of self-con?dence 6. Decode the hidden Life Equation creating your failures, successes, and reality 7. Forge a goal-oriented personality that takes action instinctively 8. Accelerate your learning curve for any goal by 3-5x 9. Become capable of goals that are out of your league today 10. Chart a clear, repeatable path to your goals, diminishing the risk of quitting
Change Your Thinking - Change Your Life “Gile has been a true inspiration by the encouragement and positive motivation he has given me while struggling in my endeavors. I’ve been inspired by his leadership and con?dence he has displayed while coaching me. He’s helped me be more con?dent in the way I carry myself and in the many disciplines I participate in. Alfonso P. Learn 3 Mind-Altering Principles Grounded in Neuroscience Positive Immediate Action Positive Immediate Action revolutionizes your mindset, making you accountable for the energy of every thought, transforming negativity into goal-driven positivity. Harness the power of Brain Plasticity to reshape your neural pathways, making your
success the likely outcome. The Life Equation - How To Alter Your Destiny Master the hidden formula of life you unknowingly use to craft your daily reality! Make small, consistent tweaks to how you react to life's moments, and watch as these changes gradually build into transformative habits and thought patterns, reshaping your entire reality over time. The X-Factors Achieve excellence in any goal by mastering the two key X-Factors of success: an Unshakeable Belief System that fuels assertive action and a mindset harnessing Continual Focus that minimizes Skill Atrophy while maximizing daily Skill Growth. These are the unseen, powerful forces that distinguish excellent from average.
Adventure Awaits Embark on an exhilarating journey with Bryan Gile’s transformative masterpiece, “Be Great Be Happy.” Blending science-backed strategies with thrilling anecdotes of conquering French mountain tops, shattering career milestones, and setting skydiving World Records, this guide is the key to unlocking your Unlimited Potential. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of a seasoned expert, reshaping your perspectives on success, con?dence, and goal achievement. Whether you’re aiming for personal triumphs or organizational rede?nition, this book about positive thinking equips you with essential tools to turn your thoughts into immediate action. Join the league of those who dream big, reach high, and set higher goals as they unleash their greatness. Ready to dive into a book that changes your life? Grab your copy and set sail on a captivating journey with “Be Great Be Happy” today! Get Life Changing Chapters And Be Noti?ed About The Book Preorder Date First Name Email Address SIGN UP By submitting your email address and opting in, you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms of Service.
The Sky Is Not The Limit Meet The Author Bryan Gile Gile is a 4x World Record-holding professional skydiving athlete with 12,000 skydives, a seasoned global traveler having lived in 7 distinct locations around the world, a speaker of Spanish, Portuguese, & French, a yogi, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, surfer, and accomplished entrepreneur. As the former Director of North American Sales for Surf Lakes International (2020-2023), he brings a decade-long track record of world-class success in multiple areas of life. His writing journey stems from a desire to share the
systems of thought developed in Be Great Be Happy that turned his biggest weaknesses into his biggest strengths allowing him the life of goal achievement he always desired. This narrative not only invites readers to explore an exciting book about positive thinking but also offers a personal testament to the power of 3 great positive thinking techniques and the transformational mantra. Get ready to change your thinking and change your life. “This book is great for those who want to start creating steps toward the big goals they thought would only be dreams in life.” Amanda W. Expert Writer and Editor FAQs What speci?c science-based strategies does the book offer for fostering positive thinking? How does the book propose to 'rewire' the brain to think like successful individuals? What are some examples of the actionable steps provided in the book? Can the book's methods be applied to various life goals, both personal and professional? How does the book de?ne and teach the concept of 'Positive Immediate Action'?
What kind of anecdotes and personal experiences does the author share, and how do they relate to the book's main themes? What quali?cations and experiences does Bryan Gile have that contribute to his credibility on the subject? How does the book integrate principles from biology, psychology, and neuroscience, and are these explanations accessible to a layperson? Can the strategies in the book help with speci?c challenges like quitting smoking, weight loss, and stress management? What does the book describe as the process of building a 'looped system of thinking' and how does this contribute to achieving high-level goals? Change Your Thinking And Become A better Version Of You Today Sign up to get FREE life changing chapters GET FREE CHAPTERS