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Integrating Marzano’s Essential 9 Teaching Strategies with Technology

Integrating Marzano’s Essential 9 Teaching Strategies with Technology. Research. Robert Marzano, Debra Pickering, Jane Pollock, Classroom Instruction That Works

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Integrating Marzano’s Essential 9 Teaching Strategies with Technology

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  1. Integrating Marzano’s Essential 9 Teaching Strategies with Technology

  2. Research • Robert Marzano, Debra Pickering, Jane Pollock, Classroom Instruction That Works • Identified nine instructional strategies that are most likely to improve student achievement across all content areas and across all grade levels

  3. 1. Identifying Similarities and Differences -Comparing similarities and differences -Classifying grouping things that are alike -Metaphors comparing two unlike things -Analogies identifying relationships between pairs of concepts

  4. Examples • Inspiration Software • Venn Diagrams • Comparison Matrix • Core Adopted Curriculum • Foss Science, Scott Foresman Houghton Mifflin • Curriculum Companion • Graphic organizers, PPT and coming soon Promethean Flip Charts

  5. 2. Summarizing & Note-taking • Note taking and summarizing are closely related. Both • require students to identify what is most important about • the knowledge they are learning and then state that • knowledge in their own words.

  6. Examples • Word processing software for note-taking • Blogging and sharing notes and ideas • Inspiration, Kidspiration or KidPix to create outline templates • Cornell note templates (AVID)

  7. 3. Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Students who were taught about the relationship between effort and achievement increased their achievement more than students who were taught techniques for time management and comprehension of new material.

  8. Examples • Email: Teachers can send positive notes to parents and students • Teacher Webpages for posting student work • Word processing software to create awards and certificates

  9. 4. Homework and PracticeBoth homework and practice give students opportunities to deepen their understanding and proficiency with the content they are learning.

  10. Examples • Teacher Webpages (SchoolWorld) for posting homework assignments • Presentation Software (PPT, and Flipcharts) to present concepts and provide practice • Online Resources: Educational links to support instruction, Online Assessment www.sanjuan.edu/curriculumresources www.nettrekker.com

  11. 5. Non-linguistic Representations Teachers typically present new information to students verbally. Engaging students in creating visual representations stimulates and increases activity in the brain.

  12. Examples Graphic Organizers Kidspiration Inspiration Interactive White Boards

  13. 6. Cooperative Learning • Organizing students into cooperative groups yields a positive effect on overall learning if approach is systematic and consistent.

  14. Examples • Online collaboration resources: • Google Docs/Spreadsheets • Gliffy • Bernie Dodge’s WebQuest Page • Google: type in online educational collaboration projects

  15. 7. Setting Objectives and Providing FeedbackStudents learn more efficiently when they know the goals and objectives of a specific lesson or learning activity.

  16. Examples • Student response tools such as ActiveVotes to provide immediate feedback • Word processing software can be used to create rubrics • Online resources such as Rubistar to create rubrics

  17. 8. Generating and Testing HypothesesGenerating and testing hypotheses involves the application of knowledge, which enhances learning

  18. Examples • Online Games, Video Games • Inspiration/Kidspiration

  19. 9. Cues, Questions, & Advanced Organizers Cues: Explicit reminders about what a student is about t experienceQuestions: Help students analyze what they already know Advance Organizers: Help students retrieve what they know about a topic and focus on the new information

  20. Examples • KWL Charts • Inspiration Templates • Advanced Organizers Using Microsoft Office

  21. Percentile Gains on Standardized Tests

  22. References • Robert Marzano, Debra Pickering, Jane Pollock,Classroom Instruction That Works • Howard Pitler, Elizabeth Hubbell, Matt Kuhn, Kim Malenoski, Using Technology With Classroom Instruction That Works • Sherri Hiller, Putting the Pieces Together, http://gets.gc.k12.va.us/VSTE/2008/,

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