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Ian Birks CEO – AIIA i.birks@aiia.com.au. Shaping the image of the information industry. 2009 Strategy. Industry growth. Workforce. A thriving, sustainable & influential information industry . Industry leadership & influence. Exceptional value for members. Infrastructure.
Ian Birks CEO – AIIA i.birks@aiia.com.au
Shaping the image of the information industry 2009 Strategy Industry growth Workforce A thriving, sustainable & influential information industry Industry leadership & influence Exceptional value for members Infrastructure Shaping the business environment Delivering effective programs & offerings Environmental sustainability
2009 Key issues • NBN / Digital Economy • ICT industry = engine room • Fed Govt industry engagement • Gershon • Transformative Govt delivery • IT Industry Innovation Council • Sustainability • Datacenters/Cloud • APDIS – Melbourne Dec 2009 • Workforce • AIIA membership
AIIA Workforce Policy Position AIIA believes that Australia faces a critical position in its ability to continue to benefit from improved technology-driven productivity dividends as a result of the growing mismatch between market demands and available workforce supply. • AIIA believes that Australia needs a world-class, nationally consistent, and business-aligned education system, which generates the required number of ICT graduates and technicians with appropriate skillsets to meet current and future market requirements. • AIIA calls on the Federal Government to ensure that Australia has an internationally competitive skilled migration program that encourages people with required ICT skills/qualifications to migrate to Australia. • AIIA believes that Federal and State governments, employers of ICT workers and ICT specialists themselves need to be encouraged through programmes and initiatives to constantly maintain and develop their skillsets to lift the capability levels of the current workforce. • AIIA believes in active encouragement of an ICT workforce that is diverse in terms of age, gender and ethnicity. • AIIA believes awareness needs to be raised and incentives provided for individuals who want to join the ICT workforce to attract individuals from non-ICT jobs and industries into the ICT industry .
AIIA National Workforce Taskforce • 2009 National Board Directors: • National Leader – Peter Kazacos (PKBA) plus national directors Glen Boreham (IBM), Nerida Caesar (Telstra), Tom Stianos (SMS), Alan Noble (Google). • 2009 State committee contacts: • ACT (Dirk Klein), NSW (Chris Murphy), NT (TBA), QLD (Jill Price), SA (Glenn Fawcett), VIC (Jill Noble), WA (Michael Horton) • AIIA Executive • Michel Hedley (Primary Policy Officer), supported by Ian Birks • Ongoing Taskforce coordination • Quarterly teleconferences with AIIA branch contacts • Special calls for National ICT Careers Week coordination • Taskforce reporting • High level summary to each Board report • Constantly maintained progress report against target actions • State representatives report to their committees.
Our 2009 goals • Goal 1: Advocate the need for a strong ICT workforce to Australian Governments and major stakeholder groups • Goal 2: Drive and facilitate support for ICT study and career attractiveness campaigns and promotions • Goal 3: Lead the Industry Leadership Group to achieve widespread engagement by key groups in ICT workforce actions, issues and reactions • Goal 4: Provide guidance and leadership to the ICT education providers regarding the particular skills and occupation requirements that the industry needs • Goal 5: Campaign for the development and introduction of better means of forecasting demand for, and supply of, ICT labour. • Goal 6: Coordinate AIIA’s workforce groups to exchange information and develop internal contacts • Run a new high-profile ICT Careers Day (virtual?) nationally before Uni/TAFE close out dates in August. • Seek to create a new national ICT careers portal. • Turnaround the decline in ICT course enrolments • Re-energise & restructure ICT course agendas through industry involvement. • Better insights into what impacts ICT career choices. • Build deeper government support for our programmes. • Develop cross industry plan to re-training and re-skilling. • Better modelling of ICT supply/demand patterns.
Discussion for the ICT Council of Deans • Shifting trends of domestic ICT professionals • Low-level software development decreasing • High-level software development in demand • High-level business analysts in demand • Industry-Based Learning approach • Overall, our members are critical of current ICT course structures and want to work with you for change: • Generally, less focus on traditional software development course structures(with a Research exception) • More focus on ICT portfolio management and services capabilities and more linked to business/technology intersection. • ICT industry gurus group to work with the education sector representatives to look for opportunities to re-vitalise and re-focus the ICT course spectrum • Industry leadership group or similar – effective engagement needed.
Question for today? • What are the 3 target items that ICT industry (AIIA plus?) can work with ACDICT on achieving in the next 12 months?