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Ingham County/City of Lansing Community Coalition for Youth

In collaboration with the Ingham Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition and Public Policy Associates. Ingham County/City of Lansing Community Coalition for Youth. Preventing Delinquency: What’s Happening with At Risk Youth in Ingham County? May 31, 2007. Welcome. Agenda

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Ingham County/City of Lansing Community Coalition for Youth

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  1. In collaboration with the Ingham Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition and Public Policy Associates Ingham County/City of Lansing Community Coalition for Youth Preventing Delinquency: What’s Happening with At Risk Youth in Ingham County? May 31, 2007

  2. Welcome Agenda • 12:15 – 1:45 Broad Overview Introductions Where Are We Now Where Do We Go From Here • 1:45 – 2:00 Break • 2:00 – 3:30 Youth Risk Factor Data • 3:30 – 4:00 Agencies Providing Protective Factors • 4:00 – 4:30 Closing Community Coalition for Youth

  3. Presenters • Community Coalition for Youth • Ruth Hill-Schorsch • Elizabeth Schrock • Ingham Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition • Micki Fuhrman • Lansing Teen Court • Mike Botke • Lansing School District Restorative Justice Program • Nancy Schertzing • Public Policy Associates • Jeffrey Padden • Paul Elam • Virginia Beard Community Coalition for Youth

  4. Funders • Michigan Department of Human Services, Bureau of Juvenile Justice • City of Lansing Community Coalition for Youth

  5. $375,000 3 Year Comprehensive Strategies Implementation Grant Michigan Department of Human Services Juvenile Justice Grant Unit City of Lansing Focus of the grant is data collection strategies focusing on youth in Ingham County Comprehensive Strategies Grant Community Coalition for Youth

  6. Community Coalition for Youth History • Established in 1994 as a collaborative effort by the Mayor of Lansing and the Ingham County Board of Commissioners • Focus on planning, implementation, and coordination of services aimed at reducing violence by and toward children • Serves as an advisory body to the Board of Commissioners • Diverse membership Community Coalition for Youth

  7. CCY Membership - Past and Present Ingham County Health DepartmentIngham County HSACIngham County MSU Extension*Ingham County Parks and Recreation*Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office*Ingham County Sheriff's Office*Ingham County Youth Commission*Ingham Intermediate School District*Lansing Neighborhood Council*Lansing Police Department*Lansing School District*Lansing Teen Court*League of Women VotersLocal Businesses Lutheran Social Services*Mason School District*Mediation Management Services*Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency*Mid South Substance Abuse Commission*Parents/citizens*Power of We Consortium*St. Vincent Catholic Charities*WKAR Association for Children's Mental Health*Baker Donora Focus Center*Capital Area United Way* Central Michigan Dispute Resolution Center* Child & Family Services* Child Abuse Prevention Services* City of East Lansing City of Lansing* Community Mental Health* Cristo Rey Community Center*Department of Human Services*Diocese of Lansing Eaton Intermediate School District* Girl Scouts* Highfields, Inc.* Holt School District* Ingham Counseling Center* Ingham County 4-H* Ingham County Circuit Court* Ingham County Commissioners* Ingham County Family Court* Ingham County Family Independence Agency* Community Coalition for Youth *Indicates Current Members

  8. Mission Statement • To facilitate and coordinate the development and implementation of data-driven, comprehensive, community-wide programs in a full continuum of care for all youth in Ingham County. Community Coalition for Youth

  9. Program Accomplishments2000-2007 • The Comprehensive Strategy Implementation (Title II Grant) • Community Based Delinquency Prevention Programs (Title V Grant) • Implemented Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) Programming • Disproportionate Minority Confinement (DMC) Curriculum and Implementation • Anti-Violence Media Campaign • Advisory to the Ingham County Board of Commissioners • Lansing School District Before and After School Program (Title II Grant) Community Coalition for Youth

  10. Initial Comprehensive Strategy Data Limitations (2001) • Information sharing between juvenile justice serving agencies is limited, if at all; • Characteristics measured by each agency differ; and • The information collected is not always useful for knowledge formation or available in aggregate. Community Coalition for Youth

  11. 2001 CCY Data Collection Recommendations • Recommendation One: Data should be generated based on a consistent set of factors and should be publicly available in aggregated form. • Recommendation Two: Examine and report to appropriate system and agency representatives the extent to which objective standards are used for decision making in systems that monitor, treat, or otherwise pertain to youth. • Recommendation Three: Conduct outreach efforts to ensure that collected information on Ingham County’s risk factors reaches community groups who are monitoring and building youths’ assets. • Recommendation Four: Initiate efforts to merge risk reduction and asset building approaches. Community Coalition for Youth

  12. Ingham Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (ISAP) • Founded in 2004, a formalized, multi-sector, county-wide coalition with representation from multiple sectors throughout Ingham County • Funded by Mid-South Substance Abuse Commission • Strong link between substance abuse and criminal activity Community Coalition for Youth

  13. Vision To bring effective prevention services to our community through comprehensive collaboration. ISAP will coordinate, plan, develop and evaluate a comprehensive countywide strategy that addresses locally determined risk and protective factors and to achieve changes in substance use behaviors prioritized by our county. Community Coalition for Youth

  14. Mission To reduce substance abuse and it’s related consequences and stigma. Community Coalition for Youth

  15. ISAP Participation Ingham County has successfully convened a wide variety of stakeholders fro around the county with 24 active and voting members and 26 participating non-voting members in Health, Human Services, Courts, Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment providers, schools, city and county governments and law enforcement. Community Coalition for Youth

  16. Where We Are Now Community Coalition for Youth

  17. How the data is collected • Contact is identified at each agency • Data is sent to the Data Collection Coordinator (DCC) monthly • Data is entered or transferred onto a standard CCY data report card • DCC provides Public Policy Associates with data report card for analysis • Public Policy Associates looks at key trends Community Coalition for Youth

  18. Data Partners • Lansing Police Department • Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office • Ingham Intermediate School District • Community Mental Health/CEI • Lansing School District Restorative Justice Program • Lansing Teen Court • Michigan Department of Human Services • Highfields, Inc. Community Coalition for Youth

  19. ISAP/CCY Collaboration • Same risk/protective model for collecting data • Provided data from additional community partners • Overlap in membership and data partners • Provides a holistic view of youth behavior in the county Community Coalition for Youth

  20. Prevention Needs Assessment Survey (PNA) • Surveyed 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students • 90% of schools in Ingham county participated • Total of 7269 responses • Data report includes PNA, archival, law enforcement, and other data. Community Coalition for Youth

  21. Significant Delinquency Findings Community Coalition for Youth

  22. Community Coalition for Youth Community Coalition for Youth

  23. Data Partners • Lansing Police Department: Juvenile ArrestsJanuary – December 2006; Number of Youth: 440 • Prosecutor’s Office: Juvenile PetitionsJanuary – December 2006; Number of Youth: 574 • Teen Court: Referrals for DiversionJanuary – December 2006; Number of Youth: 202 Community Coalition for Youth

  24. Calendar Year 2006 Juvenile Arrests: Ages 9-19Breakdown of Crime Type Number of youth=440 Community Coalition for Youth

  25. Lansing Police Department Summary Number of youth=440 • Arrests:Theft (16%); Violence/Assault (13%); Trespassing (12%) • Age: Ages 13-17 (96%); Largest group = 16 (35%) • Ethnicity: African American(70%) • Gender: Male (77%) • Zip Code: 48911 (29%); 48910 (19%); 48906 (18%) Community Coalition for Youth

  26. Residence of Delinquent Youth • 48911 – Southwest Lansing • 48910 – Southeast Side of Lansing • 48906 – Northwest Lansing 18% 19% Source: Lansing Police Department 29% Community Coalition for Youth

  27. Calendar Year 2006 Juvenile Petitions, Ages 9-16Breakdown of Crime Type Number of youth=574 Community Coalition for Youth

  28. Prosecutor’s Office SummaryNumber of youth=574 • Petitions: Drug charges (21%), Theft (20%) • Age: 16 years old (37%) • Ethnicity: African American (48%) • Gender: Male (82%) • Zip Code: 48906 (30%); 48910 (23%) Source: Prosecutor’s Office Community Coalition for Youth

  29. Residence of Delinquent Youth • 48910 – Southeast Side of Lansing • 48906 – Northwest Lansing 30% 23% Source: Prosecutor’s Office Community Coalition for Youth

  30. Calendar Year 2006, Pre-Adjudicated Youth, Ages 10-16Breakdown of Crime Type Number of Youth=202 Community Coalition for Youth

  31. Teen Court Summary Number of youth=202 • Referrals for Diversion: Theft crimes (41%), Assault/battery (14%) and Drug charges (13%) • Age: 16 years old (34%); 15 years old (25%) • Ethnicity: Caucasian (52%); African American (35%) • Gender: Male (64%) • Zip Code: 48911 (21%);48910 (13%) Source: Teen Court Community Coalition for Youth

  32. Residence of Delinquent Youth • 48911 – Southwest Lansing • 48910 – Southeast Side of Lansing 17% 23% Source: Teen Court Community Coalition for Youth

  33. Overall • Age: Largest group involved in delinquent behavior across these agencies are 16. • Ethnicity: Both African American and Caucasian youth are substantially represented in the delinquency data. • Gender: Most are male, though depending on the delinquent act, women are represented (arrested as runaways, break curfew; prosecuted for truancy; referred to teen court for assault/battery and MIP tickets). • ZipCode: 48906, 48910, 48911. Community Coalition for Youth

  34. Most Concentrated Delinquency by Resident Zip Codes Boxed areas are those from which majority of cases are from across all three agencies Community Coalition for Youth

  35. Most Concentrated Delinquency by Resident Zip Codes Boxed areas are those from which majority of cases are from across all three agencies Community Coalition for Youth

  36. Additional Variables for Consideration • Time of day/week(after school, weekend, etc…) • Group or individual crimes (gang, isolated) • Type of delinquent(1st time or habitual) • Location of crime by zip code Community Coalition for Youth

  37. Ingham Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Community Coalition for Youth

  38. Brief Data Summary – ISAP • Sample Size of 1650, 12th grade students • 50% in 12th grade have used alcohol within the last 30 days, an indicator of current use. • 30% of 12th grade students report binge drinking—5 or more drinks in a row during the two weeks prior to the survey. • 6th grade=5%, 8th grade=10%, 10th grade=30% and 12th grade = 50% use within last 30 days. Community Coalition for Youth

  39. ISAP data • Percentage of youth at high risk: • 6th grade, having 8 or more risk factors—50% • 8th grade,having 10 or more risk factors—38% • 10th grade, having 11 or more risk factors—42% • 12th grade, having 11 or more risk factors—48% Community Coalition for Youth

  40. ISAP data • Parental attitudes favorable to Anti Social Behavior and drug use increase by grade level. (Youth Perception of parent’s attitudes). • 6th grade—ASB, 35% • 8th grade—ASB, 35% • 10th grade—ASB, 50% • 12th grade—ASB, 40% Anti-Social behavior is defined as violence or ATOD use. Community Coalition for Youth

  41. Where do we go from here? Community Coalition for Youth

  42. Where do we go from here? Why is continued data collection so important? • Beginning of a long-term process, working to establish collaboration and relationships between agencies • With declining prevention dollars, important to use dollars wisely, to avoid duplication, and target effective, evidence-based outcome programming. • Data collection monitors progress with programming and determines areas of most need. Community Coalition for Youth

  43. Recruiting Data Partners • Providing a complete picture of the community • Providing the capacity for agencies that are currently not able to assess the impact of their services Community Coalition for Youth

  44. Funding • This project has been funded by the Juvenile Justice Grant department of the Department of Human servicesthrough a 3 year $310,000 grant. • The Community Coalition for Youth sees the comprehensive strategies project as a key initiative and aims to continue and expand this project • If you believe this work is valuable, then we need to find the resources to continue it Community Coalition for Youth

  45. Questions and Answers Community Coalition for Youth

  46. Break 1:50pm – 2:00pm Community Coalition for Youth

  47. Ingham County Risk Factor Data Community Coalition for Youth

  48. Mental Health Data Community Coalition for Youth

  49. Substance Abuse Data Community Coalition for Youth

  50. Substance Abuse Data Alcohol use—Binge Drinking 6th grade—3.6% 8th grade—7.8 % 10th grade—18% 12th grade—30.2 Remember, binge drinking is defined as 5 or more drinks in a row during the 2 weeks prior to the survey. Community Coalition for Youth

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