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Dec. 14, 2018

Dec. 14, 2018. Do Now: Why is it important to make sure that you are getting a proper/well-balanced diet? Obj: Understand why the body needs nutrients and identify factors that influence food choices. Read and take notes on Chapter 10 Lessons 1 & 2. Dec. 17, 2018.

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Dec. 14, 2018

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  1. Dec. 14, 2018 • Do Now: Why is it important to make sure that you are getting a proper/well-balanced diet? • Obj: Understand why the body needs nutrients and identify factors that influence food choices. • Read and take notes on Chapter 10 Lessons 1 & 2

  2. Dec. 17, 2018 Do Now: Why do we as teachers stress the importance of healthy eating and other healthy behaviors? Obj: Understand what calories are and how they affect the body

  3. Nutrition

  4. Nutrients • Nutrients: substances in food that your body needs • Provide energy • Help your body to run smoothly • Nutrition: the study of nutrients and how the body uses them • Six nutrients are carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals and water

  5. Influences on food choices • Family and culture • Peer pressure • Availability • Convenience • Advertising • Knowledge of nutrition

  6. Appetite versus hunger • Appetite: psychological desire for food • Want not need • Hunger: body’s physical need for food • Emotions can influence a person’s food choices

  7. January 2, 2019 • Do Now: What is a calorie? And what does it do for you? • Obj: LWDAT understand what calories are and how they affect the body

  8. 6 Nutrients • Carbohydrates • Provides the body with the most of its energy • Sugar (simple): short burst of energy • Starches (complex): give long lasting energy • Fiber: parts of fruits, vegetables, grains and bean that your body cannot digest • Protein • Needed to build, repair and maintain body cells & tissue (muscle) • Amino acids: chemical building blocks that make protein

  9. Fats • Fats: promote healthy skin, normal cell growth and carry vitamins • Source of energy and are essential for vital body functions • Cushion organs • Carries fat-soluble vitamins • Saturated fats • Fats that are solid at room temperature • Not good for your health • Unsaturated fats • Fats that remain liquids at room temperature • Cholesterol • Waxy, fat-like substances that the body uses to build cells and make other substances • HDL: “good” – protects against heart disease • LDL: “bad” – sticks to the walls of the blood vessels, which leads to heart disease

  10. January 3, 2019 • Do Now: Why do you think that they have changed the food guide pyramid several times in the last 10 years? • Obj: LWDAT understand what calories are and how they affect the body

  11. 6 Nutrients • Vitamins • Helps to regulate body functions, fight infections and helps to process other nutrients • Water-soluble vitamins: breaks down in water • Need to get these vitamins everyday • Ex: vitamin C • Fat-soluble vitamins: breaks down in fat • can be stored by the body until needed • Ex: vitamin A & D • Minerals • Elements needed in small quantities for sturdy bones and teeth, healthy blood and elimination processes

  12. 6 Nutrients • Water • Most common nutrient • Carries other nutrients the body needs • Helps digestion • Removes waste from the body • Lubricates the joints • Replace with at least 6 – 8 ounce cups of fluid a day

  13. Key Terms Nutrient Density: foods that contain large amounts of nutrients, relative to the number of calories they provide Empty calories: calories with little to no nutrients received Nutrient deficiency: a shortage of nutrients (not getting enough of a particular nutrient(s))

  14. Key Terms: Calories Calorie: Unit of heat (energy) Measure of energy available in food Measure of the energy your body uses There are 3,500 calories in 1 pound

  15. Food Guide Pyramid: guide to daily food choices from 5 groups of healthy foods • Grains, fruits, vegetable protein and dairy • The food guide pyramid has change 2 times since 2005 • Serving: a single portion of food

  16. Before 2005

  17. My Pyramid 2005 – 2011

  18. My Plate 2011

  19. Food Labels Food Labels give us important information about the foods we eat Pay attention to the serving size, especially how many servings there are in the food package. Then ask yourself, "How many servings am I consuming"? (e.g., 1/2 serving, 1 serving, or more)

  20. Food Labels

  21. Food Labels

  22. Food Labels

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