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The Mission and Vision of Southern Region Headquarters

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The Mission and Vision of Southern Region Headquarters

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    1. National Hydrologic Program Managers Conference Kansas City, MO July 2007 The Mission and Vision of Southern Region Headquarters

    3. What’s New at SRH Completed functional realignment Established Senior Leadership Team Renewing emphasis on communication Tackling “hot” issues collaboratively Making attempts at goal-setting Re-emphasizing “partnerology”

    4. What’s Hot at SRH Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) Mission-Oriented IT Alignment (MOITA) Regional collaboration Tropical event support Backup issues Reporting issues Establishing playbooks Drought episode support DGT implementation “Partnerology” Identification Requirements AHPS reliability Front-end delivery issues H-VTEC issues

    6. OSD (formerly CWWD) Mission Primary mission is two-fold... To provide quality customer support to our field offices regarding programmatic (operational) policy and issues. To identify service requirements for subsequent prototyping and operational implementation.

    7. OSD Structure Climate Services Branch (CSB) Hydrologic Services Branch (HSB) Meteorological Services Branch (MSB)

    8. OSD’s Strategic Niche

    9. OSD Strategic Plan Improve communication, both internally (within SRH) and externally (with customers and partners). Transition to a support mode that promotes increased effectiveness, efficiency, and relevance, and realigns with the agency’s move toward an emphasis on high impact services. Better integrate OSD support services with other organizational units across SRH. Enrich the skill sets of the OSD staff commensurate with the quality and type of support services they are expected to provide their customers and partners. Provide a higher quality of and more creative work environment for the OSD staff.

    10. Possible Service Priorities – FY08 Support a more effective short-term warning program More specific information – temporally and spatially Leveraging of new dissemination technologies Instant storm updates Probabilistic warnings Warn-on-Forecast (extending warnings to 0-6 hr period) Provide better analysis and monitoring tools (increased situational awareness) Increase automation and standardization of digital services Work toward verification of grids and high impact events Move toward “training like we fight” Integrate NWS information with that of our partners to assist their decision-making (put into useable formats and displays) Provide an agency supported decision support service for core partners

    12. Budget Process - Overview Divisions operate like an office (WFO and RFC) Division budget request is submitted for “core” activities (travel, supplies, training, special projects) Divisions don’t hold surplus funds for the offices – front office might Field offices submit their budget requests, taking into account projected special activities (doesn’t mean you’ll get extra funding) Funds dispensed to the maximum amount possible

    13. Budget Process – Funding Draws Lower than projected labor lapse Excessive overtime (active weather) More than projected PCS expenditures Unexpected or carried-over utility expenditures Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) BLAST program

    14. Hydro Budget Emphasis Training – workshops, conferences, meetings RFC backup system Field equipment to support the program GIS support AHPS support Special projects... Core partnership enhancement project Future services “brainstorming”

    15. NOAA Regional Collaboration About 40% of an RD’s performance rating Intent is to integrate NOAA products and services regionally to better serve customer needs Involves four specific areas of focus: Hazard resilient coastal communities Integrated ecosystem assessments Integrated water resource services (big hydro emphasis here) Outreach and communication Framework comprised of eight regions (Gulf of Mexico Region led by Buck Sutter, NMFS) Priority Area Team Lead for integrated water resource services is Gary Carter Developing a collaborative objective with Central Region under integrated water resource services

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