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Windows CE SDK

Windows CE .net SDK Miro Juric Software Design Engineer/Test Microsoft Introduction Overview of UPnP support in Windows CE (device side) Overview of UPNP support in Windows CE (control point side) IPv6 support Windows CE support for UPnP Internet Gateway Device – Demo Q/A

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Windows CE SDK

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  1. Windows CE .net SDK Miro Juric Software Design Engineer/Test Microsoft

  2. Introduction • Overview of UPnP support in Windows CE (device side) • Overview of UPNP support in Windows CE (control point side) • IPv6 support • Windows CE support for UPnP Internet Gateway Device – Demo • Q/A

  3. UPnP support on CE • Device hosting APIs • Allow implementation of UPnP devices • COM (primary SDK API) • C ( available to OEMs) • Control point APIs • Discovery and control of remote devices • COM • Bridging • Expose non-UPnP devices as UPnP • No special support required

  4. IUpnpDeviceFinder IUPnPRegistrar Device hosting COM layer Control Point COM layer App IUpnpDevice IUpnpService IUPnPEventSink Device API Control Point API UPNP C API WININET Callback Device IOCTL Device.exe HTTPD Web Server UPNP SERVICE ISAPI extn Eventing (GENA) SSDP UPnP architecture on CE

  5. UPnP Device Host • Infrastructure that simplifies building UPnP devices and bridges on Windows® • Allows hosting of multiple devices

  6. What does the device host infrastructure do? • Announces presence of registered devices • Renews the advertisements automatically • Responds to search requests as well • Responds to requests for device/service descriptions • Invokes actions requested by control points on services • Handles eventing • Accepts subscription requests • Maintains the list of subscribers per service • Sends events to all the subscribers

  7. So what does the hosted device implement? • IUPnPDeviceControl • Is the device manager for contained services and devices • A service object per hosted service. For each service object, implement the following: • IDispatch • Service exposes a dispatch interface for its exposed actions and state variables • IUPnPEventSource [Optional] • Service implements this interface to send state variable changes to the device host infrastructure • Device host infrastructure takes care of everything else!

  8. UPnP device hosting (COM) • Need a XML device description template • Need a SCPD XML file for each service • Implement a COM object exposing IUPnPDeviceControl • Implement a Dispatch interface for each service • Call IUPnPRegisterRunningDevice to publish the device

  9. UPnP Device Hosting (COM) Device Implementation UPnP COM Device Hosting Layer Device Description Template .xml IUPnPDeviceControl IUPnPRegistrar Service 2 Service 1 implementation IDispatch Scpd2.xml IUPnPEventSource Scpd1.xml IUPnPEventSink

  10. UPnP Device Hosting (COM) • IUPnPDeviceControl is the top level interface to your device • Initialize( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrXMLDesc, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrDeviceIdentifier, // device to Init (RegisterDevice) /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrInitString); //identifies the init string specific to device • GetServiceObject( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrUDN, // Device UDN /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrServiceId, // Service ID for which to obtain pointer /*[out, retval]*/ IDispatch ** ppdispService); //Idispatch pointer to service object • Each service object exposes IDispatch and IUPnPEventSource • IDispatch is invoked for every control request • IUPnPEventSourceis used for outbound event notifications when a state variable changes

  11. Eventing • To support eventing, a service object implements IUPnPEventSource • Interface has two methods: • Advise • Device host calls this method and gives the service object a pointer to an IUPnPEventSink interface • This gives the service object a way to pass back state changes to device host • Unadvise • Device host calls this method to tear down eventing • To send an event • Service calls IUPnPEventSink::OnStateChanged with a list of dispids for state variables that have changed • Device host queries the dispids, gets the changed values and sends an event to the subscribers

  12. Device Registration • Device Host generates the appropriate URLs in the device description template • Device Host replaces UDNs in the device description template with globally unique identifiers • Allows the device to be registered on multiple machines using the same template • Allows the device to be registered on the same machine multiple times using the same template • Identifier passed back that allows a device to be unregistered

  13. UPnP Device Hosting (COM) • Use UPnPRegistrar object to publish your device • RegisterDevice ( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrXMLDesc, /* [in] */ BSTR bstrProgIDDeviceControlClass, … /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrDeviceIdentifier); Registers the device to run in context of device host – persists across sys boots • RegisterRunningDevice ( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrXMLDesc, /* [in] */ IUnknown *punkDeviceControl, // IUPnPDeviceControl … /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrDeviceIdentifier); Returns Device identifier to be used for Unregister – does not persist across sys boots • UnregisterDevice( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrDeviceIdentifier, /* [in] */ BOOL fPermanent); • GetUniqueDeviceName Retrieves the UDN of a device

  14. UPnP Device Hosting (C) • Using low level C-style API (OEM only) • In this approach UPnP stack translates UPnP messages for the UPnP device to calls into a C-style callback function provided by device implementation. UPnP stack doesn’t perform any encoding/decoding of arguments or state variables so device implementation has to deal with values in the format mandated by UPnP. • Not as full featured, but smaller foot print for OEMs making very small devices

  15. UPnP Device Hosting (C) • UPnPAddDevice to create a named device based on your description. • Supply a callback function • UPnPPublishDevice to announce the device on the network • Callback function invoked on receiving control requests • UPnPSetControlResponse to send a response back • UPnPSubmitEvent to send event notifications to subscribers

  16. Control Point API • COM interfaces for building UPnP control points • IUPnPDeviceFinder • IUPnPDevices • IUPnPDevice • IUPnPServices • IUPnPService

  17. Devices Collection Device Services Collection Object Model Device Finder

  18. Services Collection Service XML (SOAP) to device Events (GENA) from device Object Model

  19. UPnP Control Point • Creating Device Finder • IUPnPDeviceFinder * pDevFind = NULL; • CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPDeviceFinder, … IID_IUPnPDeviceFinder, (void **) &pDevFind); • Search for Device • IUPnPDevices * pFoundDevices = NULL; • bstrTypeURI = SysAllocString (L”urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:clockdevice”); pDevFind->FindByType(bstrTypeURI, 0, &pFoundDevices); • ::FindByType method searches by device or service type

  20. UPnP Control Point • Enumerate Device • IUPnPDevices *pFoundDevices • IUnknwn *pUnk = NULL; • pFoundDevices->get_NewEnum(&pUnk) • Device Objects in the collection are contained within VARIANT structures – these structures contain pointers to IDispatch interfaces on the device objects • // Obtain IUPnPDevice *pDevice interface • Get IUPnPServices – service collection • GetService(IUPnPDevice *pDevice) • IUPnPServices *pServices = NULL; • IUPnPService *pClockServics = NULL; • pDevice->get_Services(&pServices)

  21. UPnP Control Point • Get Service Object • We have IUPnPServices *pServices • IUPnPService *pClockService = NULL; • IUPnPService *pAlarmService = NULL; • bstrClockSvcId = SysAllocString (L”urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ClockService”) • pServices->get_Item(bstrSvcId, &pClockService) • pServices->get_Item(bstrAlarmSvcID, &pAlarmService)

  22. UPnP Control Point • Invoke Actions – control • IUPnPService::InvokeAction – method • pClockService->InvokeAction ( bstrActionName, varInArgs, &varOutArgs, &varReturnVal); • VARIANT varInArgs; • QueryStateVariable • Discouraged by UPnP Forum

  23. IPv6 • Windows CE supports UPnP over IPv4 and IPv6 networks • IPv6 support only • UPnP devices will use only IPv6 addresses • IPv4 + IPv6 • UPnP devices will use IPv6 address with IPv6 capable hosts on the network and IPv4 address with devices supporting only IPv4 • IPv4 only • UPnP devices use IPv4 only - Default

  24. IPv6 Scope • Link Local  Addresses (begins with FE80:…..) • This means listening and broadcasting on FF02::C, the link-local scope multicast address for the link-local scope multicast address for SSDP – Default • Site Local  Addresses– (begins with FEC0:….) • Link local is used always. Site local is optional in addition to link local. • Uses scoping of IPv6 addresses to control the propagation of SSDP messages instead of Hop Limit (equivalent to the TTL limit in IPv4).

  25. UPnP Samples • Samples in Windows CE .Net • Devices: • Internet Gateway Device • Implements required schema and interacts with an actual Gateway implementation. • Fully functional IGD – UPnP certified • Control Point: • Universal Control Point sample

  26. Platform Builder 4.10 • Platform Builder is an integrated development environment (IDE) for building customized embedded platforms based on the Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET operating system (OS). • Platform Builder comes with all the development tools necessary for you to design, create, build, test, and debug a Windows CE–based platform. The IDE provides a single integrated workspace in which you can work on both platforms and projects

  27. PB Configurations • Residential_gateway • PDA • Web Pad Enterprise • …

  28. Building Windows CE based Residential Gateway Image with UPnP Internet Gateway Device Miro JuricSoftware Design Engineer/Test Windows CE

  29. Summary • UPnP supported in Windows CE • Pocket PC – Windowc CE OS • Device hosting included in 4.0 • Control point included in 4.0 • Same API’s as XP!! • Generic Control Point sample • Working IGD for Gateways

  30. Questions?

  31. For the interconnected lifestyle

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