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Early in the Day. Chapter 6. NONDUM. Adv. Not yet. LUCET. Verb. It is light, it is day. SURGIT. Verb. Gets up, rises. PER VILLAM. Prep. Through the country house. PATER. Noun . father. MATER. Noun. mother. ETIAM. Adv. Also, even. NEQUE. Conj. And…not…. TAMEN. Adv.
Early in the Day Chapter 6
NONDUM Adv. Not yet
LUCET Verb It is light, it is day
SURGIT Verb Gets up, rises
PER VILLAM Prep. Through the country house
PATER Noun. father
MATER Noun. mother
ETIAM Adv. Also, even
NEQUE Conj. And…not…
TAMEN Adv. however
ANCILLA Noun Slave-woman
OMNES Adj. all
OBSERVAT Verb watches
PURGAT Verb cleans
CIBUS Noun food
COQUERE Verb To cook
MOX Adv. soon
STRENUE Adv. Strenuously, hard
AQUA Noun water
PORTANT Verb carry
REPREHENDIT Verb Blames, scolds
DOCET Verb teaches
CURARE Verb To look after, take care of
LANAM TRAHUNT Noun Phrase Spin wool
OMNIA QUAE Noun Phrase Everything which
ADIUVARE Verb To help
IPSA Pronoun herself
NUNC Adv. now
NECESSE EST Verb It is necessary
Derivatives Latin Word Meaning of the English Word 1. ancillary __________________ __________________________ 2. Aquatic____________________________________________ __________________________ 3. Necessary____________________________________________ __________________________ 4. Observant____________________________________________ 5. portable ____________________________________________ 6. purgatory ____________________________________________ __________________________ 7. reprehensible __________________ __________________________ 8. Resurgent____________________________________________ 9. translucent __________________ __________________________
Etymology ANCILLA AQUA PURGAT PORTANT DOCET • 1. The ______________________ teaches visitors of the museum about the exhibits. • 2. ___________________ carry water from a water source to cities. • 3. She used several ____________________ materials during her presentation, including bar graphs and pictures. • 4. In the spring it is a tradition to _______________________ clutter. • 5. Trains are able to ________________________ materials across the country.
FABULA Nondumlucet, sed Cornelia surgit et per villamambulat. Adhucdormiuntpater et mater et Marcus. EtiamSextusdormitnequeCorneliamvexat. Non tamendormiuntservi et ancillae. Omnesiamsurgunt et laborareparant quod Cornelium et Aureliamtimet.
FABULA Cornelia ancillam, nomine Syram, observat quae villampurgat et alteram, nomine Thressam, quam cibumcoquereparat. Multi servimox in agroscurruntubistrenuelaborant. Aquam e rivo in villamportant. Iamsurgunt Cornelius et Aurelia. Cornelius petit Davum qui in horto est. Iratussubitoest Cornelius. Davumreprehendit quod sub arboresedetnequelaborat. Davus, ubiCornelium audit, statimsurgit et laborareparat.
FABULA Aurelia Corneliamdocetvillam curare. Ancillaevillampurgant, cibumcoquunt, lanamtrahunt. Reprehendit Aurelia ancillassiignavaesunt. Matremobservat Cornelia et omnia quae mater facitfacereparat. Matremadiuvarevult, sedipsanequeservumnequeancillamreprehendit. Servi et ancillaenuncstrenuelaborant. Necesseestnequeservumnequeancillamreprehendere.
Reading Comprehension • 1. Quissurgit? • 2. Qui dormiunt? • 3. Quid faciuntservi et ancillae? • 4. Quid servi e rivo in villamportant? Qui…? Who…? (plural) • 5. Cur Cornelius iratusest? • 6. Quid Aurelia Corneliamdocet? • 7. Quid Cornelia facereparat? • 8. Quid Cornelia non facit?
Building the Meaning: Infinitive with Impersonal Verbal Phrase Infinitives are usually found with the verbal phrase necesseest. • Necesseestnequeservumnequeancillamreprehendere. Itisnecessarytoscold neither the slave nor the slave woman. • necesseest is IMPERSONAL because we supply the subject “it” other impersonal verbs: libet, licet, oportet, decet, placet, visumest, pudet, piget, opus est, etc. • 1. What does impersonal mean?? How do you translate an impersonal verb? • 2. Give two examples of impersonal verbs in this chapter and what they mean.
Building the Meaning: Gender for Nouns and Adjectives • servusiratus non laborabat. ancillairata non laborabat. The boldfaced words above are: nouns adjectives verbs Adjectives are used to describe ___________. In each of the two sentences above, who is iratusetirata? _____________________________ These adjectives change their endings to match their gender (meaning _____________, _____________, or _______________). • Remember: 1st declension words are almost always _______________. 2nd declension words are almost always _______________. 3rd declension words are either _______________ or _______________. Practice: Draw and arrow from the adjective to the noun is modifies. Then circle the gender of the pair. 1. puellaelaetae sub arboresedent. Masculine Feminine 2. ancillastrenuavillampurgat. Masculine Feminine 3. gladiator perterritus per agriscurrit. Masculine Feminine
servusiratus non laborabat. Cornelius servumignavumpunivit. • What is different about the adjectives in each of the sentences above? • Why does iratus end in –us? It describes __________________________ and is in (nom acc) case. • Why does ignavum end in-um? It describes_________________________ and is in (nom acc) case. These adjectives match their endings with case (meaning ________ or _______) Practice: Draw and arrow from the adjective to the noun is modifies. Then circle the case of the pair. 1. ancillaperterrita ad villamcurrit. NominativeAccusative 2. servusancillamperterritamspectat. Nominative Accusative 3. ancillamagnamvillampurgat. NominativeAccusative
serviirati non laborant. Cornelius servos ignavospunivit. • These adjectives change their endings to match their number (meaning __________ or ____________). Practice: Draw an arrow from the adjective to the noun it modifies. Then circle the number of the pair. 1. feminaelaetae per viasambulabant. Singular Plural 2. coquusbonumcibumparavit. Singular Plural 3. gladiator perterritus per agriscurrit. Singular Plural
Gender ID • 1. Aurelia_____ • 2. stola_____ • 3. Davus_____ • 4. amicus_____ • 5. piscina_____ • 6. toga_____ • 7. ramus_____ • 8. vir_____ • 9. amica_____ • 10. Sextus_____ • 11. servus_____ • 12. palla_____
Sentence ID • 1. Davussemperestsollicitus. Gender:_____ • 2. Multaearbores in agrissunt. Gender:_____ • 3. Sextusmagnamarboremascendit. Gender:_____ • 4. Puellaedefessaeiamdormiunt. Gender:_____ • 5. Ramisuntinfirmi. Gender:_____ • 6. Sextusignavus non est. Gender:_____ • 7. Puerumlaetumnihilterret. Gender:_____ • 8. Sextus ex arborecadit et magnamfragoremfacit. Gender:_____ • 9. Puellaemagnamvocemaudiunt. Gender: _____ • 10. Puellaesollicitaesunt et ad Sextumcurrunt. Gender:_____ • 11. Sextusestsalvus. Gender:_____ • 12. Aquaestcalida. Gender:_____ • 13. Cibusestfrigidus. Gender:_____ • 14. Pater in villa scribitsollicitus. Gender:_____ • 15. Cornelia matrem in villa conspicitsollicitam. Gender:_____
Nouns and Adjectives • 1. Cornelia magnum fragorem audit. Gender:_____ _______________________________________________________ • 2. Puerisuntlaeti. Gender:_____ _______________________________________________________ • 3. Puellasollicitamagnamvocem audit. Gender:_____ _______________________________________________________ • 4. Magnum clamorem non amatDavus. Gender:_____ _______________________________________________________ • 5. Sextusestpuerstrenuus. Gender:_____ _______________________________________________________
6. Davuspuerumstrenuum non amat. Gender:_____ ____________________________________________________________ • 7. Pueri ad villamvicinamcurrunt. Gender:_____ ____________________________________________________________ • 8. Davus non estRomanus. Gender:_____ ____________________________________________________________ • 9. Puellaelaetae in agris errant. Gender:_____ ____________________________________________________________ • 10. Magnamarborempueri in agrisvident. Gender:_____ ____________________________________________________________
Forming the Adjective • Marcus togam ____________________ petit. (praetexta) • 2. Puellae ____________________ ad villam ambulant. (defessa) • 3. Pueri ____________________ in agriscurrunt. (strenuus) • 4. ____________________ vocespuerosterrent. (magna) • 5. Audit Cornelius ____________________ clamorem. (magnus)
Extra Sentences • 1. Marcus is sleeping because he is tired. • 2. The energetic slaves are not sleeping. • 3. Cornelius scolds lazy Davus. • 4. Many slaves carry cold water. • 5. Aurelia scolds a lazy slave-woman.
More Extra Sentences • 6. The tired slave does not want to clean the dirty fishpond. • 7. It is necessary to teach the boys (how) to cook and spin wool. • 8. It is not yet light, but mother is already scolding the lazy slaves. • 9. The happy mother is carrying cold water into the villa; the happy father, however, is carrying the warm food. • 10. The woods are not safe, because many wolves live there and are always looking for food.
10. Sedpuellaesunt _______________________. (frightened) • 11. Puellae clamant, “______________________________________________!” (“Help!”) • 12. Sextus et Marcus _______________________ puellascurrunt. (toward) • 13. Puellae _______________________ vident. (them) • 14. Marcus ramum _______________________. (grabs hold of) • 15. Marcus lupumrepellere _______________________ _______________________. (is not afraid) • 16. Statim Marcus lupum _______________________. (drives off) • 17. Puellaecurrunt et ad villam _______________________. (reach) • 18. Cornelius et Aurelia eas _______________________. (welcome)
Culture: The Slave Market • Slaves were bought and sold at a market. Usually they were captured prisoners of war. • Even poor Romans, as long as they were free, might own slaves. • Slaves were auctioned off in the Forum. Their feet were whitened and they wore a titulus.
Slave Auction • magones –slave dealers who would display their slaves on revolving stands • A slave’s price would depend on the skills which he/she possessed.