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Take out a scrap piece of paper and answer the following question: Would you rather live in the city or the country? Why or why not?. The Other America. Chapter 16 Section 4. The Urban Poor. Cause: White Flight Middle class white Americans go to suburbs
Take out a scrap piece of paper and answer the following question: • Would you rather live in the city or the country? Why or why not?
The Other America Chapter 16 Section 4
The Urban Poor Cause: White Flight • Middle class white Americans go to suburbs • rural families to urban (farm to city) • 5 million African Americans move to city
The Urban Poor Effect: • Problems for City • Lost businesses and people • Cannot afford schools or public transportation
The Urban Poor Effect: • Inner Cities • Poverty line: minimum income needed to survive • 1959: $2,973 • 2000: $17,601
The Urban Poor Solution? • Urban Renewal • National Housing Act of 1949 wanted to “provide a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American Family” • Tear down rundown neighborhoods • Construct low income housing • Not enough new housing built • Urban renewal, or urban removal?
African Americans • By 1960: 3 million African Americans migrate from South to Northern cities • Salaries only 51% of what whites earned • Lorraine Hansberry: A Raisin in the Sun • Struggle with racism and poverty
Poverty Leads to Activism Before…(during World War II) • Mexicans seek employment • shortage of agricultural laborers • Braceros: • hired hands allowed into the country to harvest crops • Short term
Poverty Leads to Activism After….(during the 1950’s) • Braceros stay in the US illegally • 1953-1955: U.S. deports more than 2 million illegal Mexican immigrants
Poverty Leads to Activism Discrimination for Native Americans Poorest ethnic group in US Termination policy: federal gov’t makes Native American subject to same law as white citizens Assimilate! Bad or good?
Poverty Leads to Activism Unsuccessful • Termination Policy (1953) • Eliminated federal economic support, discontinued reservation system, distributed tribal lands • Failure • 35,000 Native Americans flee to urban • No work • Racial prejudice • No medical care • 1963: termination policy abandoned
Trouble among Youth • Juvenile delinquency: antisocial or criminal behavior among young people • 1948-1953: 45% rise in juvenile crime • Who to blame? • Television, comic books, racism, buys parents, rising divorce rate, lack of religion, anxiety over military draft…
Works Cited Bowers, Eric. “Urban Photo.” Politics. 16 Dec 2006. <http://www.urbanphoto.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/centralartery-boston.jpg> “Legacy Project” Buffalo Courier Express 17 Feb 1946. http://www.archives.nysed.gov/projects/legacies/images/cdlatinodoc7.jpeg McDermott, Brenda Peters. “Urban Renewal Saint John A City Transformed” <http://www.ursj.ca/wp-content/uploads/bookcover.jpg> “The Braceros: Oregon Experience” Oregon Public Broadcasting. 2009. www.opb.org/.../braceros/media/bracero-queue.jpg “The Halted Immigration Bill Compromise.” 7 April 2006. <http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://vwt.d2g.com:8081/braceros-california-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://vwt.d2g.com:8081/illegal_immigration/&usg=__njd889W4G5mIZA4BEMHZi98cG8U=&h=397&w=512&sz=61&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=vsh-pSuGVii8wM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbraceros%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG>