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Who said ?

Who said ?. Who said our country is not great ? Who said our country does not shine? Who said our country is poor? Who said our country is weak?. Look at the incredibles:. 34% of all NASA’s employees are Indians. India ranks third in investments in Britain, next only to US and Japan.

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Who said ?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who said ? • Who said our country is not great ? • Who said our country does not shine? • Who said our country is poor? • Who said our country is weak?

  2. Look at the incredibles: • 34% of all NASA’s employees are Indians. • India ranks third in investments in Britain, next only to US and Japan. • 8000 Indians teach in US Universities • There are more Indians in the UAE than number of local Arabs. • Indians own 21,000 of 53,000 Hotels / Motels in the US. • 25% of Medical work force in Britain are Indians • IIT and IIM alumni control $ 100 Million Dollars • 15.5 % of Silicon Valley Projects are started by the Indians

  3. The richest man in Britain is Indian • President of Singapore is Indian • Governor General of Newzealand is Indian • President of Mauritius is Indian • 9% of Malaysian population are Indians • India imports $ 30 Billion worth arms • Anand Mahendra donated $ 10 Million to Harvard University • Ratan Tata donated a bigger $ 50 Million

  4. Anand Mahendra Donated 10 million US Dollars to the Harvard University • After knowing the above Ratan Tata donated 50 Million US Dollars to Harvard University. • Many of our Universities in the Country are starting for resources.

  5. Anand Mahendra

  6. Ratan Tata

  7. Do you know who this is? • Shera – the logo of Common Wealth Games - 2010 • You know what followed Common Wealth Games after Rs. 70,000 crores were spent

  8. This is Stumpy - Logo for IPL – 2011 • Hundreds of crores spent in buying players. • Many thousands of crores are thrown away in betting.

  9. People below poverty line suffer Hunger, Disease and Helplessness • One in five of world’s population lives on less than $ 1 a day • One in three goes hungry every night.

  10. One rain song sequence in Hindi movie Dabaang wasted 1,80,000 lakh ltrs of purified water • A flood scene in Tum Mile used 36,00,000 lakh ltrs • My Name is Khan used 24,00,000 lakh ltrs. • De Dhana Dhan wasted 84,00,000 lakh ltrs. • While millions of rural population don’t have decent potable water. • Many more millions have to walk long distances to fetch murky water. • James Cameroon used only 4,50,000 lts. of water for filming the entire movie - Titanic

  11. But these are the facts: • But the fact is 37% of our Indians live below poverty line. • 46% do not have three square meals a day. • 27% children are born under weight • Our IMR is still at 52 per 1000 live births • 75 under 5 children die per every 1000 • Our MMR is still at an unacceptable 254 for every one lakh deliveries. • 283 people for every one lakh suffer from TB • Still 18% don’t have access to safe drinking water and 51% to toilets

  12. 8 Indian States are poorer than 26 African Countries • Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, MP, Orrissa, Rajasthan, UP & West Bengal • MP & Congo show identical poverty lines • India ranks 63rd in the new poverty index, after Togo and before Haiti. • Loss to national economy due to a 12 hr bundh is Rs.13,000 crores.

  13. Can you pronounce this ? SCCESS • Insert U somewhere in between and try !

  14. Value of a tree is always decided by its fruits and not by leaves • Mr. Gupta and Mohiuddin in Visakhapatnam showed the way • Common man is willing to support value system even by giving up his work for a day

  15. Leadership • Creates more leaders – not followers • Not go getters but go givers • May not prepare future for youth but prepares youth for future • Discipline • Knows what to read than how to read • Can choose between right and more right than right and wrong

  16. Uses soft words and hard arguments • Knows that one succeeds not because others fail – so helps others • Perseverance – TITTIBHAM • Knows even fire under control is useful • May not share riches, but reveals to others their own • Is like a seed willing to germinate

  17. Today is the tomorrow that we talked about yesterday • Everyone wants to improve but very few wants to change

  18. “Yo yasmin karmani kushalah tham thasminneva niyojayeth” “Dhanikah brahmano raja Nadee vaidyasthu panchamaha”

  19. “Swagruhe poojyathe murkhaha Swagrame gramapalakaha Swadeshe poojyathe rajah Vidwan sarvathra poojyathe” “Nishanthe kaaryam chintayeth”

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