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Active Coolers for cooling Infrared Detector on satellite payloads

Active Coolers for cooling Infrared Detector on satellite payloads. Presentation By Milind B Naik TIFR, MUMBAI. Stirling Cooler. Types of coolers. Passive Coolers Radiators Stored Cryogens Active Coolers Stirling cycle (this presentation covers this cooler ) Pulse tube

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Active Coolers for cooling Infrared Detector on satellite payloads

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  1. Active Coolers for cooling Infrared Detector on satellite payloads Presentation By Milind B Naik TIFR, MUMBAI Stirling Cooler

  2. Types of coolers • Passive Coolers • Radiators • Stored Cryogens • Active Coolers • Stirling cycle (this presentation covers this cooler ) • Pulse tube • Joule-Thompson • Brayton • Adiabatic Demagnetization • 3He coolers • Optical cooling • Peltier effect coolers

  3. Passive Coolers • Radiators • Radiators are panels radiating heat according to Stefan's Law • extremely high reliability • low mass and a lifetime limited only by surface contamination and degradation • limitations on the heat load and temperature (typically in the milliwatt range at 70K ) • Multiple stages are often used • Stored cryogens. • Dewars containing a cryogen such as liquid helium or solid neon • excellent temperature stability with no exported vibrations • substantially increases the launch mass of the vehicle • limit the lifetime of the mission to the amount of cryogen stored

  4. Active Coolers • Stirling cycle. • These coolers are based on causing a working gas to undergo a Stirling cycle which consists of 2 constant volume processes and two isothermal processes. • Devices consist of a compressor pump and a displacer unit with a regenerative heat exchanger, known as a `regenerator'. • Stirling cycle coolers were the first active cooler to be used successfully in space and have proved to be reliable and efficient. • Recent years have seen the development of two-stage devices which extend the lower temperature range from 60-80K to 15-30K.

  5. Advantages/disadvantages of different types of cooler technology

  6. Some examples of missions using active coolers • Missions are listed as vehicle/instrument. • Design lifetime has been quoted if the instrument is yet to be launched • or failed due to another component. • Excluding electronics. • STS/BETSE was a technology demonstrator. • UARS/ISAMS figures per cooler running at 83% stroke.

  7. example of missions using active coolers

  8. Typical cryocooler to be used for satellite payload MOTOR COLD FINGER RICOR ( ISRAEL)

  9. Set of cold-finger available for Cryocooler

  10. Working of stirling cryocooler Hot side (with heat sink) Cold side (cold finger) Hot side Cold side (cold finger)

  11. Working of stirling cryocooler

  12. Test-dewar for cryocooler testing Cryocooler Test-dewar

  13. Test-dewar for cryocooler testing Temperature Sensor Vacuum

  14. Various processes involved for testing Stirling cryocooler • Design, development of test-dewar with vacuum seal, feedthrough wires, optical window, temperature sensor integration with cold-finger etc. • Assembly , evacuation of test-dewarCrcycooler assembly • Crycooler Fill and purge with Helium • Various leak tests • Functional tests • Calibrations • Others.

  15. Thanks …

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