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High Luminosity Hall Mini-Review

High Luminosity Hall Mini-Review. Review A/C spectrometer configurations MAD + HRS, SHMS + HMS, MAD + HMS, SHMS + HRS Four example experiments 1) Pion form factor 2) Hadron form factors to highest possible Q 2 3) Flavor decomposition in SIDIS

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High Luminosity Hall Mini-Review

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  1. High Luminosity Hall Mini-Review • Review A/C spectrometer configurations MAD + HRS, SHMS + HMS, MAD + HMS, SHMS + HRS • Four example experiments 1) Pion form factor 2) Hadron form factors to highest possible Q2 3) Flavor decomposition in SIDIS 4) Few body form factors • Mini-Review in Jan. 4-5. Committee: R. Holt (chair), H. Blok, S. Rock

  2. MAD/HRS/HMS/SHMS Summary MAD HRS SHMS HMS Central P(GeV) 1~8 0.4~4.3 2.5~11 0.4~7.3 P acceptance (%) -20~+40 +-5 -15~+25 +-10 P resolution (%) 0.1 0.01 <0.2 0.10~0.15 Angle range (O) 5~90 6~135 5.5~25 10.5~90 Y acceptance (cm) 50 10 50 10 H acceptance (mr) +-38 +-30 +-18 +-32 V acceptance (mr) +-190 +-60 +-50 +-85 Solid Angle (msr) 6-24 6 2 or 4 8.1 H resolution (mr) 0.3~0.4 0.1 2~4 0.8 V resolution (mr) 0.7~1 0.3 1~2 1 Y resolution (cm) 0.4~0.7 0.2 0.2~0.6 0.3

  3. Pion Form Factor • Team Rob Feuerbach, Paul Ulmer (Hall A) Dave Gaskell, Garth Huber (Hall C) • Pion Form Factor extraction: for fixed Q2, W, measure sL in a range of –t, then extrapolate to pion pole (t=mp2) need L/T separation, and minimize sTT, sLT contributions • Kinematics Q2 ~ 1- 6 GeV2, at W ~ 3.3 GeV measure sL for –t from –tmin to ~3*(-tmin) • HRS/HMS for e, MAD/SHMS for p, small angle crucial • Rate high, systematic uncertainties more important

  4. Kinematicsand Rate • SHMS setups Will optimize for MAD settings • 50uA, 8cm target • Rate fast ~0.4 -16.2 h/pt 10000 events

  5. Pion Form Factor Summary • rate high, statistical uncertain not dominating • HRS/HMS for e: a factor of 2 in rate (not that important) • noQuad MAD or normal tune noQuad MAD better p coverage, but limited –t range • Point-to-point angle offsets might be a problem? • Systematic uncertainty with angle/momentum variations to be done  MAD/HRS and SHMS/HMS no big difference?

  6. Hadron Form Factors at High Q2 • Team: Ron Gilman, Doug Higinbotham (Hall A) Dipangkar Dutta, Mark Jones (Hall C) • Experiments: GEp, (CT, N-D) • MAD with FPP for p + calorimeter for e • Compare with HMS/SHMS for p + calorimeter for e

  7. GEp Status • RG estimate for MAD + calorimeter • Kinematic/rate: limitation Q2=15 GeV2, MAD@ 12.4o, 9 GeV/c for p Rate ~ 1 Hz • Statistical uncertainty similar to HMS/SHMS + calorimeter option (within a factor of 2)

  8. GEp Systematic Uncertainties • Estimated with 1st order matrix elements/resolutions • Q2=12 GeV2, 12o: dR ~ 0.01 dp ~ 0.07%, dq ~0.6 mr, dj ~ 0.5 mr, dy ~ 4.6 mm • Q2=14 GeV2, dR ~ 0.05 • Reality could be larger  significantly smaller than statistical uncertainties

  9. Flavor decomposition in SIDIS • Team Xiaodong Jiang, Jian-ping Chen (Hall A) Donal Day, Antje Bruell (Hall C) • SIDIS: (e,e’p+/-) and (e,e’K+/-) • Unpolarized: on H and D  dbar/ubar (systematics) • Longitudinally polarized: NH3, LiD and 3He (statistics)  Du, Dd, Dubar, Ddbar, Ds=Dsbar (LO) or: Duv, Ddv, Ddbar-Dubar (NLO)

  10. Kinematics and Comparison • Kinematics: x: 0.07 – 0.65 (~0.4 for sea), Q2: 1.2 – 4.4 GeV2 z ~ 0.5, W > 2 GeV, W’ > 1.5 GeV  e: 10-15o, 2-6 GeV/c (MAD/HMS) p/K: 6-10o, 3-4 GeV/c (HRS/SHMS) good PID required • Unpolarized: relative systematic: p/d, pi+/pi- • Polarized: measuring A1Np+/-, A1NK+/-, Ds, and/or ratios • Simulation is on going MAD+HRS slightly better than HMS+SHMS for polarized?

  11. Few Body Form Factors • Team Javier Gomez, Makis Petratos (Hall A) Betsy Beise, Ingo Sick (Hall C) • Earlier projections of form factor A(Q2) with MAD + calorimeter deuteron: Q2 up to 10 GeV2 3He: Q2 up to 5.7 GeV2 • No new information from the team  MAD + calorimeter better than HMS + calorimeter by a factor of 2?

  12. Summary • Four groups of experiments  MAD/HRS/SHMS/HMS • Pion Form Factor: Rate fast, systematic more important NoQuad MAD+HRS similar to HMS/SHMS? • GEp (CT, N->D): Statistic more important? MAD+HRS similar to HMS+SHMS? • Flavor decomposition in SIDIS: dbar/ubar: systematics dominating, similar? Du, Du, Dubar, Ddbar, Ds, statistic dominating, MAD+HRS better? • A(Q2) for D and 3He: statistic dominating, MAD+calorimeter better?

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