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Introduction. Creative Thinking Is essential for success in learning and success in life Involves a range of skills that can be promoted across the curriculum Can be integrated in all areas of life. Introduction. What is Creative Thinking? Ability Attitude Process.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction Creative Thinking • Is essential for success in learning and success in life • Involves a range of skills that can be promoted across the curriculum • Can be integrated in all areas of life

  2. Introduction What is Creative Thinking? • Ability • Attitude • Process

  3. What is Creative Thinking? Creative thinking is the creationor generation of ideas, processes,experiences, or objects. 

  4. What is Creative Thinking? To be creative means to see the world…

  5. What is Creative Thinking? …and to see the world in a way that is different from others. Thinking in this manner leads to innovation.

  6. Rationale for Creative Thinking • Many of the skills necessary in the workforce require the ability to think creatively and the ability to use creative problem solving. • Creativity is essential in today's world.Students must be provided creative thinkingopportunities if they are to becomeinnovative leaders of tomorrow.

  7. What promotes creativity? • Encouragement of ideas that show imaginationand originality • Questioning classroom • Use of new or different approaches and solutionsto problems • Evaluation of new ideas and actions

  8. Four Elements of Creative Thinking Fluency Flexibility Elaboration Originality

  9. Guidelines Think-Time Brainstorming

  10. Review Fluency • The ability to generatemanyideas, solutions,or possibilities Flexibility • Generating a wide range of ideas • or a variety of possibilities • Seeing things from different • points of view or perspectives

  11. Example of Fluency and Flexibility How might students demonstrate their learning? • Compose a fact sheet • Write a poem • Give a speech • Have a panel discussion • Write and perform a song

  12. Elaboration The ability to use words, images,and actions to enhance meaning

  13. Elaboration Example: • Name things that are red. nose and cheeks Your nose and cheeks canturn red as an apple when you go outside on acold winter day.

  14. Elaboration Examples: • Name things that stick. • How can you improve your presentation?

  15. Elaboration Example: • Name things that stick. • masking tape • duct tape • cellophane tape • glue • thumb tack • thorn • pencil lead • food • nickname

  16. Elaboration Example: • How can you improveyour presentation? • Incorporate sound effects • Add video clips • Video your presentation • Involve the audience • Use a rubric

  17. Elaboration Questioning Stems • Discuss the solution and its benefits. • What details can you add to __? • Select one of yourideas and explain how you would implement that idea.

  18. Originality • Refers to ideas thatare unique, unusual,or innovative

  19. Originality • Usually comes at the end of brainstorming

  20. Originality Examples: • Name things that stick. • Brainstorm new ways to use a pencil.

  21. Originality Example: • Name things that stick. • masking tape • duct tape • cellophane tape • glue • thumb tack • thorn • pencil lead • food • nickname

  22. Originality Example: • Brainstorm new ways to use a pencil. • pointer • art work • counters • picture frame • a giant’s toothpick

  23. Originality Questioning Stems • Describe ___ from the ___ point of view. • How would you revise ___? • Design a riddle about ___.

  24. Fluency, Flexibility, Elaboration, and Originality Practice Example: • Name things that fly. • hawk • robin • bluebird • butterfly • wasp • airplane • car • speedboat • motorcycle • time

  25. Evaluative Criteria for Originality • hawk • robin 3. bluebird 4. butterfly • wasp • airplane • car • speedboat • motorcycle • time • Find something that is different in your eyes. • Select something that does fly, yet it doesnot fly through the air. • Select the one item that is the most unusualto you. ✔

  26. What is Creative Thinking? Creative Thinking Critical Thinking is the creation or generation of ideas, processes, experiences, or objects  is concernedwith evaluation

  27. Benefits of Creative Thinking • Engages students in learning • Equips students with skills to face the future • Increases levels of self-esteem and motivationin students

  28. Critical Thinking Resource • Creative Thinking • Brainstorming • Questioning Stems • Fluency • Flexibility • Originality • Elaboration • Six Thinking Hats • Critical/Creative Thinking Strategies

  29. For more information on upcoming webinars, products, or ordering options visit mentoringminds.com or call us at 800-585-5258. Email questions, suggestions, or comments to: info@mentoringminds.com.

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