2. Rotation Program Goals PERSTEMPO metrics are based on time away from homeport whether US or Forward Deployed Naval Forces (FDNF) based:
Max deployment length of six months, portal to portal.
Minimum 2 : 1 Turn Around Ratio between deployments (>56 days)
Percent time in homeport for a unit
Minimum of 50% over a five-year cycle (3 years historic + 2 years projected)
Minimum of 55% over a three-year cycle (3 years historic)
Actual pace of operations once deployed do not impact PERSTEMPO metrics.
PERSTEMPO emphasis is on maintaining the right balance for personnel between time at home and time at sea.
“To balance support of national objectives with reasonable operating conditions for our naval personnel, and maintain the professionalism associated with going to sea while providing a reasonable home life.” (OPNAVINST 3000.13B)
3. Community Comparisons