CS210 Tutorial 1
Problem #1 Describe the output produced by the following statements:int *foo, *goo;foo = new int;*foo = 1;cout << *foo << endl;goo = new int;*goo = 3;cout << *foo <<*goo <<endl;*foo = *goo +3;cout <<*foo <<*goo<< endl;foo = goo;*goo = 5;cout <<*foo <<*goo << endl;*foo = 7;cout << *foo << * goo<< endl;goo = foo;* foo = 9;cout << *foo << * goo<< endl;
Problem #2 • Write C++ statements to do the following: • Allow user to enter n, the number of values to be processed; then allocate an anonymous array of n double values, storing its address in doublePtr. • Fill the array created in part a with n input values, entered from the keyboard. • Assuming that addresses are stored in 4 bytes and double values in 8 bytes, tell what output will be produced by the following statements:double dubValues [ ] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5};double *dubPtr = dubValues;for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) cout <<sizeof (dubPtr +i) << " " <<sizeof(*(dubPtr +i)) << " " << *(dubPtr +i) << endl;
Problem #3 a) Write a function that converts the time in GMT to Saudi time. A time object has 3 attributes: hours, minutes and seconds. The function should add 3 hours to the present time.(b) Test the function using Black box and White box techniques.(c) Write a test driver for the function.
Example: Time_piece Class #include <cassert> //other include directives here const short int MIN_TIME_DIF = -25 const short int MAX_TIME_DIF = 25 const short int MIN_HOUR = 0 const short int MAX_HOUR = 23 const short int MIN_MIN = 0 const short int MAX_MIN = 59 const short int MIN_SEC = 0 const short int MAX_SEC = 59 class Time_piece { public: Time_piece(short h =0; short m = 0, short s = 0); short get_hour() const; short get_min () const; short get_sec () const; void set_hour (short h); void set_min (short m); void set_sec (short s); void convert (short tZone); void display() const; private: short hour, min, sec; };
Example- Method Convert void Time_piece::convert (short tZone) { assert(tZone >= MIN_TIME_DIF && tZone <= MAX_TIME_DIF); hour += tZone; if (hour < MIN_HOUR) hour+= MAX_HOUR; if (hour > MAX_HOUR) hour %= MAX_HOUR; }
Example: Driver Program for Convert() #include “time_piece.h” #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ short hour, min, sec, tZone; char ans; do { cout<<“ Enter current time H M S”; cin>>hour>>min>>sec; Time_piece watch(hour,min,sec); cout<<“Enter time zone difference?”; cin>>tZone; watch.convert(tZone); watch.display(); cout<<“Continue? (Y/N)”; cin>>ans; while (ans == ‘Y’ || ans == ‘y’); return 0; }