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Erasmus Mundus Scholarships 2013/2014. 31 October 2014. 1. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi. Erasmus Mundus Program. 31 October 2014. 2. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi. EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships 2013/2014 31 October 2014 1 Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Erasmus Mundus Program 31 October 2014 2 Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
EUROPEAN COMMISSION Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window • The Erasmus Mundus - External Cooperation Windows (EMECWs) offer a unique higher education institutional cooperation frame and training opportunities relevant to the skilled manpower needs of the targeted regions and the EU. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships The Erasmus Mundus program is a co-operation and mobility program in the field of higher education. It aims to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Erasmus Mundus Programs • Action 1: Joint programmes, including scholarships • Action 2: Partnerships with third-country higher education institutions and scholarships for mobility • Action 3: Promotion of European higher education Three different programs. Two of them are suitable for Egypt (Action 1 & Action2) and the third one is devoted to fund Universities and Research Centers in EU. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Action 1http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/programme/action1_en.php Joint programmes, including scholarships
Action 1 Support for high-quality joint programmes – Erasmus Mundus Masters courses (Action 1 A) and Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (Action 1 B) – offered by a consortium of European, and possibly third-country, higher education institutions. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/selected_projects_action_1_master_courses_en.phphttp://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/selected_projects_action_1_master_courses_en.php Action 1 - Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs) Here are the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses that will be offering scholarships for courses starting in the academic year 2014-2015. List of all Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs) | Download a list of all 138 EMMCs Agriculture and Veterinary Engineering, Manufacture and Construction Health and Welfare Humanities and Arts Science, Mathematics and Computing Social Sciences, Business and Law
Full list of Ph.D. Programs Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
http://www.erasmusmundus-nanofar.eu/ Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Admission criteria Master Degree (300 ECTS credits) in Nanomedecine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medical Sciences, Physico-Chemistry, Applied Biology, Chemical Engineering or Bio-Engineering, or a equivalent degree. Candidates are required to provide : academic record, professional experience and qualification, motivation letter and letters of recommendation. Candidates are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English, either by proving that some of their previous studies were successfully completed in English, or by submitting the results of a recognized language proficiency test (IELTS with minimum score of 6 with no less than 5.5 in any element (i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking)
Application procedure Complete the online NanoFar Application Form (Application form page) and upload all required documents listed below: Detailed Curriculum Vitae in English, specifying scientific and professional experiences, academic degrees, publications and special skills. Europass CV template is preferred. Click here to create your Europass CV Maximum 3 pages. Copy of international passport Certified copy of academic degree(s) in original languages and translated in English. Signed Letter of Motivation in English; what made the candidate decide to apply to NanoFar, which skills and abilities make the applicant a good candidate, motivations to carry out research abroad, professional interests in coming to Europe. Maximum 1 page. 2 reference letters signed by a university lecturer or an expert in the area of Nanomedicine. Letters must be printed on letterhead and duly signed to be sent in a separate envelope to ; NanoFarConsortium C/o Frank BouryPresidence - University of Angers International Relation Office 40 rue de Rennes - BP 73532 49035 Angers cedex 01 FRANCE
Application formhttp://laulau.limequery.com/index.php/836419/lang-en
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships2011/2012 http://www.em-element.eu/ http://www.emwelcome.polito.it/ http://www.medastar.eu/
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships2012/2013 • 1- WELCOME : http://www.emwelcome.polito.it/ Deadline was February 8 2013 2- EU-METALIC:http://www3.cardiffmet.ac.uk/english/international/eu-metalic/pages/home.aspxDeadline was21 January 2013 at 23:59 GMT3- Al Fihrihttp://www.alfihri.eu/Deadline was January 15, 2013 midnight (CET) 4- GreenIThttp://www.emundusgreenit.uvigo.es/Deadline was March 2013 . 5- EMMAG http://www.emmag-mundus.eu/Deadline was 15 Jan 2013
Search for information Use Google to search on (Erasmus Mundus 2014 Egypt), then you can go to the following link; http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/funding/scholarships_students_academics_en.php Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
http://www.alfihri.eu/ Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Al Fihri http://www.alfihri.eu/ Useful information Published on 13 September 2013 Second CALL FOR APPLICATIONS under EMA2 Lot 1 Fatima Al Fihri project The second call for applications will be opened ONLY for: • UNDERGRADUATEmobilities (Target Group 1 and 3) • ADMINISTRATIVE and ACADEMIC STAFF (All TGs) Both types of mobilities(Undergraduate and Staff) will be opened to North african and European applicants. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Al Fihrihttp://www.alfihri.eu/ This second call for applications will be launched from October 29th midnight (CET) 2013 to January 15th 2014 midnight (CET). Both dates included in the application period. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Al Fihri Partners University of Deusto Spain Université de MonsBelgium Université de LilleFance Université de Strasbourg France Humboldt UniversitësitzeBerlin Germany Università degli studi di Padova Italy Université du LuxembourgLuxembourg University of GroningenNetherlands Universidade do Porto Portugal Prof. Dr. Mahmoud .M. Shendi
EU-METALIC Closed on 25th October 2013 . http://www3.cardiffmet.ac.uk/english/international/eu-metalic/pages/home.aspx Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
GreenIT http://www.emundusgreenit.uvigo.es/ Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Green IT Mobilities Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Green IT could offer M.Sc. Or Ph.D to Fayoum Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Green IT Partners Campus universitario de Vigo Spain Hamburg University of Technology – Institute of Business Logistics and General Management Germany IMT TSP France The University of Bordeaux France Lodz University of Technology Poland Politecnico di Milano Italy UNINETTUNO Italy UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID (UC3M)Spain Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
EMMAG http://www.emmag-mundus.eu/ Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
EMMAG timetable Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
EMMAG Partners Université Pierre et Marie Curie France Université d’Aix Marseille France Université Lumière Lyon 2 France Université Polytechnique de Valencia Spain Université Santiago de Compostelle Spain Université de Messina Italy Université de Sienne Italy Université Aristote de Thessalonique Greece Université Mazaryk Czech Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
New Erasmus Mundus Projects 2013/2014 Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
2013/2014 Projects EU METALLIC II AL IDRISI II UNETBA BATTUTA Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Action 2: Projects selected in 2013http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/selected_projects_action_2_en.php Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
EU-METALIC II The deadline is Friday 17th January 2014 23:59 GMT. http://http://www3.cardiffmet.ac.uk/english/international/european-projects/erasmus-mundus/eu-metalicii/pages/home.aspx Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
http://www3.cardiffmet.ac.uk/english/international/european-projects/erasmus-mundus/eu-metalicii/pages/home.aspxhttp://www3.cardiffmet.ac.uk/english/international/european-projects/erasmus-mundus/eu-metalicii/pages/home.aspx Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
EU METALLIC II University of Graz, Austria University of Zagreb, Croatia EcoleCentrale de Nantes, France Montpellier University 1, France University of Bordeaux 1, France FreieUniversität Berlin, Germany Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain Prof. Dr. Mahmoud M. Shendi
Al Idrisi IIhttp://www.al-idrisi.eu/en/ Deadline : Monday 20 January 2014 at 23.59 CET
Al Idrisi II European Partners: Universidad de Granada, Spain - Coordinator Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria Université de Poitiers, France Université Jean Monnet, Saint Étienne, France Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy UniversitàdegliStudi di Padova, Italy Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal UniversitateaAlexandruIoanCuza, Iasi, Romania