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An Overview of the Creation/Evolution debate. September 2006. Introduction. Why is it important? Credibility of scripture—”Did God say?” If you can’t believe the introduction of how things came into being, what can you believe?
An Overview of the Creation/Evolution debate September 2006
Introduction • Why is it important? • Credibility of scripture—”Did God say?” If you can’t believe the introduction of how things came into being, what can you believe? • Sin, salvation and the nature of man: no creation--no sin, no salvation. • Effect on society (ex: Nazi Germany) • What’s the difference? Can’t both be true? - The problem with Theistic evolution: • Not compatible with scripture • Facts don’t support it
Its not Science versus the Bible. Is a clash of world views. Evolution is based on an atheistic (naturalism) world view. Cannot allow God as an explanation. • Evidence is interpreted based on one’s world view. No such thing as objectivism. • It takes more faith to believe Evolution than the creation account. The Creation model explains what we observe much more coherently.
Sin is the cause of death and suffering God destroyed the world by a worldwide flood Man was created in the image of God, but is fallen Creation Model • God created the universe and everything in it in 6 days God created ALL things
About 4.6 billion years ago the earth evolved About 3.5 billion years ago life evolved Humans evolved from ape-like creatures But is there enough time? Evolution Model • About 15 billion years ago the universe exploded into existence Time, chance, and natural processes
Genesis account not written like a myth: Literal 24-hour days (not a era) Meaning of ‘Yom’ (Day) Yom with a number Evening and morning Genesis 1:14 (seasons, days, years) Exodus 20:11 (ten commandments reference) Words used to indicate time Narrative not poetry Lit. In the beginning createdGod the heavens Genealogies (Gen 5, 1Chron 1, Luke 3) The Lord’s references (ex. Mark 10:6 “… from the beginning of creation God created them male and female”) 5 The Creation Days
Bible: sin (Rom 5:12, 1Cor 15:21) The Curse (Genesis 3:17) Put out of the Garden to keep from eating from the tree of life (Genesis 3:22-24) Created “Very Good” (Genesis 1:31) Animal death fossils Plant deathfossils 3 The Cause of Physical Death • Evolution: natural process
Bible: worldwide Flood Rained 40/40 days Springs of the deep All land creatures perished All mountains were covered 4 The Genesis Flood • Evolution: myth or local flood • Profoundly changed the world
Problems with evolution • Not enough time. Dating very unreliable (example K-Ar dating of Mount St. Helens rocks (1986) gave 350,000 years). • What is evolution? Some scientists use whatever helps their argument—for some it is just change. But really: “Goo to you” • Note: Natural selection is NOT evolution. Lot’s of evidence for natural selection (Sarfati 2: page 209) • Natural selection is a sorting and/or loss of existing genetic material, not an increase in specific complexity or information
Ability to adapt to the environment Survival of the fittest Natural Selection Genetic Variation Can natural selection cause one kind (species) to become a new kind? No • Can only select from existing information • Can cause a loss of information • Has no foresight into the future
Natural Selection and Mutations If evolution is true Mutations and disorders Natural selection should eliminate harmful disorders Time
Detrimental Neutral Beneficial Add information Disease No change No Yes No evolution No evolution Change morphology yes No No evolution Evolution possible Mutation
Mutations • Insertions • Deletions • Inversions • Duplications • Translocations • Recombination's • Most are harmful or neutral • Programmed gene expressions • Bacteria resistance to antibiotics actually a loss of information (Sarfati 2, page 96)
“But there is no evidence that DNA mutations can provide the sorts of variation needed for evolution… There is no evidence for beneficial mutations at the level of macroevolution, but there is also no evidence at the level of what is commonly regarded as microevolution.” Mutations and Evolution Jonathan Wells, Ph.D. Molecular Biology
The most serious problem with Evolution: Information • Sarfati 2: page 56: “The key issues is the type of change required to change microbes to men--changes that increase the genetic information content. The 3 billion DNA letters store in each human cell nucleus convey a great deal more information (specified complexity) than the over half a million DNA sequences in the simplest self reproducing organism.”
The Cell and Complexity Enormous Complexity
Boeing 747 4 1/2 million non-flying parts Billions of non-living parts The Cell and Complexity
What are the chances of getting all heads every time I flip a penny Probability and Life 1 head in a row? 1 in 2 2 heads in a row? 1 in 4 3 heads in a row? 1 in 8 8 heads in a row? 1 in 256 100 heads in a row? 2100 or 1030
A single protein: 10191 A single cell: 1040,000 (i.e. impossible) (note: estimated number of atoms in the universe= 1080) Probabilities • Probability of arising by chance:
“If a particular amino acid sequence was selected by chance, how rare an event would this be?... The great majority of sequences can never have been synthesized at all, at any time.” Probability and Life Francis Crick, Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature, 1981, pp. 51-52.
“The likelihood of life having occurred through a chemical accident is, for all intents and purposes, zero. ” Probability and Life Robert Gange, Ph.D. (research scientist with extensive research in the field of cryophysics and information systems.), Origins and Destiny, 1986, p. 77.
Apes and Man are claimed to be 98 percent alike DNA wise (out of 3 billion DNA base pairs), but this is a HUGE gap. (Sarfati 2, page 186: 2 percent equals 60 million changes, or equivalent information to twenty 500 page books. From what we know of mutations in mammals with 20 year generations, 10 million years enough to produce about 1,700 changes not 60 million!). • Just because something physically resembles another is not evidence that they evolved from one another (its the genes that matter)
The Cambrian explosion of fossils • If evolution were true: we would expect a huge body of transitional organisms in the fossils. Fact: there are few and most very debatable. • How are fossils formed? Primarily through cataclysms (eruptions, floods).
Fossil Record Cenozoic Mesozoic Paleozoic The foundation
Cambrian Precambrian Examining the Evidence Actual Data Time Darwinian Model Morphology
“There is no question that such gaps exist. A big gap appears at the beginning of the Cambrian explosion, over 500 million years ago, when great numbers of new species suddenly appeared in the fossil record.” Cambrian Explosion David Berlinski (evolutionist), A Tour of the Calculus, 1995
Cambrian Explosion Ariel Roth (Ph.D. Zoology), Origins,1998, p. 184. “The Cambrian explosion is not just a case of all the major animal phyla appearing at about the same place in the geologic column. It is also a situation of no ancestors to suggest how they might have evolved.” Where are the thousands of observable intermediates?
The intermediates problem • Some hoaxes • Some interpretations from very little • Some not intermediaries at all • Textbooks feature a lot of artistic impressions (not actual creatures!)! Let’s look at two:
Alleged Intermediates • Horse (Picture below left is an artist’s creation-art not science) • Archaeopteryx • Whales Life Sciences, Prentice Hall, 2002, p. 164.
Whale Evolution: A Study of Deception “For instance, modern whales are the descendants of four-legged land animals that are also the ancestors of horses and cows. As you can see in Figure 10-4, fossil intermediates between modern whales and their 60-million-year-old ancestor reveal a history of slow transformation.” Biology: Visualizing Life, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1998, p. 177.
Actual bones found (shaded portion) Deception Kenneth Miller, Finding Darwin’s God,1999, p. 265. Ambulocetus skeleton, as drawn in Miller’s book Ambulocetus reconstruction, as drawn in Miller’s book
Deception Pakicetus: another candidate for whale evolution Only the shaded portions of the skull were found Artist reconstruction
The problem of the absence of transitional beings or a credible transition path • Example of the problem of Birds (Archaeopteryx)
“To many paleontologists a bird is a dinosaur with feathers. That definition may sound odd, but it makes sense.” Education and Textbooks Biology, Miller and Levine, 2002, p. 907.
Archaeopteryx Biology: Concepts and Connections, Campbell, Mitchell, and Reece, 2000, p. 390. “Like modern birds, it had flight feathers, but otherwise it was more like some small bipedal dinosaurs of its era; for instance, like those dinosaurs, Archaeopteryx had teeth, wing claws, and a tail with many vertebrae.”
What Textbooks Don’t Include James Perloff, Tornado in a Junkyard, 1999, p. 18. “As for its ‘reptile’ characteristics, yes, it had claws on its wings, but so does the ostrich, and nobody considers it part reptile. True, Archaeopteryx had teeth, but so did other fossil birds, and its teeth differed distinctly from those of reptiles… As to Archaeopteryx’s tail, further inspection has shown it strongly resembles a swan’s.”
Birds Are Different From Reptiles Stuart Burgess (Ph.D. Engineering Design, Professor of Combustion Theory, extensive study in the area of design in nature), Hallmarks of Design,2002, p. 47. “Birds are so different from other creatures that there would have been hundreds of thousands of intermediate forms between birds and land animals if birds had evolved.”
Development of feathers Reform of respiratory system Reform of skeletal system – hollow bones Reform of digestive system Reform of nervous system Construction of bills & beaks Mastery of nest building Acquisition of flight Development of sound producing organ Reptile to Birds: necessary changes
Primary Feathers Secondary Feathers Hook Barbule Barb Shaft The Feather (evolved from reptile scales?)
“Paleontologists have tried to turn Archaeopteryx into an earth-bound, feathered dinosaur. But it’s not. It is a bird, a perching bird. And no amount of ‘paleobabble’ is going to change that.” Archaeopteryx Alan Feduccia (World authority on birds), Science, “Archaeopteryx: Early Bird Catches a Can of Worms”, 1993
Conclusion • If evolution did not have the implications about God and morality, it would have been unceremoniously discarded a long time ago. • Evolution is not a theory, it’s also not a fact, it’s at best a working hypothesis. “Evolution is a pseudo-intellectual justification for materialism” (Sarfati 2, page 154).
Fallacies and dishonesty in science and philosophy(examples used to try to discredit Christianity)
Allegation: “The Bible teaches a flat earth” • Isaiah 40:22 He who sits on the “circle” of the earth “globo” in Italian (Litt: globe) Khug in Hebrew = sphericity or roundness. • The Lord in Luke 17:34-36 implies a round earth. • The idea that Columbus had to disprove that the earth was flat is a myth started by Washington Irving in his 1828 book “The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus” It was a self confess mixture of fact and fiction. The historian J.B. Russel (“Inventing the Flat Earth”, 1991) has documented that nearly all Christian scholars who had ever discussed the earth’s shape have assented to its roundness”
Allegation: “Religion is hindering scientific progress” Example: Galileo and the earth turning around the Sun. The opposition to Galileo’s ideas is presented as having come from the Church, but many historians have pointed out that the first to appose Galileo was the scientific and philosophic communities (Aristotelian/Ptolemaic theory; Sarfati 1: pages 98-99)
Dishonest science • Ernest Haeckel, 1874 Embryo diagrams, reproduced in many biology books (even until recently), to purport to show very great similarities between embryos of many different organisms were falsified. Haeckel’s ideas on evolution were the instrumental to the Nazi view of the world. (Sarfati 1: pages 85-87)
In fact many, many famous scientist were creationists- Newton, Pascal, Galileo, Euler, Pasteur, Boyle, Faraday, von Braun, etc. (Sarfati 1: page 26)
References • We are blessed now to have more material support for creation than ever before and all at a touch of a button
Refuting Evolution, 1999, Jonathan Sarfati (about $10); An Answer to the National Academy of Science’s 1998 book “Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science”
Refuting Evolution 2, 2002, Jonathan Sarfati (about $10); An answer to a PBS series “Evolution” in 2001 on evolution and a Scientific American issue ”15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense”.
Answers in Genesis: website and journals www.answersingenesis.org. • Many of the slides I have used are from their “education” section. -The end!