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Data Day

Data Day . Anderson Elementary May 12, 2014. Using Data to Guide Decisions. Universal, Targeted and Intensive . Layers are added for those that need additional supports! . Key Components. Evidence-based curriculum & instruction at u niversal tier Universal screening

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Data Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Data Day Anderson Elementary May 12, 2014

  2. Using Data to Guide Decisions

  3. Universal, Targetedand Intensive Layers are added for those that need additional supports! • Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids • Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •

  4. Key Components • Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids • Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 • Evidence-based curriculum & instruction at universal tier Universal screening Evidence-based, instructional interventions at targeted and intensive tiers Progress monitoring Data-based decision making

  5. What does this data tell us about Universal Instruction for ALL students? Is my universal instruction sufficient? If no, what is the need? What adjustments do I need to make to my universal instruction (the “diet” I give all students)? Phonemic Awareness, Decoding, Fluency, Comprehension, Vocabulary

  6. 4th Grade Winter 97% and 103wcpmIowa Assessment 185-230 (mid-year)my note…115/98 spring

  7. Now Take a Look at Yours!

  8. What about our system? How many kids at each grade level in each box? Let’s do this? Common trends? If so….what does this tell us about our “system”?

  9. What other adjustments could we make to our Universal/Core? At this meeting design a plan to adjust Universal/Core. (Must be addressed class-by-class based on data.) Time, Content, Intensity, Materials

  10. 4th Grade Winter 97% and 103wcpmIowa Assessment 185-230 (mid-year)my note…115/98 spring

  11. Now Your Turn!

  12. What does this data tell me about my small differentiated groups within my universal instruction? Does more data need to be collected to identify the specific skills to target in small groups?

  13. Universal Instruction Good universal instruction has both large and small group instruction. Small group instruction should consist of “skill-focused” groups and “guided reading” type groups. How do I use my current data to begin to identify the skills for my “skill-focused” lessons? Does more data need to be collected? What? Who?

  14. 4th Grade Winter 97% and 103wcpmIowa Assessment 185-230 (mid-year)my note…115/98 spring

  15. Now Your Turn!

  16. Are there some students that need targeted or intensive instruction? Are you targeting prerequisite skills? Materials you may need? Size of group? How does it align with universal instruction? Who is collecting data? Communication plan for all teachers involved?

  17. 4th Grade Winter 97% and 103wcpmIowa Assessment 185-230 (mid-year)my note…115/98 spring

  18. Now Your Turn!

  19. Document interventions on group or individual intervention plan. Must include responsibilities and data collection. (Examples available) • Discuss how we will “progress monitor” the instructional changes we made to our Universal/Core

  20. Professional Learning Needs? Are there any professional learning needs the teacher may have based on these data decisions made? Just-in-time professional learning

  21. Extra slides if needed….

  22. More Grade Level Samples Let’s use our questions to make instructional decisions with real data!

  23. Kindergarten Winter Middle of the Year Initial Instructional Grouping SuggestionsCutpoints: (1) PSF is 20 or higher (2) NWF-CLS is 17 or highermy note …..spring 40/28 psf and nwf

  24. 1st Grade Winter Middle of the Year Initial Instructional Grouping SuggestionsCutpoints: (1) DORF-Words Correct is 23 or higher, (2) NWF-CLS is 43

  25. 1st Grade Spring Middle of the Year Initial Instructional Grouping SuggestionsCutpoints: (1) DORF-Words Correct is 47 or higher, (2) Accuracy 90

  26. 4th Grade Winter 97% and 103wcpmIowa Assessment 185-230 (mid-year)my note…115/98 spring

  27. Instructional “Focus” Continuum

  28. Teach Along the Continuum *Provide instruction, guided practice & independent practice at each level…Do not assume generalization of the skill will occur! Accuracy/Decoding Instruction Word Level Phrase Level Connected Text Letter & Letter-Sound Correspondence

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