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S&T Cooperation between CSIR and Germany. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research. S&T Cooperation between CSIR and Germany. Institutional Arrangements Retrospect Status since the last JC Meeting S&T Programmes of CSIR Observations and Suggestions. Instruments of Cooperation .
S&T Cooperation between CSIR and Germany Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
S&T Cooperation between CSIR and Germany • Institutional Arrangements • Retrospect • Status since the last JC Meeting • S&T Programmes of CSIR • Observations and Suggestions
Instruments of Cooperation Under the aegis of inter-governmental Agreement : 1974 1965 Letter of Intent with German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) on Exchange of Scientists. 1974 Special Arrangement with KFA (renamed as Forschungzentrum, Juelich, FzJ) on Co-operation in the Field of Scientific Research and Technological Development(Geosciences, Materials Research, Non-nuclear Energy, Technology and Chem Engg., and Electronics, Elect-Engg & Electro-Sciences, Bio Sc, Oceanography, etc). 1993 Special Arrangement with the Forschungszentrum fur Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH (GSF) on Co-operation in Scientific Research and Technological Development (Drugs & Pharma, Env.Science & Technology, Toxicology, Plant Physiology, Cellular, Molecular and Chem. Bio. Biotechnology).
Instruments of Cooperation(cont.) 1982 Special Arrangement with the Deutshe Forschungsanstait fur Luft – und Raumfahrt e.v., (DLR) (Aeronautical Science) 1988Exchange of letters with the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) to implement co-operation between the organisations and their laboratories (VLBI, Superconductivity, Engineering, Ceramics, Mathematical Modeling). 1992 Agreement with Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, AvH on Reciprocity Award 1994Letter of Intent for cooperation with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (FhG)
RETROSPECT Achievements under Collaborative Programmes Since 1974
CSIR-FzJ Cooperation Ongoing ProjectsCompleted Projects 9 projects 72 Projects 30 Joint Publ. ~ 1000 joint Publ. 1 Joint Patent 7 Joint Patents CSIR/NAL-DLR Cooperation Ongoing ProjectsCompleted Projects 3 Projects 9 Projects 52 Joint Publ. 30 Joint Publ. 2 Seminars 3 Workshop, 1 Design Course 78 exchange visits 70 exchange visits
Volkswagen Funded Projects 7 Joint Projects Completed in the areas of Biotechnology, Catalysis, Coatings and Electrochemistry utilizing grant of € 111680. 5 projects are ongoing in the areas of Biotech, Minerals and Catalysis with a grant of €225548. CSIR-DAAD Exchange Programme(since 1965) ~ 458 CSIR and 237 German scientists visited partner institutions under Exchange Prog. 59 CSIR scientists visited Germany availing Re-visitation Programme ~ 358 young CSIR scientists benefited by DAAD Fellowship The Programme resulted in formulation of over 45 joint projects
Area wise Distribution of Exchange Visits under CSIR- DAAD Exchange/Revisitation Programme since 1966 India-Germany = 491 Germany-India = 243
Subject-wise distribution of DAAD Fellowships offered to CSIR scientists in 33 years between 1970 - 2003 Number of Fellowships Area
Technical Assistance Programme 1CSIR/NPL-PTB Cooperation PTB and NPL had very fruitful cooperation in the field of Metrology Standards (1989 – 98/99). Contribution : German - € 5.764 million; CSIR - Rs 20 million. Outcome : Training of NPL scientists; Upgradation of Standards; and Creation of New Facilities on Magnetic Standard; Microwave Calorimeter for HF & MW Power Measurement upto 18 GHz; and Fluid Flow Measurement. 2. CSIR-GTZ Programmes a) Deep Drilling Rigs, € 1.672 million (NGRI) b) Tech. Proving Plant for Nickel Extraction, € 1.672 million (RRL-Bhub) c) Beneficiation of Sulfide Ores, € 2.772 million (RRL-Bhub)
Accomplishments in a Nut Shell 1. INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE • Research vessel (Sagar Kanya) • Deep Drilling Rigs • Standards • Beneficiation of sulfide ores • Ni Extraction from COB 2. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT More than 1000 scientists trained in Germany under DAAD Fellowships/ exchange programme and Humboldt Foundation 3. CAPACITY BUILDING THROUGH BILATERAL PROJECTS • Marine Science • Earth Science • Chemical Engineering • Electronics • Aerospace 4.MORE THAN 100 JOINT PROJECTS AND 1200 PUBLICATIONS
Status since the last JC Meeting CSIR-FzJ COOPERATION • 12 projects completed resulting in 76 publications and exchange visits of 44 Indians and 35 Germans. • 3 New projects (one each in Chemical, Bio & Geophysics) jointly approved & initiated • 9 Joint Projects are ongoing and have so far resulted in 30 Joint Publications and 1 Joint Patent
OCEANOGRAPHY Accomplishments under some Joint Projects “Some aspects of air-sea interaction over the tropical Indian Ocean with special reference to summer monsoon” between NIO and Deutsche Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt DFD-Umweltsysteme, Koln (Apr 1997- 02) An Atlas and the CD-ROM containing Global Ocean data on a much better spatial and temporal resolution prepared. 15 Joint Publications
“Coupling of upper ocean & particle sedimentation processes in the northern Indian Ocean” between NIO and Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Univ. of Bremen (Dec 99-02) • This is the follow-up project of “Quaternary upwelling and climate in the northern Indian Ocean related to monsoon events” implemented by NIO and Univ. of Hamburg during 1986-98 and resulted in 52 publications, 5 Workshops, 8 Doctoral Dissertations and 21 Cruises. • 5 oceanographic cruises onborad Sagar Kanya were organized in the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Equatorial Indian Ocean to carry out sediment trap and current meter mooring operations and to carry out sea truth validation studies in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. • The data provides necessary background information on the bio-geo-chemistry of the northern Indian Ocean for the formulation of both national (Indian & German) and international research activities within the international Geo-sphere and Biosphere Programme (IGBP)-Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) Process Study Prog. • Publications : 20; • Doctoral Dissertations : 2
GEOPHYSICS “In-situ pore pressure and stress regime in the Koyna region and continuous induced earthquakes” between NGRI and GGA Institute, Hannover (Dec 1994-2003) • 21 bore wells drilled around seismically active Koyna-Warna region in western India to understand the relationship between earthquakes and water level fluctuation. Seismic Sensors were installed on these wells. • A unique pore pressure data acquired. The analysis of this data suggests that the data is of very high quality and reveals confined or semi-confined conditions at 10 wells. Most of these wells are sensitive to tidal signals and thus act as strain meters reflecting pressure changes in the medium. • The study and the analysis of data is promising for arriving at a better understanding of the earthquakes associated with Koyna-Warna reservoirs and their mechanism. • Joint Publications, 12 Paper Presentations
‘Indian Plate Kinematics Studies by GPS-Geodesy- Measurement of Very Long Baselines between the Indian Sub-Continent and the Surrounding Tectonic plates using VLBI and GPS to determine Crustal motions’ between NGRI and University of Bonn (Apr 1990-2002) IGS GPS PERMANENT STATION AT NGRI • Established an IGS permanent GPS station at Hyderabad which is in full operational state since September 1995. • Established a permanent GPS station at Maitri, Indian Antarctic Station in Jan 1998 to study the Indian plate kinetics south of Indian peninsula and crustal deformation between India and Antarctica. • Established a reference station in WGS 84 coordinates at Hyderabad airport for future air navigation • NGRI has become one of the global tracking stations and is included in the list of Contributing Agencies to IGS. • Enhanced the understanding of the earthquake occurrences and strain accumulation in various seismic zones in India.
ELECTRONICS “Silicon Based Integrated Microsensors for Gas Detection and Pressure Measurement (Phase-I & II)” between CEERI and Technical Univ. of Ilmenau (1994 – 1998 & 1999-2002) • Room temperature gas sensing materials in thin film forms developed to detect hazardous gases like NH3, NOx, CO, hydrocarbon gases. • CMOS process developed to fabricate CCFET sensors • Hybrid CCFET structures fabricated. Testing of these structures at TUI suggest that hybrid CCFET-gas sensors can be constructed employing an appropriate material film as a sensing element of the device. • 19 Joint Publications • 3 Patents (1 each Indian, German and US)
“III-V Compound Semiconductor based Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits (OEICs) for Gbit/Sec Optical Communication System” between CEERI and Inst fur Hochfrequenztechnik, Darmstadt (Apr 1999-2003) • R&D Process developed for the fabrication of Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) based Waveguide PIN detector (WG-PIN) suitable for WDM components. • Design of MOEMS-MARS Modulator and fabrication of MARS Modulator completed. • Design and fabrication of silica on silicon based thermo-optic switches for WDM Application completed. • Fabrication & demonstration of MOEMS based tunable filter for WDM applications and Design & Fabrication of PIN diodes for integration of tunable filter and diodes for WDM applications completed.
“Development of Multichip Modules for Automotive and Sensor Applications” between CEERI and Technical University of Ilmenau, Ilmenau, (Apr 2000-03) • Surface mountable Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) Chip Resistor developed. • Surface mountable LTCC structure for packaging of ICs developed. • A number of processes developed for packaging of MEMS and Micro Sensors.
NAL-DLR COOPERATION Successful collaboration in Aeronautics for over 20 years and 20th anniversary celebrated in Berlin during Sep 2001 Ongoing Projects • Parameter estimation, control & simulation techniques (Flight Mechanics) • Air traffic management & simulation (Flight Mechanics) • Unsteady boundary element methods for Aeroelasticity & Aeroacoustics Future Projects under Consideration • Post buckling phenomenon of CFRP panels (Structures) • Development of smart, finite element for ANSYS (Structures) • Smart actuation system for hingeless control surfaces (Structures) Visit of Dr BR Pai, Director, NAL to DLR Institutes in June 2003
ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND THE FUTURE • Cooperative efforts very successful and significant achievements made in many disciplines of Aeronautics (Flight Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Structures). • A Joint Workshop on “Air Traffic Management” held in Bangalore (1-2 May 2002) with an objective to bring together the Indian Civil Aviation Community with DLR counterparts and to share information on the state of art in Air Traffic Management & Simulation and Research in India and Germany. The future themes for cooperation identified which include Aircraft surface movement, conflict detection and Management, Traffic analysis and management for a futuristic planned airport in India using SIMMOD package). • New projects in the areas of Structures & Propulsion under discussion. • Strong interest expressed by both sides to continue the successful cooperation into the future.
CSIR-DAAD COOPERATION SINCE NOV 2001 • DAAD Fellowships • 12 CSIR scientists availed the fellowships in the areas of Toxicology, Materials & Metallurgy, Computing, Engg Sciences, Environment, Geophysics, Electronics and Electro-chemistry • CSIR-DAAD Exchange Programme • 15 German experts visited CSIR laboratories working in the areas of Chemical Sc., Biological Sc., Geophysics, Electro-chemistry and Engg. Sc. • 15 CSIR scientists visited Germany under scientific areas viz, Physical Sc., Chemical Sc., Engineering Sc. , Biological Sc. Geophysics,
CSIR-Humboldt Reciprocity Award Programme • The Programme supports granting the Award to two internationally renowned researchers of India and Germany annually in the disciplines of science and engineering in recognition of their internationally renowned past achievements in research and for promoting cooperation between India and Germany. • Humboldt Foundation granted Award to about 10 Indian scientists. No German scientist visited so far. • Administrative and Financial Terms revised by CSIR to make it attractive for the German experts : • The Programme operated at national level • Duration : short term (2 weeks) and long term (4 – 12 months) • Value of the Research Award includes Per diem @ Rs 36,000 per month; Free furnished Accommodation; International and Inter-city Travel; Travel for family if accompanying for min. 4 months; and Support for active participation in Conference / Workshops etc)
CSIR-FRAUNHOFER GESELLSCHAFT COOPERATION • The CSIR-FhG Letter of Intent (LOI) for cooperation was signed in 1994 for 3 years. In view of continued interest on the two sides the validity of the LOI was extended upto December 1999 by signing its 1st supplement and upto December 2003 by signing the 2nd supplement in Jan 2001. The LOI is valid only upto Dec 2003 which may be extended further if agreed by FhG. • The CSIR-FhG Cooperation can be of mutual interest to the two sides. The Advantage for FhG to collaborate with CSIR, having vast pool of skilled manpower, could be in terms of cheaper R&D costs, opening to Indian industry, etc. CSIR could get better access in Germany through FhG. • CSIR could take up the collaborative projects and also the contract research projects on behalf of FhG.
COOPERATION UNDER OTHER MODES • NAL–UNIV. OF APPLIED SCIENCES COOPERATION • An MoU between NAL and University of Applied Sciences (UAS), Constance for jointly taking up the research, development and technology programmes, exchange of scientific & technical know-how and exchange of scientists/professors in the broad area of “Mathematical Methods for Systems and Control” was signed in May 2002. • NAL-RWTH, AACHEN COOPERATION • An MoU between NAL and University of Technology, Aachen, signed in 1999. • A joint project on “Investigative studies of casting treatment in axial compressors” under implementation • Two NAL scientists visited Germany in Apr – May 2002.
COOPERATION UNDER OTHER MODES Cont. • FOUR PARTY COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH CONTRACT • CSMCRI signed a Collaborative Research Contract with Hohenheim University, Daimler Chrysler, Germany (DCAG) and Daimler Chrysler, India (DC, India) for jointly implementing the project on “Biofuels from Eroded Soils in India using Jatropha plant” • Two German scientists visited CSMCRI to work on the project • DST-DAAD PPP • 5 projects in the areas of Bio, Physical and Chemical Sciences • REVISITATION PROGRAMME OF DAAD • 5 CSIR scientists visited Germany
COOPERATION UNDER OTHER MODES Cont. OTHER VISITS India – Germany • 42 visits for participating in International Conferences/Symposia etc • 32 for Training • 13 on leave for short term / long term research assignments • 19 visits under Humboldt Fellowships • 3 visits to avail the Boyscast Fellowship of DST • 4 exploratory visits Germany – India • 1student each visited IMT, NAL & NCL for undergoing study training/diploma thesis for 4- 8 months • 3 Scientists participated in the National workshops at IMT & CEERI • 1 visit for delivering series of lectures at NIO (Director, Alfred Wegner Inst. of Polar Marine Research)
JOINT EVENTS ORGANISED SINCE NOV 2001 5th Indo-German Seminar on ‘Chemical Modification of Surfaces and Electrocatalysis” (INSA-DFG) at CECRI during Jan 29-31, 2003 An International Workshop on “Biogeochemical Processes in the Northern Indian Ocean” at NIO, Goa during Feb 24-25, 2003 The 1st Indo-German Conference on “Catalysis – A Cross Disciplinary Vision” (CSIR-FzJ) at IICT during Feb 6-8, 2003 Joint Technical Seminar “Air Traffic Management” (NAL-DLR) at NAL during May 1-2, 2002 One-day Industry Meet under the CSIR-FzJ Programme at SERC, Chennai during Mar 10-12 2002 Indo-German Workshop on “Prediction & Prevention of the Impact on Chemicals on Environment & Human Health” (CSIR-FzJ) at ITRC, Lucknow during Nov 5-7, 2001
S&T PROGRAMMES OF CSIR • Aerospace • Design, development and manufacture of small civilian aircraft; Development of specialized aerospace materials; Scientific studies: computational fluid dynamics, parallel computing, structural analysis, failure analysis, aircraft control law design etc. • Biology and Biotechnology • Exploration and exploitation of microbial wealth of India for novel compounds and biotransformation processes; Molecular biology of selected pathogens for developing drug targets; Cell and tissue engineering; Toxicogenomics of polymorphism in Indian population to industrial chemicals for development of biomarkers; Designing animals and plants as bioreactors for proteins and other products; Medicinal plant chemotypes for enhanced marker and value added compounds • Chemicals • Catalysis and catalysts; Green technologies for organic chemicals; Globally competitive chemical processes and products; Speciality Polymers • Earth Resources & Hazard Mitigation • Study of Mesozoic sediments for hydrocarbon exploration; Evaluation of gas hydrates of Indian continental margins; Acquision of oceanographic research and vessel (ORV)
Ecology and Environment Exploration, assessment and management of ground water, Oceanic processes along Carlsberg-Central Indian Ridge (CR-CIR), Pollution monitoring mitigation systems and devices, Study of oceanographic processes of north Indian ocean in reference to global change, Industrial waste minimization and clean up Electronics and Instrumentations Special electron tube technologies for large scale applications, Photonics and opto electronics : key technologies, Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and sensors; Electronics for societal purposes Energy Coal characterization and resource quality assessment, New generation fuels and lubricants Food and Food Processing Positioning Indian nutraceuticals and neutrigenomics on the global platform; Natural, nature identical or similar biomolecules; Setting up of genetically modified foods referral centre Geo-Sciences a) Seismic Hazard Assessment (Microzonation), Space Geodetic Techniques (GPS-Geodesy); b) Groundwater Hydrogeology, Environmental Geochemistry, Controlled Source Seismics (Deep Continental Surveys), Reservoir-Induced Seismicity, Climate Change: i) Analysis of borehole and surface air temperature records for gleaning climate change, ii) Helium emanometric & heat flow studies for assessing geothermal energy potential in India
Health Care: Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Asthmatic and allergic disorders mitigation mission; New scientific herbal preparations for global positioning; Setting up of a world class drug research institute; Predictive medicine using repeat and single nucleotide polymorphism; Drug target development using in-silico biology; Animal models and animal substitute technologies; Advanced facility for safety evaluation of genetically modified / engineered drugs; Infectious diseases handling storage and research facilities Information Dissemination and Products Comprehensive traditional knowledge digital documentation and library (TKDL); Mathematical modeling and computer simulation; Setting up of national science digital library (NSDL) Leather Environment friendly leather processing technology; Biotechnology in leather; Leather policy and management centre Materials, Metals, Minerals and Manufacturing Metrology
OBSERVATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS • A mechanism for approving the collaborative research projects may be evolved and a time frame for informing the decision on inclusion of new projects to the partner coordinating agency may be fixed. • The partner coordinating agency may be consulted in advance for making any changes in the joint decision on the projects including reducing the period of the project / exchange visits. • In order to make the research proposals of mutual interest and benefit, the two sides may provide each other with a list of their S&T areas/sub areas/themes.
NAL-DLR The scientists on the two sides are very keen to collaborate. Some funding problems being faced by the German side in the recent years in support of the NAL-DLR Cooperation. CSIR-FhG In order to develop better understanding of operation and get acquainted with the S&T capability of each other’s institutions we may exchange experts/thematic expert teams in areas of mutual interest. If needed a Joint Working Group could be formed to identify the priority areas, nominations of scientists etc. for exchange of 4 persons annually from the two sides. The Working Group may review the outcome after 2/3 years and suggest the measures for expanding the cooperation further.