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Study Skills Introduction & Vocabulary Words

Study Skills Introduction & Vocabulary Words. Mr. McDonald B112 A/B mmcdonald@cbsd.org Study Skills Web Page. Course Guide. Course Outcomes

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Study Skills Introduction & Vocabulary Words

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  1. Study Skills Introduction &Vocabulary Words Mr. McDonald B112 A/B mmcdonald@cbsd.org Study Skills Web Page

  2. Course Guide Course Outcomes The purpose of study skills is to provide you with specific academic skills, such as note taking, exam preparation, completing exams, organization, and time management. These skills are necessary for successful participation in high school, post-secondary school, and competitive employment. Time will be directed toward learning how you learn best. In addition, activities to enhance your vocabulary will be conducted. Recognizing and effectively utilizing vocabulary from a large reservoir of words will improve verbal and written self-expression.

  3. Course Guide 2 Expectations You are expected to utilize your time well and the supports of the Study Skills class each day. Exams and make-up work may be completed in Study Skills. Instruction Each class of 90 minutes will usually be broken into these segments. These segments will be presented in the most logical order based upon the current activities in class. Part 1: Vocabulary work Part 2: Study skills Tip of the Day” Part 3: Focused Mini-Lesson Part 4: Individual Course Work*(30-45minutes) Part 5: Application Activities/PSSA/SAT Prep

  4. Course Guide 3 • Grading • Grades are entered into Infinite Campus and are calculated by the following weights: • 5% Journal/Listening • 15% Organization/Planner • 30% Skills Activities/Content • 20% Vocabulary • 35% Self-Management & Participation • Overall grading percentages follow: • A 100 - 90% • B 89 - 80 • C 79 - 70 • D 69 - 60 • F 59< • Required Materials • Three-ring binder containing loose-leaf paper and side pockets to store study skills work.  • Pen or pencil, highlighters  • All current courses assigned text and/or reading books, and materials

  5. Academic Activities Done in SS Take missed exams/quizzes Complete missed in-class assignments Complete exams requiring extra time Get help with assignments Study with other students in your class Use library for research ASK FOR HELP!!! PLEASE!

  6. General Comments This is a class for a grade and a credit…NOT A STUDY HALL!! You are expected to use your time well. Are you ready for the…I have nothing to do…speech?!! Well..

  7. What to do when…. See SS folder “Individual Study Skills Activities” + Read for Pleasure (tracking log) + The newspaper the last 5-10 of class if you have used time well + Study Island + Naviance Work + Career Planning ???

  8. Where Stuff is Located Crate Activities Student Supplies Grade check and Academic Activities h/o Books/ Magazines 2 desktop computers..print to Lib 1 or 2 and down the hall

  9. So What’s Due Every Week Monday - Grade Check on Portal…submit M-F Complete Academic Achievement grid EACH DAY Friday – Submit COMPLETED Academic Achievement Chart + Weekly?? Vocabulary Exams (15 words)

  10. Organization Expectations • Required to use the planner each day • Homework • Tests/quizzes • Projects • Work & Personal Plans Checked aprox. every 2 weeks 2. Notebook See SS Folder 3. Book bag/Supplies

  11. Study Skills Content Respond to these questions in the journal. Would you rather be told what activities to complete or select the activities and the order in which to complete them? What is and how do you “mark-up” a reading text? What is your opinion of importance of studying and organization skills in terms of your future?

  12. Curriculum Layered Activities Basic Knowledge Application Analysis Units Becoming a Better Learner Learning Style Time Management Test Preparation Oral Defense Defend your understanding of each concept verbally Grade based upon written work & oral defense Green or Blue Markers **Limited work on these activities during Academic Time!**

  13. Weekly Plan 35-45 minutes each day Vocabulary work everyday..Layered Curriculum Curriculum Work Everyday..and could be a -lecture from teacher -presentation from a student -work on assignment options -oral defense & grading Second ½ of each period Self-Management Academic Work NOT LAYERED CURRICULUM -3 random checks each day 0 1 0r 3 pts Total Max 15 -The “James Scale”

  14. Study Skills Vocabulary Vocabulary Week ___ Basic Knowledge Level Name:__________________ Start Date:_______ Target Completion Date: ________ ** Indicates a required activity 49 possible points____ A=47 - 42 B=41 - 38 C=37 – 32 D=31 - 28 _____ **Direct instruction—Power Point (3 pts) _____ **Complete vocabulary word list & definitions in folder (5 pts) _____ **Create a flashcard for each vocabulary word (5 pts) _____**Complete vocabulary quiz – quia (5 pts) _____Partner work – create and exchange a word search with another student (10 pts) using all of the assigned vocabulary words. Word searches may not just list words at the bottom of the page. Use the definitions of the vocabulary words. www.discoveryeducation.com/puzzlemaker _____ Partner work – create and exchange a cross word or double puzzle with (10 pts) another student using all of the assigned vocabulary words. Word searches may not just list words at the bottom of the page. Use the definitions of the vocabulary words. www.discoveryeducation.com/puzzlemaker _____ With a partner, quiz each other on the vocabulary words using the flash cards. (3 pts) _____ Complete the Concept Map for 2 vocabulary words you are having (4 pts each:2 max) a hard time understanding.

  15. Application Level Start Date:_______ Target Completion Date: ________ 45 possible points____ A=45 - 40 B=39 - 36 C=35 – 31 D=30 - 27 _____Write/Word Process a paragraph of 5-7 sentences (5 pts each word: 3 words max) explaining the tone and usage of a vocabulary word. _____Complete the 3 Column Practice worksheet for 6 words. (3 pts each set: 2 sets max) _____ Write a short story containing a minimum of 5 vocabulary words. (5 pts) _____ Create a poem/song using a minimum of 3 vocabulary words. (5 pts) _____ Tell a picture story (picture word collage, photo story) with your 4 vocabulary (5 pts) words. Use as few written words as possible. Choose pictures that you can explain orally as to how they relate to the word. _____ Draw a picture/scene that incorporates at least 3 vocabulary words. (5 pts) Label each word. Be neat and creative. _____ Draw a comic strip that includes at least 3 vocabulary words. (5 pts) _____ Choose 4 vocabulary words and make a connection to another academic subject. (5 pts) Orally defend. Analysis Level Start Date:_______ Target Completion Date: ________ 34 possible points____ A=34 - 29 B=28 - 25 C=24 – 22 D=21 - 19 _____Write 6 vocabulary sentences that contain the meaning of the word within (5 pts) the context of the sentence; not the vocabulary word itself. _____ Story creation station – 3 students take turns creating sentences to (5 pts) develop a story incorporating a minimum of 6 of the vocabulary words? Teacher needs to be present. _____ Complete Word Web for 2 words. (3 pts each set: 3 sets max) _____Create a mnemonic tip for 5 words you are have difficulty remembering. (5 pts) _____ Partner work – create and exchange a cross word, find-a-word or double puzzle (10 pts) with another student using all of the assigned vocabulary words. Word searches may not just list words at the bottom of the page. Do NOT USE the definitions of the vocabulary words, use synonyms, antonyms, or descriptive words. www.discoveryeducation.com/puzzlemaker

  16. Week #1 Vocabulary Words • abjure ab-joor • abrogate ab-ruh-geyt • abstemious ab-stee-mee-uhs • acumen uh-kyoo-muh • antebellum an-tee-bel-uhm • auspicious aw-spish-uhs • belie bih-lahy • bellicose bel-i-kohs • bowdlerize bohd-luh-rahyz, boud • chicanery shi-key-nuh-ree • chromosome kroh-muh-sohm • churlish chur-lish • circumlocution sur-kuhm-loh-kyoo-shuh • circumnavigate sur-kuhm-nav-i-geyt • Deciduous dih-sij-oo-uhs

  17. Quizlet Link Study Skills Web Page

  18. Vocabulary Week #1 • 1. abjure • 2. abrogate • 3. abstemious • 4. acumen • 5. antebellum • 6. auspicious • 7. belie • 8. bellicose • 9. bowdlerize • A. sparing or moderate in eating and drinking; • B. before the war • C. to renounce or give up under oath; to avoid or shun • D. promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable: an auspicious occasion. • E. to put aside; put an end to • F. to show to be false; contradict; to misrepresent • G. to expurgate (a written work) by removing or modifying passages considered vulgar or objectionable • H. keen insight; shrewdness • I. inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile

  19. Vocabulary Week #1 10. chicanery 11. chromosome 12. churlish 13. circumlocution 14. circumnavigate 15. deciduous A. carry the genes in a linear order: the human species has 23 pairs B. to go or maneuver around C. trickery or deception D. the use of more words than necessary to express an idea E. rude; difficult to work or deal with F. shedding the leaves annually

  20. Week #2 Vocabulary Words 1. deleterious 2. diffident 3. enervate 4. enfranchise 5. epiphany 6. equinox 7. euro 8. evanescent 9. expurgate 10. facetious 11. fatuous 12. feckless 13. fiduciary 14. filibuster 15. gamete

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