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This Afternoon's Outline. Overview of specific GIS analysisSpatial statisticsLandscape ecologyHydrologic modeling and watershed delineationExamples of spatial analysis in natural resource science and ecologyOverview of land cover datasetsOther software for integrated statistical analysisSpati
1. Advanced GIS for UCCE - Analysis August 22, 2007
Maggi Kelly
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
Karin Tuxen-Bettman
2. This Afternoon’s Outline Overview of specific GIS analysis
Spatial statistics
Landscape ecology
Hydrologic modeling and watershed delineation
Examples of spatial analysis in natural resource science and ecology
Overview of land cover datasets
Other software for integrated statistical analysis
Spatial analysis and statistics tools in ArcGIS 9.2
Computer exercises: Choose from 1 or more applications, including:
Map & measure polygonal clusters and patterns
Measure point patterns and distributions
Hydrologic modeling and watershed delineation using the Model Builder
Using Google Earth for 3D visualization
3. What are Spatial Statistics? Spatial statistics are not traditional statistics about things that happen to have spatial component…
Spatial statistics take space into account, e.g. distance.
Two types:
Descriptive – characterizes pattern
How are points distributed?
What is the pattern?
Where are the clusters?
Quantitative – quantifies/measures pattern (e.g. pattern, relationships, trends)
How clustered/dispersed is the data?
What are the relationships with other data?
4. What is Landscape Ecology? Spatial pattern is linked to ecological process
i.e. Turner, Forman and Godron, etc.
A landscape is made of
Patch, corridor, mosaic
Size, shape, spatial configuration
Population dynamics, nutrient cycling, competition, succession, physical processes
Anthropogenic change
Natural change
Hydrology concerns the movement of water across a surface, the flow of water through a drainage system What is Hydrologic Modeling & Watershed Delineation?
6. Methods for performing GIS analysis Ask your question,
Collect your data,
Choose a GIS analysis method,
Calculate the statistic(s) and/or metrics,
Interpret the statistics, and
Test significance.
7. Land Cover Datasets Multi-source Land Cover Dataset (2002, 2006)
Source: CDF (http://frap.cdf.ca.gov/data/frapgisdata/select.asp)
Spatial resolution: 100 meter (2002), 30 m (2006)
Landfire dataset (2005)
Source: USGS (http://www.landfire.gov/products_overview.php)
Spatial resolution: 30 m
Coastal-Change Analysis Project (2002) …coastal counties only!
Source: NOAA (http://csc.noaa.gov/crs/lca/pacificcoast.html)
Spatial resolution: 30 m
National Land Cover Dataset
Source: USGS (http://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/landcover/states/)
Spatial resolution: 30 m
CalGAP (1986)
Source: UCSB CalGAP Project (http://www.biogeog.ucsb.edu/projects/gap/gap_data_state.html)
Spatial resolution: 4 ha MMU
CalVeg77 (1977) (http://frap.cdf.ca.gov/data/frapgisdata/select.asp)
Wieslander Vegetation Type Mapping Project (1920s) (http://vtm.berkeley.edu)
8. Measuring Geographic Distributions(e.g. How are the points distributed?) Mean
Central feature
9. Spatial Statistics
10. Spatial Pattern Analysis Pattern of point distribution
Nearest neighbor index
Ripley’s K
Theissen polygons, or Voronoi diagrams
Quadrat analysis
Pattern of point and polygon values
Continuous data: gradients and localized variability
Moran’s I
Getis-Ord General G
Discrete/categorical data
Landscape pattern metrics
Join count
11. PATTERN OF POINT DISTRIBUTION:Neighborhood Operations What is close to me?
Straight-line distance (Euclidean distance)
Spider diagram
Distance of cost over network
Cost over a surface
Variable distance buffers
Local, Focal and Zonal functions
Distance to/from features
Theissen polygons, or Voronoi diagrams
12. PATTERN OF POINT DISTRIBUTION:Nearest Neighbor Index Calculates the average distance between points
Significance is tested with Z-score
Inter-centroid distance
Boundary-boundary distance
13. PATTERN OF POINT DISTRIBUTION:Ripley’s K Function Counts the # of features within defined distances
Measures spatial arrangement (clustered, uniform, random)
Uses multiple simulations to create arandom distribution envelope
Detect the scale of those patterns,e.g. what is the cluster size?
Stationary: No trends in the data
Isotropy: No directional detection (although it is possible to modify the K function to detect anisotropy.
Regular study area (rarely encountered)
15. Spatial Autocorrelation Spatial autocorrelation measures the level of interdependence between the variables, the nature and strength of the interdependence
Can be either positive or negative
Positive spatial autocorrelation has all similar values appearing together, while negative spatial autocorrelation has dissimilar values appearing in close association (less common)
Measured by:
Moran’s I
Geary’s C
16. PATTERN OF POINT DISTRIBUTION:Semivariograms Range: the average distance within which the variable remains spatial autocorrelated ? the extent of spatial trends, distance beyond which sampling is random
Sill: the maximum variance of the sample data
Nugget: measurement errors or smaller variations within the minimum sampling distance ? the noise in the data
19. PATTERN OF POINT & POLYGON VALUES:Moran’s I Shows similarity of neighboring features
Provides a single statistics summarizing pattern
For continuous data
Spatial covariation/total variation
Ranges from –1 to 1
Positive = positive spatial autocorrelation, negative represents negative autocorrelation. 0 = no spatial autocorrelation (random).
20. PATTERN OF POINT & POLYGON VALUES:Getis-Ord Gi and General G Hot-spot analysis, showing concentration of high or low values
Indicates whether high or low values are clustered
Uses a neighborhood based on a distance you specify
Applies a weight to those within the distance that have similar values
21. Other Software for Statistical Analysis Fragstats
ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst
Great for categorical (and other!) pattern analysis
FREE: https://www.geoda.uiuc.edu/
Great for semi-variograms
FREE: http://www-sst.unil.ch/research/variowin/
FREE: http://www.r-project.org/
S+ spatial statistics module
NOT FREE: http://www.insightful.com/products/spatial/
NOT FREE: http://www.sas.com/technologies/analytics/statistics/
22. PATTERN OF POINT & POLYGON VALUES:Landscape Pattern Metrics Landscape Ecology uses “pattern metrics” to quantify structure
Patch size
Elongated, circular, amount of edge
Spatial configuration
Measuring patterns in the mosaic (patch metrics)
Clustered, dispersed
Dominance, linkages, isolation, proximity…
Fragmentation, isolation, connectivity
23. ArcGrid enabled Fragstats
24. Landscape Metrics:ONE metric per site (“landscape”)
25. Class Metrics:ONE metric per class in the map
26. Patch Metrics:ONE metric per patch (“landscape”)
27. Problems with Pattern Metrics There has been much scrutiny of these techniques, and criticism, including…
Metrics are highly redundant
Metrics are very sensitive to inputs and to scale
Conceptual flaws in landscape pattern analysis
Unwarranted relationships between pattern and process
Quantifying pattern without considering process
Ecological irrelevance of landscape indices
Two recent papers discuss these issues and more:
Wu, J. 2004. Effects of changing scale on landscape pattern analysis: scaling relations. Landscape Ecology 19: 125-138.
Li, H., and J. Wu. 2004. Use and misuse of landscape metrics. Landscape Ecology 19: 389-399.
28. Definitions Drainage system:
Area upon which water falls, and the network through which it travels to an outlet
Drainage basin:
Area that drains water to a common outlet
This area is normally defined as the total area flowing to a given outlet, or pour point.
Other common terms for a drainage basin are watershed, basin, catchment, or contributing area.
Outlet, or pour point:
Point at which water flows out of an area
Usually the lowest point along the boundary of the drainage basin
Drainage divide or watershed boundary:
The boundary between two basins
29. Definitions Network
Stream channels
Junction, or node:
Intersection of two stream channels
Interior links:
Sections of a stream channel connecting two successive junctions, or a junction
Exterior links:
Outermost branches of the tree, (i.e., they have no tributaries).
30. Hydrologic Analysis
31. Flow Direction The output of this request is an integer Grid whose values range from 1 to 255. The values for each direction from the center are:
For example, if the direction of steepest drop was to the left of the current processing cell, its flow direction would be coded as 16.
32. Flow Accumulation Flow Accumulation creates a grid of accumulated flow to each cell, by accumulating the weight for all cells that flow into each downslope cell.
Hydrography is usually created with a threshold of accumulated cell values.
33. Hydrology Tools in ArcToolbox Watersheds & basins
Snap Pour Point
Stream to Feature:simplify vs. non-simplify
Stream Order
34. Data for Hydrological GIS Elevation:
SF Bay Area Regional Database (BARD) 30m and some 10m DEMs: http://bard.usgs.gov
SF Bay NGA 2m DEM: see GIIF
California: 90m DEM: see GIIF
National Elevation Dataset (NED) 30m DEM: http://ned.usgs.gov
North America: 1,000m DEM (ESRI): see GIIF
Global: 1km GTOPO30 (USGS): http://edcdaac.usgs.gov/gtopo30/gtopo30.html
Stream gage data (daily and real-time):
USGS National Water Information Systems (NWIS)
Watersheds, water districts, rivers:
Calif. Spatial Information Library (CaSIL): http://gis.ca.gov
U.S. National Hydrography Dataset (NHD): http://nhd.usgs.gov/
35. Elevation Data