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Ask yourself the following……. How is Psychology like Hip Hop??????. Hip Hop. Unit 1: History and Approaches. What is Psychology: the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Why study Psychology: gain insight into our own behavior, as well as our relationships with others.
Ask yourself the following……. How is Psychology like Hip Hop?????? • Hip Hop
What is Psychology: the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Why study Psychology: gain insight into our own behavior, as well as our relationships with others. What are Psychological needs: are things like love, comfort, security What are Physiological needs: are things you have to have like food, water, sleep.
4 Goals of Psychology: Description: The first goal of any scientist or psychologist is to describe or gather information about the behavior being studied and to present what is known. Explanation: Psychologists are not content stating the facts we seek to explain why people or animals behave as such. We use the scientific method. Prediction: is to predict future behaviors Influence: Influence behaviors
4 Goals of Psychology: 1. Description: the kid at the candy aisle is having a melt down. 2. Explanation:he wants the pretty candy 3. Prediction:he will get the candy 4. Influence:Stores know that moms have already lost patience with their kids by the time they get to the checkout line so they put the candy there to get the kids to wear mom down to buy the candy.
Basic Research: • Research on drug effects on the brain. • Applied Research: • putting that research to use for a purpose Example: Using research on how drugs effect the brain to come up with a new antidepressant to help people suffering from depression.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaKLrqxC70c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEr8hnvzeHU
John Locke (1632 – 1704): • Locke proposes that we are all born with certain knowledge and principles that helps us to become part of society. He states that it is through experience, of the world around us, this is how one forms ideas. He further states that human knowledge is gathered in two distinct ways through sensation and reflection. • Innate: Being born with it • Charles Darwin (1809-1882): • Theory of natural selection (1859) • Darwin’s theory encouraged scientific inquiry • Very controversial • Evolutionary Psychology
Who’s Your Daddy??? Wilhelm Wundt is the Father of Psychology 3 Things you need to remember about your daddy: 1. Opened the first psychology laboratory in Germany. 2. Changed psychology from a philosophy to a science. 3. Studied introspection. Introspection means looking within yourself.
Structuralism vs Functionalism • Structuralism uses introspection to explore the structural elements of the human mind • W. Wundt • Functionalism focuses on how our mental and behavioral processes function – how they enable us to adapt and survive • W. James • What you have two daddies? • Williams James • Daddy # 2, AKA Your American Daddy • Father of American Psychology • Wrote the 1st Psych textbook • Father of Functionalism.
Contemporary Psychology • Evolutionary • Psychoanalysis/Psychodynamic • Cognitive • Biological • Behavioral • Socio-cultural • Humanistic
A Mnemonic to Help You Remember the 7 Approaches • Each finger on your hand and the palm can represent a different perspective: • The “evolved sixth finger” = Evolutionary • Hold up a finger from your other hand and pretend that you have 6 fingers instead of 5. Evolutionary psychologists focus on how traits/behaviors evolve over time (usually aided our ancestors’ survival or increased their genetic line) • The thumb = Psychodynamic • Stick out your thumb and make a gesture over your shoulder while turning your head in that direction. You are “looking back,” focusing on the past and unconscious conflicts stemming from childhood. • The index finger = Cognitive • Point to your head like you are thinking. The cognitive perspective looks at how we process, store, and interpret information. • The pinky finger = Biological • Finish my sentence: “Pinky and the ______.” Behaviorists look at the tie between our behavior and our biology. • The middle finger = Behavioral • How do you know what it means to “flip someone off”? You learned it. This relates to the idea of rewards, punishments, and modeling. Flipping the bird is also an observable behavior. • The palm = Sociocultural • Make a “gathering” movement with both hands, bringing them to your chest. We are gathering all people together, all cultures. To understand others we must understand the culture they are from. Differences are good! • The ring finger = Humanistic • Try to lift your ring finger straight– it can’t be done! Humanists believe that we need others to help us “reach our fullest potential,” and Rogers’ theory of unconditional positive regard does the trick.
We are going to use this scenario to describe using the Contemporary Approaches: How you would evaluate and treat The Hulk? Problem: The hulk is constantly suffering from explosions of anger
Evolutionary Perspective What is the hand gesture and what does it mean? • Focuses on Darwinism. • We behave the way we do because we inherited those behaviors. • Thus, those behaviors must have helped ensure our ancestors survival.
Psychodynamic Perspective What is the hand gesture and what does it mean? • Also called Psychoanalytic. • Study of unconscious motives and conflicts that determine behavior. • Unconscious are motives that you are not aware of. • Conscious are motives that you are aware of. • Sigmund Freud: Father of Psychoanalysis • NOT psychology!!!!
CognitivePerspective • What is the hand gesture and what does it mean? • Jean Piaget 1896 – 1980 • Cognition is the mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, storing & using information • Study of learning, memory, perception, language, development & problem solving
BiologicalPerspective • What is the hand gesture and what does it mean? • How the body and brain create emotions, memories, and sensory experiences. • Sample Issues • Depression and antidepressants. Problems with thyroids. • How are messages transmitted within the body? • How is blood chemistry linked with moods and motives?
BehavioralPerspective • What is the hand gesture and what does it mean? Scientific Psychology should focus on observable behavior Skinner and Watson
Social-CulturalPerspective • What is the hand gesture and what does it mean? • How behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures. • Sample Issues • How are we, as members of different races and nationalities, alike as members of one human family? • How do we differ, as products of different social contexts? • Why do people sometimes act differently in groups than when alone?
HumanisticPerspective • What is the hand gesture and what does it mean Self Actualization. Feel Good approach. Carl Rogers believed in “client centered therapy” Abraham Maslow came up with the Hierarchy of Needs
Fields of Psychology Psychologist is someone who is trained to observe and influence behavior in people. Psychiatrist is a medical doctor that can prescribe medicine.
Psychology’s Subfields Basic Research Developmental psychology Educational psychology Personality psychology Social psychology Applied Research Industrial/organizational psychology Human factors psychology Counseling psychology Clinical psychology Psychiatry
Psychology’s Big Debate Nature vs Nurture Where you born that way or did your environment make you that way?