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FSR 2009:02. 26/11/2009. Government support from the Riksbank and the Swedish National Debt Office to financial institutions on the Swedish market SEK, billion. Sources: the Riksbank and Swedish National Debt Office. Chart 1:1. Federal Reserve balance sheet USD, billions.
FSR 2009:02 26/11/2009
Government support from the Riksbank and the Swedish National Debt Office to financial institutions on the Swedish marketSEK, billion Sources: the Riksbank and Swedish National Debt Office Chart 1:1
Federal Reserve balance sheetUSD, billions Source: Federal Reserve Chart 1:2
Three-month interbank rate minus expected policy rateBasis points Source: Bloomberg Chart 1:3
Decomposition of the swedish basis spreadBasis points Source: The Riksbank Chart 1:4
Outstanding volumes in US commercial paperUSD, billions Source: Reuters EcoWin Chart 1:5
Outstanding volumes of Euro Commercial PaperUSD, billions Source: Euroclear Chart 1:6
Ten-year government bond yields in various countriesPer cent Source: Reuters EcoWin Chart 1:7
Issues of corporate bonds in US dollarUSD, Billions Source: SIFMA Chart 1:8
Credit spreads for corporate bonds in the United States and euro areaBasis points Source: Reuters EcoWin Chart 1:9
Credit spreads for high yield corporate bonds in the United States and euro areaBasis points Source: Reuters EcoWin Chart 1:10
Actual global default rate and forecastPer cent Source: Reuters EcoWin Chart 1:11
Difference between mortgage bond yields and government bond yields with two and five years maturity respectivelyBasis points Sources: Reuters EcoWin and the Riksbank Chart 1:12
Premiums in the CDS indexBasis points Sources: Reuters EcoWin and Bloomberg Chart 1:13
U.S. securitization market issuance volumesUSD, billions Source: Securities Industry and Markets Association Chart 1:14
Stock market developmentsIndex, 28 December 2007=100 Source: Reuters EcoWin Chart 1:15
Implied stock market volatilityPer cent, 10 day moving average Source: Bloomberg Chart 1:16
P/E ratios Source: Reuters EcoWin Chart 1:17
Swedish stress index Source: The Riksbank Chart B1
International stress index Source: The Riksbank Chart B2
Do you consider that the financial crisis has peaked?Per cent Don’t know Don’t know No 9% 19% 5% 46% Yes 35% 86% Yes No Result spring 2009 Result autumn 2009 Chart B3 Source: The Riksbank
How has your propensity to take risk changed compared to six month ago?Per cent Greatly decreased, 2% Greatly increased Greatly decreased Greatly increased Decreased slightly Neither increased or decreased 7% 9% 5% 12% 20% Decreased slightly 28% 19% 32% 29% Increased slightly 52% Increased slightly 34% Neither increased or decreased Result spring 2009 Result autumn 2009 Source: The Riksbank Chart B4
13% 17% 5% 17% 28% 20% How has your institution’s buffer of liquid assets changed compared to six month ago?Per cent Don’t know Don’t know Greatly decreased, 2% Greatly increased Greatly increased 9% Greatly decreased 20% Decreased slightly 12% Decreased slightly Increased slightly 29% Increased slightly 28% Neither increased or decreased Neither increased or decreased Result spring 2009 Result autumn 2009 Source: The Riksbank Chart B5
Households' financial net wealthPercentage of disposable income Source: Statistics Sweden Chart 2:1
Households' nominal disposable income and saving ratioAnnual percentage change and percentage of disposable income Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank Chart 2:2
Households' total borrowing from credit institutionsAnnual percentage change Source: The Riksbank Chart 2:3
Consumer credit with housing as collateral, as a percentage of disposable incomePer cent Sources: Reserve Bank of Australia, Reuters EcoWin, Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank Chart 2:4
Breakdown of households' new loans by fixed interest periodPer cent Source: The Riksbank Chart 2:5
Households' debt and post-tax interest exependiturePercentage of disposable income Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank Chart 2:6
Households below the margin, impaired loans and potential loan lossesPer cent Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank Chart 2:7
Percentage of debt and assets held by indebted households in different income groupsPer cent Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank Chart 2:8
House prices in Sweden and the Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö regionsIndex, 1986 = 100 Source: Statistics Sweden Chart 2:9
Tenant-owned apartment prices, three-month moving averageSEK per square metre Source: www.maklarstatistik.se Chart 2:10
Time to sale in SwedenNumber of days, median Sources: Hemnet and www.maklarstatistik.se Chart 2:11
Real house prices in Sweden and abroadIndex, 1995 = 100 Sources: The BIS, Reuters EcoWin and Statistics Sweden Chart B6
Real house prices in Sweden and abroadIndex, 1995 = 100 Sources: Reuters EcoWin and Statisics Sweden Chart B7
Household debt as percentage of disposable incomePer cent Sources: The BIS, national central banks, Reuters EcoWin and the Riksbank Chart B8
Percentage of new borrowing with variable interest ratesPer cent Source: European Mortgage Federation Chart B9
Housing investment in relation to GDP, seasonally-adjusted dataPer cent Sources: Reuters EcoWin, Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank Chart B10
Housing investments in relation to GDP, compared with changes in real house pricesPer cent Source: Reuters EcoWin Chart B11
Change of mortgage rates compared with real house pricesPercentage and per cent Sources: European Mortgage Federation, Federal Reserve and Reserve Bank of Australia Chart B12
Interest rate changes as of 31 March 2009 compared with 30 September 2008Percentage points Sources: Central Bank & Financial Services Authority of Ireland, Reserve Bank of Australia and Reuters EcoWin Chart B13
Real house prices as a percentage of GDP in constant pricesIndex, 2000 = 100 Source: Reuters EcoWin Chart B14
Profitability and debt/total assets ratio in Swedish listed companiesPer cent Sources: Bloomberg and the Riksbank Chart 2:12
Interest coverage ratio in Swedish listed companiesRatio Sources: Bloomberg and the Riksbank Chart 2:13
Current ratio in Swedish listed companiesPer cent Sources: Bloomberg and the Riksbank Chart 2:14
The number of company bankruptcies broken down by company sizeTwelve-month moving average Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank Chart 2:15
Corporate borrowing form credit institutions and their securities fundingSEK billion Source: The Riksbank Chart 2:16
Corporate borrowing from credit institutions and fixed gross investmentAnnual percentage change Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank Chart 2:17
Corporate credit risk, outcome and forecast according to the Riksbank's main scenarioPer cent Sources: Moody's KMV and the Riksbank Chart 2:18