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Best Legal Advice Leeds - Liberty Solicitors

Liberty Solicitors is a specialist law firm & has rapidly become a highly distinctive firm across West Yorkshire and across throughout the UK. The firm is not afraid to take on challenges that would daunt many others. The firmu2019s ethos is to ensure that the ordinary person has access to the same good quality legal advice as available to public bodies, insurance companies & multi-nationals thereby leading the firm to take on many David & Goliath legal struggles for justice.<br><br>Visit Here : http://www.liberty-solicitors.co.uk/family-law-solicitors-in-leeds/<br>

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Best Legal Advice Leeds - Liberty Solicitors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. L I B E R T Y S O L I C I T O R S FREE SOLICITORS ADVICE LEEDS F I R S T F L O O R , 4 N E W Y O R K S T R E E T , L E E D S , L S 2 7 D Y W W W . L I B E R T Y - S O L I C I T O R S . C O . U K

  2. S E R I O U S C R I M E & F R A U D C H I L D R E N F A M I L Y P E R S O N A L I N J U R Y & M E D I C A L N E G L I G E N C E A S Y L U M & I M M I G R A T I O N H O U S I N G D I S R E P A I R A B U S E C L A I M S www.liberty-solicitors.co.uk

  3. Contact Us 0113 2448857 www.liberty-solicitors.co.uk L E E D S O F F I C E F I R S T F L O O R , 4 N E W Y O R K S T R E E T , L E E D S , L S 2 7 D Y

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