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Slide 2. What is Bio-Pharmaceutical Manufacturing?. Manufacture of therapeutic proteins and antibodies via cell culture or microbial expression systemsRelies on controlled biological growth to produce desired drug substanceMore technologically advanced than traditional small molecule technologies (chemical synthesis etc)Unique manufacturing challenges and specialized equipment Fermenters and BioreactorsDownstream Purification systemsAseptic filling operationsIntense regulatory requirement288
1. Contract Manufacturing in BiopharmaceuticalsJohn Machulski - Lonza Biologics Boston University
Next Generation Manufacturing Challenges
14 November 2003
2. Slide 2
3. Slide 3 Biomanufacturing Process Flow
4. Slide 4 Biologics Market Total of 133 compounds approved as of 2002
Represents 10-15% of all approved drug products
Additional 200 compounds in late stage trials
$22B sales in 2001 ? $50B by 2008
Promising research in the areas of cancer, AIDS and other previously elusive therapeutic areas
Example Products-
Biogen’s Avonex - MS
Lilly’s Xigris - Sepsis
Genentech/IDEC Rituxan – NH Lymphoma
Amgen/Wyeth’s Enbrel – RhArthritis
5. Slide 5 Capacity Crunch? Dire predictions in 2001/2002
5-fold shortage in supply thru 2006
$5B required capital spend to close gap
Small guys pushed out
Difficult equation
Product titer/yield
Product dosage
% of PhII and III making it to market
Success in Market
6. Slide 6 Capacity Picture Today From 2002 – 2006, threefold increase in capacity
500K liters to 1.5M liters
Who has it?
75% belongs to the big biopharm companies
25% belongs to the contract manufacturers
Who will have access to it?
Those who strike the strategic deals now
Getting shut out could be costly
7. Slide 7 Manufacture of Biopharmaceuticals Production required to supply clinical trial material
Production required for long term commercial supply
Where do these companies get this product
Do you invest in clinical scale mfg facilities
Do you subsequently invest in commercial scale capacity
8. Slide 8 Why is this a Problem? Time
Timeline to design, construct, validate and gain approval to mfg in a new biopharm facility is 3-5 years
Need to commit to capacity during clinical timeline
This is very risky
Costs of constructing these facilities is currently ranging in the $150Mio to $1Bio+ range
9. Slide 9 The Enbrel Story Developed by Immunex and approved in 1998 for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Co-market and mfg with Wyeth
Shortfall of supply limits revenue and causes drug to go on a “lottery” basis
Scramble after the fact to bring capacity on line
Mfg at two different contract mfg sites as well as an Amgen facility in RI
Currently two facilities under construction by Amgen/Wyeth at a capital cost of over $2.5Bio
10. Slide 10 “Make vs. Buy” Two schools of thought:
Focus on Drug Discovery (the science) and leave manufacturing (risk, expertise, investment) to others
Integrate all operations under control of the operating company.
Balance of risk, capital allocation and control.
Dictated by business plan/vision/philosophy
11. Slide 11 Contract Manufacturing Services Generic facilities for production of biologics.
Small scale to supply early phase clinical material -
Intermediate scale to supply late phase clinical and early launch
Large scale to supply commercial in market supply
Your product doesn’t succeed, cont.mfg. makes capacity available to someone else
Bio Co. is not stuck with a non-performing asset.
Monthly depreciation in the millions
12. Slide 12 Does One Size Fit All? Process Variability
Number of Days in the reactors (8-14)
Number of Column steps in downstream
Media/Buffer types
Final Product concentrations
Final formulation – Cold vs. Frozen
For new Lonza plant, we had to spend an additional 4% of capital for customer specific mods
13. Slide 13 Manufacturing Services Agreements Contracted batches on an rolling basis, with min/max requirements
Dedicated facilities on a time based suite fee
Price per gram arrangements
Negotiable – Raw material costs, capital contribution, customer involvement
Predicting capacity and balancing with drop-in time
Cancellation fees
Take or Pay arrangements
14. Slide 14 Typical Contract Evolution Initial discussions on requirements and suitability of the product
Is capacity there? Does Process fit? Is company comfortable with team/plant?
Process Development services agreement
May want to do PD work to improve manufacturability of the process ex. Increase cell line titer, improve purification yield
Tech Transfer agreement
What is done to get product from current state
Supply Agreement
Terms and Conditions of Manufacture
15. Slide 15 Who are these Contract Manufacturers? Diversified chemical manufacturers
Companies formed from spin off of mfg assets
Large pharma/bio with excess capacity
This group controls most of the manufacturing capacity worldwide.
Big Players
Straight Contract - Lonza, Diosynth, DSM, Avecia, Dow
Operating Co’s. - BI, GSK, Biogen, Genentech (These guys often want product rights)
16. Slide 16 Capacity as a Strategic Asset Recent trend to use mfg. capacity to attract collaboration
Large pharm/bio uses their plant to attract JV
Capacity initially intended for their own products
Excess is attractive to small bio w/o capital
This model typically results in product rights/royalties
Example – IDEC and Genetech on Rituxan
Biogen and Elan on Antegren
17. Slide 17 Advances in Technology Increase Cell line yields
Most products currently in 0.25g/L – 1 g/L titer
We are seeing +3g/L in the labs
Animals (goats) and plants (corn and tobacco)
Environmental and political hurdles
Still need to purify it
Novel technologies
Centrifugal bioreactor
18. Slide 18 Lonza Large Scale Expansion Large scale in-market supply of MAbs and Protiens
3 x 20K Reactors w/Single Harvest
Designed for 65-75 batches/year
Multiple room DSP w/ 0.5 – 2.5 g/l titer basis
Utilities, QC Labs, Logistics and Admin Space
Funded Fall of 2000
Start Engineering Design to Pilot Batches – 42 mos
Capital Cost - $210Mio
19. Slide 19 Photos of the Facility These are recent photos of the Portsmouth facility
20. Slide 20 Rear of the Facility
21. Slide 21 High Purity Water System
22. Slide 22 Media Prep 3,500 and 1,000 L Tanks
23. Slide 23 Buffer Hold Tank Farm
24. Slide 24 Upper Level of Cell Culture Area
25. Slide 25 Centrifuge
26. Slide 26 Purification Columns