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General Electric Company Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Markets

General Electric Company Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Markets. WRI Sustainable Enterprise Summit 2004 March 17, 2004. Mark Stoler Corporate Environmental Programs General Electric Company. Technology Change Growth Products Research Internal Operations.

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General Electric Company Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Markets

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  1. General Electric Company Today’s Challenge, Tomorrow’s Markets WRI Sustainable Enterprise Summit 2004 March 17, 2004 Mark Stoler Corporate Environmental Programs General Electric Company

  2. Technology • Change • Growth • Products • Research • Internal Operations

  3. . . .In The Last 12 Months “GE believes in addressing our customers’ needs for more energy-efficient products. We’re well equipped to do this.” - Jeff Immelt, 2003 GE Annual Meeting • GE Lighting and Appliances businesses win 2004 DOE/EPA Energy Star Partner of the Award • GE Energy introduced the CMS 100TM, the world’s most efficient simple-cycle gas turbine • GE Global Research Center scientist named* as one of the world’s 100 Top Young Innovators for research in clean power generation technologies • GE Transportation launched a new fuel-saving technology for non-GE locomotives • GE Advanced Materials introduced new products allowing auto manufacturers to substitute resins for heavier glass and metal, improving fuel efficiency • GE Wind Energy installed over 900 wind turbines *Technology Review Magazine

  4. Technology • How Does This Happen in a Company with Diversified Businesses? • Technology and Innovation • Listening to Customers • Anticipating Needs • Knowing Trends IGCC - Low CO2 Capability FEED + O2 ELECTRICITY CARBON DIOXIDE SULPHUR STEAM CCU SATURATOR SHIFT SLAG MAKE-UP WATER QUENCH WATER

  5. Energy Efficiency Integral To Growth Strategy Five Initiative Strategy • Technical Leadership • Services • Customer Focus • Globalization • Growth Platforms • 4 New Products in 2003 • H SystemTM Gas Turbine • 3.6MW Wind Turbine • GE EvolutionTM Series Locomotive Engine • GE90-115B Jet Engine • 5-15% more energy-efficient than our current market-leading products

  6. Energy Efficiency Integral To Research Focus • Solid Oxide Fuel Cells • Photovoltaics • Hydrogen • Organic Light-Emitting Diodes • Sponsor of Stanford University’s Global Climate And Energy Project • -- Collaborative Research Project to identify and develop alternative and • next generation energy technologies (gcep.stanford.edu/)

  7. Internal Operations • In 2003, completed first GHG Inventory for year 2002(http://www.ge.com/en/commitment/ehs/climate/immelt.htm) • Covered more than 600 global locations • All manufacturing and assembly plants • All business unit HQ offices • Research facilities • Service locations with more than 50 employees • Second inventory underway • Developed a GHG reporting module based on existing proprietary GE web-based EHS operating system

  8. Public Release of GE Greenhouse Gas Inventory

  9. Considerations In Inventory Planning & Analysis • Scope • Purpose • Protocol • Documentation • De Minimis Determinations • Data Quality • Managing Change Year Over Year

  10. “GE stands out as being especially well-placed with respect to providing low-carbon solutions to a number of key greenhouse gas emitting markets.” -- Carbon Disclosure Project 2003 The Future • Intensity Reduction Planning • Products & Research • Getting Ready for Trading

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