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General info about virtual studies Updated by Mira Pihlaja 23.8.2006. Study Secretary of Virtual Studies Mira Pihlaja Contact Information : eMail: mira.pihlaja@puv.fi or eVirkailija@puv.fi Phone: (06) 326 3353 GSM: 040 718 5090 Room: WA142 Address:
General info about virtual studies Updated by Mira Pihlaja 23.8.2006
Study Secretary of Virtual Studies Mira Pihlaja Contact Information: eMail: mira.pihlaja@puv.fi or eVirkailija@puv.fi Phone: (06) 326 3353 GSM: 040 718 5090 Room: WA142 Address: Vaasa Polytechnic, Study Matters , Wolffintie 30, 65200 VAASA
Virtual Courses Supply • Every student in Vaasa Polytechnic should take at least one virtual study unit (course) during the studies. Study unit can be: • Virtual course from Vaasa Polytechnic supply • Virtual course from Finlands Virtual Polytechnic supply • Course from TieTie go-operation: • http://www.helia.fi/tietie • Some other virtual course (Open Poly, Open University ect)
Students shall themselves take care enrollment to course and students are also responsible for taking part to course and complete the course. All courses, which are hold by some other educational institute than Vaasa Polytechnic, are chargeable and students can apply to those courses only if they have permission from the Head of Department (beforehand!), otherwice student must pay the invoice him/herself. NOTICE: Virtual Polytechnic’s applying process goes trough internet. Virtual courses of other educational institutes: first take contact to eSecretary Mira Pihlaja, if you are not confident how the process goes!
When you have a permission, you can enroll to course trough web-page of organizing polytechnic/other institute. You get the course ID and password from the organizing polytechnic/other institute to your email address. To confirm that you get all information, please use the email address which Vaasa Polytechnic has given to you (mode: e0401234@puv.fi)! The course ID and password are personal, do not give them to anybody else!
Information about Virtual Studies is in the web-pages: http://www.puv.fi/en/studentservices/studies/virtualstudies/
Current Virtual Courses in Vaasa Polytechnic: www.puv.fi /en > Student Services > Studies > Virtual Studies > 1. Course Supply http://www.puv.fi/en/studentservices/studies/virtualstudies/1.coursesupply/
How to enroll to Vaasa Polytechnic’s internal virtual courses: Vaasa Polytechnic’s students enrol to internal virtual courses trough WinhaWille. Instructions: http://www.puv.fi/vaakku/services/it/winha/winhawille.html
Vaasa Polytechnic’s Virtual Course Management Systems: Shortcuts you can find from the web: main page Quick Links or Student Services > E-tools Moodle https://moodle.puv.fi/ Breezehttps://breeze.puv.fi -new tool, mostly used in adult education WebCT https://webct.puv.fi -is in use untill end of year 2006
Moodle Student ID’s Moodle –system uses the same student ID than windows-ad, example e0301234, also the password is the same. Moodle passwords will change at the same time with windows-ad password. You cannot change the password inside the Moodle-system. How to get into the course base Tutor of the course will give you the code of the course ( short name) and enrolment key of the course, which you need to root in to the course base . Teacher can also add the students to course base, in that case course will appear in our course list, when logging in to Moodle. Support: moodle@puv.fi
Finnish Virtual Polytechnic (SVA) The Virtual Polytechnic is a strong expert network of all Finnish polytechnics. Virtual Polytechnic’s courses and services are produced by the polytechnics. Training services and programmes are developed within the framework of the Virtual Polytechnic. Training programmes are built partly or fully as eLearning studies. To use Study Services you must first sign in (remember the registration at the first time). Instructions: www.amk.fi > Information on Studying
APPLYING TO SVA VIRTUAL COURSES • Remember the registration (first time), log in • Find the course from Study Services • Click the name of the course, you’ll get more info and applying box. Apply (mark the x, I agree… click send). • Notice: you can change the language in english by clickin the flag. • 4. You can follow the situation of your application online (Own applications). • 5. Confirmation comes also to your email. • NOTICE! • eSecretary handles the applications and asks the permission from the Head of Department, only if you are planning bigger changes to your PSP, you should discuss with HD before hand!
There might be some courses which are not 100% virtual (normal lessons included). In that case, the lessons has mentioned at the basic information of the course in portal, also the City and Polytechnic where the lessons are. Notice that Vaasa Polytechnic is not paying the travelling costs, only course fee! Check before enrollingis the presence optional or not! Courses at SVA are mostly supported, which means that there is tutor teacher handling the course and giving instructions ect. Sometimes there might be also courses, where students will study mostly by themselves and the teacher/tutor is just giving the grades ect.
Open Polytechnic • There is also open polytechnic courses in SVA supply. • Applying to those courses is not fully electric, but you must fill the Contact Form. • There will be own portal for Open Poly in the end of year 2006. • If you find interesting courses from Open supply: • Take contact to eSecretary Mira Pihlaja (send your contact info and information of course by eMail) , you’ll get instructions. • When you have permission, fill the contact form and send it to Polytechnic, which is arranging the course. You’ll get enrolment instructions from them. • contact form is in portal: www.amk.fi > Information on Studying • 3. Enroll to course us adviced.
Virtual courses of other educational institutes: Same process than in Open Poly supply; take contact to eSecretary to get instructions!
NOTICE! Invoicing Address: Vaasa City Vaasa Polytechnic PL 509 65101 VAASA
Exams Normally exams of virtual courses are hold in Course Management System, if not we are arranging them here in Vaasa Polytechnic. If there is something unclear about exams, please take contact to eSecretary immediatelly. Vaasa Polytechnic is not paying the travelling costs due to exams, if you don’t have written agreement beforehand!
Grades and Study Records • Vaasa Polytechnic, Internal Virtual Courses: • - Grades will be at winha as in ”normal” courses. • Exterrnal Virtual Courses • SVA (Virtual Polytechnic) • Organizer’s study secretary will send the study record direct to eSecretary after the course. eSecreatry will put it to winha (name of the course, ECT’s points, grade). If the study record comes to student, it must deliver to eStudysecretary to get the grade to winha. • Other • Practice in Vaasa Polytechnic at the moment is that student has to apply credit transfer to get marking of other (than Virtual Poly) external virtual course to winha. Application form is at the following address: • http://www.puv.fi/en/studentservices/forms/>Application for Credit Transfer • Application + study record of the course should send to head of department.
And as reminder: my eMail address is mira.pihlaja@puv.fi Hope you have nice time with eStudies! Mira