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2. AGENDA. BackgroundLife Cycle of an AwardGeneral Policies
2. 2
3. 3 What is Grant Administration? Grant Administration refers collectively to administrative activities from proposal inception to project completion of a sponsored program
Grants Administration includes acronyms, abbreviations & other “terms of the trade”
4. 4 What’s a Sponsored Program? An externally-funded activity that is governed by specific terms and conditions established in a written agreement between a sponsor and Rutgers University
Generally, sponsored programs involve a detailed level of financial accountability, including for example statements of work, project periods, line-item budgets & audits
5. 5 Forms of Sponsored Programs
Cooperative Agreements
6. 6 Grants A type of financial assistance awarded to Rutgers for the conduct of research or other program as specified in an approved proposal
A grant is used whenever the sponsor anticipates no substantial programmatic involvement with Rutgers during the performance of the award.
7. 7 Contracts A mechanism for procurement of a product or service with specific obligations from both the sponsor and Rutgers
Typically, a research topic and the methods for conducting the research are specified in detail by the sponsor
8. 8 Cooperative Agreements An award similar to a grant, but the sponsor anticipates having substantial programmatic involvement in research activities once the award has been made
9. 9 Types of Sponsored Programs Research
Other (I.e. Travel, Conference/Workshop)
10. 10 General Policies and Cost Principles Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars
A-21, A-110, A-133
General Agency Terms and Conditions
Expanded Authority
I.e. - NIH, NSF – Grant Policy Statements
Specific Award Terms and Conditions
University Policies and Procedures
11. 11 Life Cycle of An Award
12. 12 Central Research Support
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)
Division of Grant and Contract Accounting (DGCA)
ORSP Mission - advises and assists members of the Rutgers Community who are engaged in scholarly and creative activities. ORSP provides information, services and support above and beyond what is available from traditional departmental sources, so that members of the Rutgers Community may in times of need and opportunity compete successfully for outside funding to conduct scientific research, create works of art, compose music, write books and articles, improve their performance in the classroom, and better serve their students, their professions and the public. In accomplishing this mission, ORSP ensures accountability, compliance and stewardship for sponsored programs as directed by the values of the office and by all applicable Federal, State, and University policies, procedures and regulations.
DGCA Mission – to provide post-award grant and contract accounting and compliance support to the University community in an efficient, accurate and timely manner.
ORSP Mission - advises and assists members of the Rutgers Community who are engaged in scholarly and creative activities. ORSP provides information, services and support above and beyond what is available from traditional departmental sources, so that members of the Rutgers Community may in times of need and opportunity compete successfully for outside funding to conduct scientific research, create works of art, compose music, write books and articles, improve their performance in the classroom, and better serve their students, their professions and the public. In accomplishing this mission, ORSP ensures accountability, compliance and stewardship for sponsored programs as directed by the values of the office and by all applicable Federal, State, and University policies, procedures and regulations.
DGCA Mission – to provide post-award grant and contract accounting and compliance support to the University community in an efficient, accurate and timely manner.
13. 13 DGCA Responsibilities Establish Accounts
Maintain Budgetary Control
Prepare Billings and Financial Reports
Maintain Effort Reporting System (PACE)
Provide Training and Assistance
Agency Audits, A-133 and 98-07
Negotiate F&A and Fringe Benefit Rates
Establish Cost Policies
14. 14 Direct vs. Indirect Costs Salaries and Wages
Fringe Benefits
Tuition Remission
Referred to also as
Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A)
15. 15 Direct Costs Must Be Allowable
16. 16 Salaries and Wages PAF / PDR
Position numbers required to ensure proper sub code is charged
Types of Employees
Post-Doc Fellows vs. Post-Doc Associates
Fellows ->Insurance
Tuition Remission
NIH Salary Caps
Effort Reporting (PACE)
Faculty Summer Compensation FELLOW: An individual holding a doctoral degree who is located at the university for the purpose of continuing his or her education. Individual Awards - The individual must have been selected by a funding agency which specifically named him or her as the recipient of an individual training award. Institutional Awards – the university would select the person with agency concurrence. During the period the of the award neither the university nor the funding agency may require services of the fellow. Person leave RU then award follows.
TUITION – September 1 for Fall and February 1 for Spring
Summer Comp - HANDOUTFELLOW: An individual holding a doctoral degree who is located at the university for the purpose of continuing his or her education. Individual Awards - The individual must have been selected by a funding agency which specifically named him or her as the recipient of an individual training award. Institutional Awards – the university would select the person with agency concurrence. During the period the of the award neither the university nor the funding agency may require services of the fellow. Person leave RU then award follows.
TUITION – September 1 for Fall and February 1 for Spring
Summer Comp - HANDOUT
17. 17 Fringe Benefits FY04 Rates
1200 Salaries- Regular Employees 29%
1230 Wages of Labor 8.5%
1250 Student Wages 0%
1290 Other Compensation 7.5%
1370 Post Doctoral Associates 23.5%
1500 Graduate Assistants 19.0%
For more information, go to : http://postaward.rutgers.edu/fb.html
18. 18 Procure to Pay Sub Codes
For more information, go to: http://postaward.rutgers.edu/42sub.html
Human Subject Fees
19. 19 Departmental Responsibilities Expenditure Guidelines:
Distributed throughout the project life
Equitably charged to projects
Timeliness – Expenditures must be submitted for reimbursement on a timely basis. Expenditures submitted more than one year after the cost was incurred will not be paid.
Distributed Throughout Project Life, Not at the End – Sponsors expect that goods and services will be consumed during the life of the project. Excessive expenditures late in the project period, as well as payments after the termination date raise questions of propriety as well as intent. Goods and services must be procured sufficiently before the termination to assure usage prior to the termination date. Equipment purchases, for example, should be initiated at least sixty days before the end date.
Equitably Charged to Projects – Expenditures should be charged to projects on the basis of the relative benefits. For example, an equipment repair can be charged to a project only to the extent that the equipment is used on the project. If the equipment is used sixty percent of the time on a project, the repair of equipment charged to the project cannot exceed sixty percent of the cost Timeliness – Expenditures must be submitted for reimbursement on a timely basis. Expenditures submitted more than one year after the cost was incurred will not be paid.
Distributed Throughout Project Life, Not at the End – Sponsors expect that goods and services will be consumed during the life of the project. Excessive expenditures late in the project period, as well as payments after the termination date raise questions of propriety as well as intent. Goods and services must be procured sufficiently before the termination to assure usage prior to the termination date. Equipment purchases, for example, should be initiated at least sixty days before the end date.
Equitably Charged to Projects – Expenditures should be charged to projects on the basis of the relative benefits. For example, an equipment repair can be charged to a project only to the extent that the equipment is used on the project. If the equipment is used sixty percent of the time on a project, the repair of equipment charged to the project cannot exceed sixty percent of the cost
20. 20 Indirect Costs(Facilities and Administrative) Percentage of Base
Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC)
Total Direct Cost (TDC)
FY03 Rates
On Campus Research 55.5 %
Off Campus Research 26.0 %
On Campus Training 52.1 %
Off Campus Training 36.0 %
21. 21 OMB Circular A-21; Section F.6.b Guidelines for applying F.6.b
Administrative and clerical salaries
Office supplies, postage, local telephone, copy costs & memberships
Conditions for charging an F.6.b expense
Explicitly budgeted and justified
Cost must be specifically identifiable to specific project
Expenses such as Telephone, Office Supplies, Postage, Membership – DIRECTLY ASSOCIATEDExpenses such as Telephone, Office Supplies, Postage, Membership – DIRECTLY ASSOCIATED
22. 22 OMB Circular A-21;Section F.6.b Continued Large complex programs
Involve extensive data collection, analysis and entry
Travel and meeting arrangement for large number of participants
Preparation and production of manuals, large reports, books and monographs
Geographically inaccessible to normal operations
Project specific database management, individualized graphics or manuscript
3) Nti
4) Edison Papers
5) Tuckerton3) Nti
4) Edison Papers
5) Tuckerton
23. 23
24. 24
25. 25
26. 26 Cost Transfers Document, Document, Document
Clerical Errors must be corrected Promptly
Previous certified Effort
Timely - < 90 days
Must meet Final Cost Deadline
27. 27 Ways to Transfer Costs Salary Reallocation Form
Proper position number
Effort certification
Journal Entries
Why is charge being transferred
How relates to the project goals
Provide reference information – time period, voucher number, PO, dates and amounts
28. 28 Cost Sharing What is it?
For more information, go to:
Financial Tracking
Budget Template
29. 29 Close Out Procedures Reporting Responsibilities
Final Costs
Technical Reports
Unallowable Charges
Delinquent Reporting A. Reporting Responsibilities
PIs are responsible for preparing and submitting all technical reports and disclosure statements associated with their sponsored projects.
Departmental Business Offices (DBOs), working in conjunction with their PIs and post award administrators, are responsible for finalizing the costs associated with their sponsored projects.
Post award administrators are responsible for preparing and submitting final financial status reports required by sponsoring agencies. Post award administration on the New Brunswick and Camden Campuses is provided by the Division of Grant end Contract Accounting (DGCA). Post award administration on the Newark Campus is provided by the Grant & Contract Accounting -Newark (GCN).
B. Final Costs
The PI and DBO should monitor the award activity to insure all project costs are incurred prior to the award termination date and recorded thirty (30) days prior to the reporting date. During the sixty (60) day finalization period, the PI, DPO and DGCA/GCN should review program expenditures for any unallowable costs and agree on the appropriate adjustments. If at the conclusion of this process any unexpended project funds remain, they will be returned to the sponsor by the DGCA/GCN with the final fiscal report.
C. Cost Sharing Information
When cost sharing documentation is required, it must be submitted to the DGCA/GCN thirty (30) days prior to the final fiscal report due date. The final fiscal reports can not be filed without this information.
D. Technical Reports
Technical reports must be filed with the sponsor within the due dates established under the terms of the award. In order to effectively respond to inquiries received from sponsoring agencies concerning outstanding technical reports, the PI is required to copy the DGCA/GCN on the cover letter transmitting the report to the sponsor and if necessary any letter requesting an extension to file the report. The PI must also retain a copy of the technical report on file in his/her department for examination upon audit and as a backup in the event the report is lost in transit or misplaced by the sponsoring agency.
E. Unallowable Charges
If any unallowable charges remain on an account after the final fiscal report is filed, they must be cleared by the PI/DBO within six months after the award termination date. If the unallowable charges are not cleared, the DGCA/GCN is authorized to transfer the charges to any related account of the PI, Department Chair or Dean.
F. Delinquent Reporting
If and when delinquent reporting becomes a chronic problem with a particular PI, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, the Newark Office of Sponsored Programs and DGCA/GCN are authorized to suspend processing of new proposals and new account requests for the PI until the delinquent reports are submitted and accepted.
A. Reporting Responsibilities
PIs are responsible for preparing and submitting all technical reports and disclosure statements associated with their sponsored projects.
Departmental Business Offices (DBOs), working in conjunction with their PIs and post award administrators, are responsible for finalizing the costs associated with their sponsored projects.
Post award administrators are responsible for preparing and submitting final financial status reports required by sponsoring agencies. Post award administration on the New Brunswick and Camden Campuses is provided by the Division of Grant end Contract Accounting (DGCA). Post award administration on the Newark Campus is provided by the Grant & Contract Accounting -Newark (GCN).
B. Final Costs
The PI and DBO should monitor the award activity to insure all project costs are incurred prior to the award termination date and recorded thirty (30) days prior to the reporting date. During the sixty (60) day finalization period, the PI, DPO and DGCA/GCN should review program expenditures for any unallowable costs and agree on the appropriate adjustments. If at the conclusion of this process any unexpended project funds remain, they will be returned to the sponsor by the DGCA/GCN with the final fiscal report.
C. Cost Sharing Information
When cost sharing documentation is required, it must be submitted to the DGCA/GCN thirty (30) days prior to the final fiscal report due date. The final fiscal reports can not be filed without this information.
D. Technical Reports
Technical reports must be filed with the sponsor within the due dates established under the terms of the award. In order to effectively respond to inquiries received from sponsoring agencies concerning outstanding technical reports, the PI is required to copy the DGCA/GCN on the cover letter transmitting the report to the sponsor and if necessary any letter requesting an extension to file the report. The PI must also retain a copy of the technical report on file in his/her department for examination upon audit and as a backup in the event the report is lost in transit or misplaced by the sponsoring agency.
E. Unallowable Charges
If any unallowable charges remain on an account after the final fiscal report is filed, they must be cleared by the PI/DBO within six months after the award termination date. If the unallowable charges are not cleared, the DGCA/GCN is authorized to transfer the charges to any related account of the PI, Department Chair or Dean.
F. Delinquent Reporting
If and when delinquent reporting becomes a chronic problem with a particular PI, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, the Newark Office of Sponsored Programs and DGCA/GCN are authorized to suspend processing of new proposals and new account requests for the PI until the delinquent reports are submitted and accepted.
30. 30 Departmental Responsibilities for Close Outs
60 days before termination
30 days before termination
30 days after termination
90 days after termination Minimum of Sixty (60) Days PRIOR to Termination of Award:
1. Discuss with DGCA responsible accountant status of award. Review all expenditures – salaries, fringe benefit reconciliation, and F&C reconciliation. If there are budgetary restrictions, check variances from budget to actual expenditures for non-compliance. Project ending balances.
2. Request necessary budget revisions or no-cost extensions from the sponsor. Coordinate with DGCA.
3. Coordinate with DGCA receipt of any subcontract closeout documents. Notify any subcontractors of deadline to submit final invoices.
Minimum of Thirty (30) Days PRIOR to Termination of Award:
1. Prepare all necessary payroll documents (PDR) to transfer expense to another funding source, or terminate personnel on award effective the last day of the award.
2. Follow-up on all outstanding purchase orders, quicks for payment. Contact delinquent vendors to submit invoices to Disbursement control on valid commitments to expedite closeout.
3. Cancel all invalid outstanding commitments by preparing Change Order Request form in accordance with University policy.
4. Contact Telephone and Animal Care offices in writing to notify them to change account numbers being charged.
5. Confirm all cost-sharing/matching detail delineated in proposal which DGCA is required to report to agency has been posted to the applicable accounts.
6. Follow-up with Department Chair to ensure all effort certification reports (PACE) issued to data on award have been completed and submitted to DGCA.
Thirty (30) Days AFTER Termination of award:
1. Review all expenses after termination date to determine allowability. Prepare and submit to DGCA journal entry removing unallowable expenses.
2. Contact DGCA representative to finalize costs on award.
Ninety (90) Days AFTER Termination of Award:
1. Review Final Financial Report, contact DGCA for any discrepancies
2. Forward to DGCA a copy of the cover letter accompanying the Final Technical Report once submitted.Minimum of Sixty (60) Days PRIOR to Termination of Award:
1. Discuss with DGCA responsible accountant status of award. Review all expenditures – salaries, fringe benefit reconciliation, and F&C reconciliation. If there are budgetary restrictions, check variances from budget to actual expenditures for non-compliance. Project ending balances.
2. Request necessary budget revisions or no-cost extensions from the sponsor. Coordinate with DGCA.
3. Coordinate with DGCA receipt of any subcontract closeout documents. Notify any subcontractors of deadline to submit final invoices.
Minimum of Thirty (30) Days PRIOR to Termination of Award:
1. Prepare all necessary payroll documents (PDR) to transfer expense to another funding source, or terminate personnel on award effective the last day of the award.
2. Follow-up on all outstanding purchase orders, quicks for payment. Contact delinquent vendors to submit invoices to Disbursement control on valid commitments to expedite closeout.
3. Cancel all invalid outstanding commitments by preparing Change Order Request form in accordance with University policy.
4. Contact Telephone and Animal Care offices in writing to notify them to change account numbers being charged.
5. Confirm all cost-sharing/matching detail delineated in proposal which DGCA is required to report to agency has been posted to the applicable accounts.
6. Follow-up with Department Chair to ensure all effort certification reports (PACE) issued to data on award have been completed and submitted to DGCA.
Thirty (30) Days AFTER Termination of award:
1. Review all expenses after termination date to determine allowability. Prepare and submit to DGCA journal entry removing unallowable expenses.
2. Contact DGCA representative to finalize costs on award.
Ninety (90) Days AFTER Termination of Award:
1. Review Final Financial Report, contact DGCA for any discrepancies
2. Forward to DGCA a copy of the cover letter accompanying the Final Technical Report once submitted.
31. 31 Tools Available Grant Budget Report (GBR)
Payroll Distribution Report (PDR)
Online Financial Information System (OFIS)
List serve
32. 32 Websites Standards for University Operations
University Regulations and Procedures Manual
ORSP web site
DGCA web site
33. 33 Web Resources
Personnel List
Responsibility list
Topics and references
Federal & Other useful links
Hot sheets
ORSP – Proposal Information
Web Resources
Personnel List
Responsibility list
Topics and references
Federal & Other useful links
Hot sheets
ORSP – Proposal Information
34. 34
35. 35 Upcoming DGCA Workshops DGCA Procurement Issues
The Basics of Cost Sharing
Cost Sharing Filling Out the Forms
For more info visit
36. 36 Presented by: Steven Levenson
Communication and Education Manager
The Basics of Grant Administration
Email: dgca1@rci.rutgers.edu