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What Is An Ameliorant?

Definition from Dictionary.com Ameliorate - verb (used with object), to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve; meliorate. ISO Ameliorants improves the effects & amplify properties of the agent they join without changing the agent they join. .

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What Is An Ameliorant?

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  1. Definition from Dictionary.com Ameliorate - verb (used with object), to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve; meliorate. ISO Ameliorants improves the effects & amplify properties of the agent they join without changing the agent they join. What Is An Ameliorant?

  2. Increase Ripener Deposition on Sugarcane Increase Ripener Deposition Uniformity Decrease Ripener Evaporation Coefficient Increase Ripener Penetration on leaf Inert, No Activity Without Ripener What Are The EffectsOf ISO Ameliorants?


  4. Benefits of Ameliorant with ISO Technology • More Uniform Ripener Application; • Increased Rendement; • Increased Brix, Pol, % Pol Cane; • Reduced Plant Stress; • Increased Sugar / Ton, 7 - 15 %; • Increased Profits, $75-200/Ha

  5. Safening of Chemical Ripener Effects Reduced Stress on Plant Physiology Sugar Increase 7-15 % Profitability Increase, >$75/Ha What Does This Mean to You?

  6. Plant Stress

  7. Commercially Developed • Split Fields • Multiple Replications • Same Crop & Management Programs • Same Ripeners Salts • Same Concentration & Dosage / Area • Same Cane Variety & Timing

  8. The Americas


  10. Publications: Colombia 1998, Jamaica SIRI 1997, West Indes Sugar Technologist Georgetown Guyana 1997, 1st Congreso de Azucareros en El Salvador 2001. Replicated Studies & Results: Argentina 1998-1999, Costa Rica 2000-2002, El Salvador 2000-2002, Guatemala 1997-1999, Guyana 1998-2000, Jamaica 1997-1999, Nicaragua 1997-1999, Kinyara Estates Uganda 2004-2010, Ramu Sugar Estates Papua-New Guinea 2004-2010 Publications&Studies

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