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E.Meijer, P.van Velthoven M.Gauss, I.S.A.Isaksen O.Dessens V.Grewe D.Caro, D.Hauglustaine P.Hoor, P.Jöckel, J.Lelieveld WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport Idea:
E.Meijer, P.van Velthoven M.Gauss, I.S.A.Isaksen O.Dessens V.Grewe D.Caro, D.Hauglustaine P.Hoor, P.Jöckel, J.Lelieveld WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport
Idea: QUANTIFY the effect of different means of transport on the current state of the atmosphere Setup: 1. Take a number of models (six) 2. same initialization, emissions etc … as far as possible 3. simulate current conditions (2003) (BASE) 4. sensitivity runs to investigate the effect of ROAD SHIP AIR ALL (ROAD + SHIP + AIR) -5% -5% -5% - 5% each 4. later upscaling to 100% WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport
Status: - Monthly mean output perturbation fields for 2003 available on server in Oslo (x,a) - Draft of Report and under revision within AC312 (general assembly) - Timepos files produced for model/obsevation comparison BASE ROAD SHIP AIR ALL TIMEPOS TM4 x x x x x x OsloCTM2 x x x x x x p-TOMCAT x x x x x x LMDzINCA x x x x x x E39C ab ab ab ab ab x E5/M1 x b b b b x a) alternative data provided (tagged ozone, different emissions used) b) problems due to nudging and coupling, perturbation fields discarded, available on request WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport
Emissions: WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport Brackets: Annual values from POET based on June June values provided by M. Gauss
NOx-Emissions: Annual mean NO-flux WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport ROAD SHIP AIRCRAFT NON-TRAFFIC + SOIL
CO-Emissions: Annual mean CO-flux WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport ROAD SHIP NON-TRAFFIC BIOGENIC
Comparison of models - Ozone BASE case - Column ozone perturbation - Linearity of approach WP 312: Current chemical composition changes
Comparison of models: Ozone BASE case (ppbv), July 2003, 1050-800 hPa TM4 OsloCTM2 LMDzINCA p-TOMCAT ECHAM5/MESSy E39C WP 312: Current chemical composition changes
Comparison of models: Ozone BASE case (ppbv), July 2003, zonal mean WP 312: Current chemical composition changes TM4 OsloCTM2 LMDzINCA p-TOMCAT ECHAM5/MESSy E39C
Comparison of models: Column Ozone Perturbations (DU), July 2003, ALL TM4 OsloCTM2 LMDzINCA p-TOMCAT E39C different scale !!! WP 312: Current chemical composition changes -similar patterns -absolute numbers vary among CTM's (minima from 3.5 – 5.5 DU)
0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 January July 15 10 5 0 15 10 5 0 January July Mean column ozone perturbation (DU) derived from all CTM’s WP 312: Current chemical composition changes Relative standard deviation (%)
Linearity: Column Ozone Perturbations (DU): SUM(perturbations) – Perturbation (ALL emissions) 2 1 0 -1 -2 2 1 0 -1 -2 Linearity of approach achieved (~1%) WP 312: Current chemical composition changes January Sum of individual O3-perturbations (DU) ROAD+SHIP+AIR O3-perturbation (DU) from ALL emissions reduced all CTM's rel. difference (%) January July
Effect of different means of transportation - January / July - PBL (1000 – 800 hPa) - UTLS (250 hPa) - seasonal cycles - regional differences WP 312: Current chemical composition changes
Ozone perturbations (ppbv), by case, 1000 - 800 hPa January ROAD July January SHIP July January AIRCRAFT July
Ozone perturbations (ppbv), by case, 250 hPa January ROAD July January SHIP July January AIRCRAFT July
Ozone perturbations (ppbv), by case, zonal mean January ROAD July January SHIP July January AIRCRAFT July
Ozone perturbations (DU) from different means of transport WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport Tropics: 10S - 30N Mid latitudes: 30N - 60N Arctic: 60N - 90N 1000 – 600 hPa ROAD SHIP 600 – 100 hPa % relative to total column: dashed: PBL, solid: UTLS
Ozone perturbations (ppbv), by case, 1000 - 800 hPa January ROAD July January SHIP July January AIRCRAFT July
Ozone perturbations from different means of transport in the boundary layer (< 800 hPa) by region as a function of time WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport East Asia: 100E - 120E , 30N-50N Central Europe: 10W - 10 E , 40N-60N Eastern US: 90W - 70 W , 30N-50N
Ozone perturbations from different means of transport in the boundary layer (< 800 hPa) by region as a function of time WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport East Asia: 100E - 120E , 30N-50N Central Europe: 10W - 10 E , 40N-60N Eastern US: 90W - 70 W , 30N-50N dashed: example for regional variability of CTM's
Ozone perturbations from different means of transport in the UTLS (250 hPa) by region as a function of time WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport East Asia: 100E - 120E , 30N-50N Central Europe: 10W - 10 E , 40N-60N Eastern US: 90W - 70 W , 30N-50N
OH-perturbation (104molec/cm3), by case, 1000-800 hPa January ROAD July January SHIP July January AIRCRAFT July
OH perturbations (104 molec/cm3), by case, zonal mean January ROAD July January SHIP July January AIRCRAFT July
Summary: - Models agree by 15 % calculating the summed effect of traffic emissions on total ozone - Linear approach successful - Mean maxiumum total column reduction of ozone: 3.5 DU (Jan) – 4.5 DU (July) - discrepancies between models: 3.5 DU – 5.5 DU (July) - PBL: - road emissions: Largest regional effect of on ozone central Europe, Eastern US, summer - ship emissions: dominating ozone perturbation over the central eastern Atlantic, weaker seasonal cycle - 250 hPa: road emissions during NH-summer ~ 50% of aircraft effect ship emissions of importance in the tropics impact of road+ship ~aircraft WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport
THANK YOU ! WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport
CO perturbations (ppbv), by case, zonal mean January ROAD July January SHIP July January AIRCRAFT July
Ozone perturbations from different means of transport in the boundary layer (< 800 hPa) in polluted areas and 30°E downwind WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport East Asia: 100E - 120E , 30N-50N Central Europe: 10W - 10 E , 40N-60N dashed: 30E downwind Eastern US: 90W - 70 W , 30N-50N
Ozone perturbations from different means of transport in the UTLS (250 hPa) by region as a function of time WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport East Asia: 100E - 120E , 30N-50N Central Europe: 10W - 10 E , 40N-60N Eastern US: 90W - 70 W , 30N-50N
Zonal mean ozone perturbations (ppbv), January WP 312: Current chemical composition changes ROAD SHIP AIRCRAFT ALL
Zonal mean ozone perturbations (ppbv), July WP 312: Current chemical composition changes ROAD SHIP AIRCRAFT ALL
Emissions: WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport
Emissions: WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport
Ozone perturbations from different means of transport in the boundary layer (< 800 hPa) by latitude as a function of time WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport Tropics: 10S - 30N Mid latitudes: 30N - 60N Arctic: 60N - 90N
Other tracers: - OH - CO WP 312: Current chemical composition changes from different modes of transport