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SUO Planning & Decision Aids

SUO Planning & Decision Aids. PDA Thread 2 - Sniper Suppression Prototyping Peter Jarvis, John Levine, Austin Tate, Jeff Dalton AIAI, University of Edinburgh Outline Purpose: experimentation to ensure that the situations and actions in SUO can be represented

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SUO Planning & Decision Aids

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  1. SUO Planning & Decision Aids PDA Thread 2 - Sniper Suppression Prototyping Peter Jarvis, John Levine, Austin Tate, Jeff Dalton AIAI, University of Edinburgh Outline • Purpose: experimentation to ensure that the situations and actions in SUO can be represented • Recap the situation within the thread • Early Demonstration (live)

  2. 2nd Plt 1st Plt 3 OP “M” 3rd Plt 4th Plt Thread Overview • Initially • Platoons in “toe-hold” positions • Undetected by OPFOR • 1st Platoon • Squad A covers at 30m from building 34 • Squad B covers inside building 34 • Squad C ready to storm San Roberto

  3. Advance from Toe-Holds • On Order • 1st Platoon Charlie Squad blows wall and advances on the Church • Result • First two soldiers through breach are killed by sniper fire • Member of Bravo Squad hit on other side of Building 34 (indicates two snipers) • Battle drill response of placing suppressing fire upon the snipers’ positions

  4. Sniper Positions

  5. Platoon Leaders Query to PDA • Platoon Leader asks PDA to give COAs for following task. • 1. Suppress Sniper 1 • 2. Suppress Sniper 2 • 3. Storm Church under suppressed sniper fire

  6. World Situation • PDA retrieves the following information from SAS • {historic_interest Building33} = valuable • {friendly_occupancy Building31} = actual • {friendly_occupancy Building32} = planned • {location_of Sniper1} = Building32 • {location_of Sniper2} = Building46 • {location_of Team_A_1st_Platoon} = Cover_Positions_Building34 • {location_of 2nd_Platoon} = Building31 • {status_AFSS 1st_Platoon} = available • {status_TACAir 1st_Platoon} = available

  7. Demonstration • Planning Process • Each objective is listed together with methods appropriate in this situation • Inappropriate methods for this situation are automatically filtered. • COA Generation • Generate all COAs appropriate in this situation • * Rank the set according to the Platoon Leader’s evaluation criteria

  8. PDA Operation • Option 1: Guide the Planning Process

  9. PDA Operation • Option 2: Produce All Open COAs

  10. PDA Thread 2 COAs • COA 1 • Suppress Sniper 1 - Suppressing fire from 2nd Platoon • Suppress Sniper 2 - AFSS • COA 2 • Suppress Sniper 1 - Accurate smoke from 1st Platoon • Suppress Sniper 2 - AFSS • COA 3 • Suppress Sniper 1 - Accurate smoke from 1st Platoon • Suppress Sniper 2 - Tactical Air Strike • COA 4 • Suppress Sniper 1 - Accurate smoke from 1st Platoon • Suppress Sniper 2 - Accurate smoke from 1st Platoon • COA 5 • Suppress Sniper 1 - Suppressing fire from 2nd Platoon • Suppress Sniper 2 - Tactical Air Strike • COA 6 • Suppress Sniper 1 - Suppressing fire from 2nd Platoon • Suppress Sniper 2 - Accurate smoke from 1st Platoon

  11. Summary • Military Benefits • Selecting workable course of action • e.g. avoiding air strike on building occupied by own forces • e.g. change in 2nd Platoon’s plans means that an air strike is now an option.

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