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(v.) [a] – to officially recognize or approve as having met certain standards [b] – to credit with; to attribute to. Accredit. cred – “believe”. accredited - adjective. (n.) accepted as true or valid; belief. Credence.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. (v.) [a] – to officially recognize or approve as having met certain standards [b] – to credit with; to attribute to Accredit cred – “believe” accredited - adjective

  2. (n.) accepted as true or valid; belief Credence

  3. (n.) something that gives one confidence or authority; evidence of one’s qualifications Credential

  4. (n.) believability; reliability; the power to inspire belief Credibility credible - adjective

  5. Creditable (adj.)[a] – deserving of limited praise; sufficiently good [b] – worthy of belief

  6. (adj.) easily deceived; believing too readily; gullible Credulous credulity - noun credulousness - noun

  7. (n.) a system of beliefs, principles, or opinions Creed

  8. (v.) [a] – to damage in reputation; to disgrace [b] – to cause to be distrusted or doubted (n.) lack of trust or belief; doubt Discredit

  9. (adj.) disbelieving; showing disbelief; skeptical Incredulous in – “not” incredulity - noun

  10. (n.) an evildoer; a villain Miscreant

  11. (n.) [a] – an intense dislike [b] – the avoidance of something considered unpleasant or painful Aversion vers – “turn” averse - adjective

  12. (v.) [a] - to turn away [b] - to ward off; to prevent Avert ab – “away from”

  13. (v.) to give variety to; to vary Diversify diversity – noun diverse - adjective

  14. (n.) [a] – an action or a ploy that turns attention away [b] – something that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains [c] – the act of instance of turning aside Diversion divert – verb diversionary – adjective

  15. (adv.) accidentally; unintentionally Inadvertently inadvertent - adjective

  16. (adj.) unquestionable; impossible to dispute Incontrovertible incontrovertibility - noun

  17. (v.) to turn upside down or inside out; to reverse the position or order of Invert inversion - noun

  18. (adj.) impossible to reverse Irreversible

  19. (v.) to return to a former condition, practice, subject, or belief Revert re – “back” reversion - noun

  20. (n.) the sensation of dizziness Vertigo

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