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Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues. Wildlife Land Use Viewshed. Examples: Wind Data- Statistical Analysis Calculate the Mean , Standard Deviation Example Experiment : Measure wind data once per day at same time for one month Extrapolation for height adjustment (practice using exponentials)

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Environmental Issues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Environmental Issues Wildlife Land Use Viewshed

  2. Examples: Wind Data- Statistical Analysis Calculate the Mean, Standard Deviation Example Experiment: Measure wind data once per day at same time for one month Extrapolation for height adjustment (practice using exponentials) Data presentation: Plot daily average over a year using monthly averages

  3. MARS WIND TURBINE DESIGN (slugs/ft3) Units conversion to kg/m3 Mars:For h < 23,000 ft altitude T= -25.68-0.00548h(oF) p=14.62exp[-0.00003h] (lbs/ft²) (slugs/ft³)

  4. Mars Turbine Cont. Surface Air Density ~0.02 kg/m³ wind speeds : 2-7m/s Summer 5-10m/s Fall 17-30m/s Dust storm

  5. Mars Turbine Cont. Mars R=135 m = 443 ft W/m2 W/m2 m Earth Wind at 12 m/s Want 1 MW =57ft

  6. Weight Ratio: 1 lb. on Earth = 0.37 lbs. on Mars Assume (mass density/length) are same Mars blade is 7.77 times longer then Earth blade Mars blade is 7.77 times the mass of Earth blade Then 7.77 x 0.37= 2.88 times weight for 8 times longer blade

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