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Play for keeps. #AAFGVL. Thanks to Our Sponsors. Awards Dates . Workshop November 14 th , Commerce Club Call for Entries: Professional January 10 th , 2014 4-6pm Ferebee Lane + Co 201 W. McBee Avenue, Greenville SC Call for Entries: Student January 17 th , 2014 4-6pm
Awards Dates Workshop November 14th, Commerce Club Call for Entries: Professional January 10th, 2014 4-6pm Ferebee Lane + Co 201 W. McBee Avenue, Greenville SC Call for Entries: Student January 17th, 2014 4-6pm Photoelectric 103 B Augusta Street, Greenville SC American Advertising Awards Gala February 22nd, 2014 6-7:30 Cocktails/Gallery Showing 7:30-9:30 Presentation Zen Forward to District March 4, 2014 National April 1, 2014
Entry Fees Professional Members $70 for single entry $100 for campaign entry Professional Non-Members $130 for single entry $150 for campaign entry Students $30 per entry
How to Enter To get started, register here: AAF Greenville Award Entry Website Or go to aafgreenville.org and go to the Awards (ADDYS) section. • Complete the entrant information...name, address..member/non-member, phone, etc. • Complete the information for each entry. See the online entry process in the video/slides below. • Print out two copies of each entry form. • Print out one copy of your manifest and sign it. • Package your entries as directed on the Entry Guidelines sheet and the official Rules and Categories documents for either professionals or students.
How to Enter • WHEN YOU SUBMIT YOUR ENTRIES, PLEASE: • Package them according to the Rules and Categories for 2013-2014. • Include a completed and signed manifest/invoice form (print this out from the Awards entry site) • Make sure your entries match your manifest form. • Include your payment (cash,checks) or pay by Visa, MC, or AE online when you enter. • ENTRY IDENTIFICATION: • Detach the category and entry number labels from the entry form generated when you submitted your entry information online. • Firmly affix the entry number to the upper right corner on the back of each piece of the entry. • Place two copies of the entire entry form in the transparent, plastic envelope provided. • If submitting DVDs or CDs, affix the label to the case or sleeve - NOT on the face of the disc. Write the entry number and entry title on the disc with a marking pen. • Label each component of an Integrated Campaign in the same fashion and put each piece in the same envelope.
How to Enter • ENTRY SUBMISSION: • Physical entries must be placed inside the plastic envelope provided. • Firmly affix the entry number to the BACK of every piece in the entry. • Insert the two copies of the entry form securely inside the envelope behind the piece you’re entering. • If a manila-type envelope is used, the entry number label should be attached to the BACK of the entry. Spray-mount the entire entry form and attach to the front of the envelope. Insert a copy of the entry form inside the envelope. • Entries too large for the provided envelope: (1) Turn in the envelope with an entry form anyway. (2) Package the entry appropriately in the event that it’s shipped to District or Nationals for judging. (3) Include a copy of the entry form in the packaging and write the entry number outside of the packaging. (4) In the case of large displays, submit a photo with the entry envelope for judging rather than the entire display to be assembled.
How to Enter • ALL ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE: • The Entry Guidelines sheet. • An entry label on the upper right of the provided envelope (see guidelines sheet) • Two copies of your entry with an entry number label on the back. • Two copies of the entry form. • Do not attach the entire entry form to your entry.
How to Enter PACKAGING ENTRIES: Proper packaging of 3D entries and providing an additional copy of print entries allows us to display winning entries at the Awards Gala and also to successfully forward those entries to District and Nationals. SHIPPING ENTRIES: All entries submitted become property of AAF Greenville and will not be returned.
How to Enter • 3-D SUBMISSIONS: • If a three-dimensional (3-D) item is small enough, it should be placed inside an envelope, as described above. • Firmly affix the entry number to the BACK of every piece in the entry. • Insert the two copies of the entry form securely inside the envelope behind the physical entry. • If a manila-type envelope is used, the entry number label should be attached to the BACK of the entry. Spray-mount the entire entry form and attach to the front of the envelope. Insert a copy of the entry form inside the envelope. • 3-D SUBMISSIONS TOO LARGE FOR ENVELOPE: • The entry item should be enclosed in an appropriately sized box. • Place an entry number label on the bottom of the piece being entered. • Firmly affix the entry number to the top of the box in the upper right hand corner. • Spray mount the entry form to the bottom of the box. • Place a second copy of the entry form inside the box.
How to Enter • BROADCAST, AUDIO VISUAL OR COMPUTER PRESENTATION ENTRIES: • All video and audio entries must be submitted as uploads during the online entry process. • DVDs and CDs are NO LONGER ACCEPTED (except in Categories 41A, B & C) and will not be judged. • This entry process applies for all TV commercials, radio commercials, infomercials, webisodes, Internet commercials, and digital summaries for all non-traditional, mobile app and integrated campaign entries. • In every case, all digital filenames MUST contain the entire entry number in this format: XX-XXX-XXXXX • All entries containing video and audio assets must submit a HARD COPY entry form by the club’s entry deadline to use for the Awards Gala. Follow the online entry directions to print and submit your entry forms after uploading is complete. • Video sales presentations and infomercial entries must submited an edited representative content of NO MORE THAN five minutes in length. The edited entry must be uploaded as a digital video file.
How to Enter • DIGITAL ADVERTISING ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE: • For website and all online entries, submit the URL addresses. • For multiple URLS in a campaign category, create a webpage that contains each of the individual links and provide the single URL to your newly created page. DO NOT SUMBIT a URL that leads directly to a “swf” file. • Provide two copies of the entry form in the provided envelope. • One CD or DVD with the entry on it (to be used only if Internet is unavailable for some reason). If your entry is a website that is database driven or cannot be represented on a CD, please note on the entry form. Where the web content is no longer available online, the entrant should attempt to provide a competition judging site for the work. URLs, banners and menus must not contain any references to the entrant.
How to Enter DIGITAL ADVERTISING ENTRIES CONTINUED: For Disk-Based Sales Packages, submit on CD/DVD. Do not submit executable files that will attempt to install a program on the judging computer(s). Executable files cannot be judged and will be disqualified without reimbursement of entry fees. Judging will be done online, using the URL whenever possible. URLs should not require any username or password for access. In cases where this exists, the entrant should create an independent URL. URLs, banners and menus must not contain any references to the entrant. For more information on these categories, please refer to the Rules & Categories PDF (links in this presentation).
How to Enter • CAMPAIGN ENTRIES: • Follow the instructions for either 2-D or 3-D submissions above. • Label each piece on the back upper right hand corner (2-D) or on the bottom (3-D). • Indicate on each label “1 of 2” or “2 of 2” etc. • Include an extra copy of the entry form inside the envelope or box. • Integrated campaigns: all components must be entered together in one envelope. Label each piece with the entry number and include “1 of 4” or “2 of 4” etc. Affix an entry form to the outside of the envelope and include an extra copy inside the envelope. A SINGLE medium campaign is no less than two and no more than four pieces in the entry. An INTEGRATED campaign is a series of of ads, commercials or executions that utilize more than one medium. You can submit up to ten executions for judging. Entries that contain one or more of these elements: Social Media, Digital Apps, or Non-Traditional may be accompanied by a written or digital (video) summary of no more than 250 words (written) or 90 seconds (digital). Digital summaries must be submitted by uploading the video through the online entry process.
How to Enter For AAF Greenville Awards only: • LOCAL CATEGORY SUBMISSIONS: • Local categories are for printers ONLY and are labeled “LO-Local Only” and subdivided into printer categories (ie. LOA - Printer Category: Brochure). • Entries should follow the entry identification and entry submission rules outlined above. • These entries will remain at the local level and will not be forwarded to District or Nationals for judging.
How to Enter Professional Rules and Categories http://www.aaf.org/images/public/aaf_content/images/american-advertising-awards/AAA-Rules-and-Categories-Professional.pdf Student Rules and Categories http://www.aaf.org/images/public/aaf_content/images/american-advertising-awards/AAA-Rules-and-Categories-Student.pdf (Please note: all changes for the 2013- 2014 American Advertising Awards are marked in red.)
Creating an Account / Application Walkthrough Greenville Home Link https://enter.americanadvertisingawards.com/awards/Organizations/03-GRV/Home
Questions? Gala and Software Allyson Seitzer, allyson.seitzer@gmail.com , 864-918-9089 Entries Tim Neal, tim@palmettographics.com , 864-329-1120 Student Entries Jesse Larson, jesse@photoelectric.tv , 864-250-9980
Thank you to all those who supported Defenders for Children and attended our AAF Soby’s Event!
November 20th 6 pm Commerce Club Ignite your mind. #CreativeFuel Tom Barbittawill share how the iconic Cheerwine soft drink brand leverages authentic relationships with consumers and partnerships with customers to drive traffic and build business. Register for the event here!
Thank you for attending! Play for keeps. #AAFGVL