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Re searching Literacy Mobility across Contexts

Re searching Literacy Mobility across Contexts. 跨环境下的识字行为研究. 二语写作研究方法及视角. Pedag ogical innovation 教学创新 : 对有理论指导的新课程设计做出描述和评估 。 数据收集 : 学生成果 , 学生反思 , 学生 / 教师访谈 Connective ethnography on transnational literacy

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Re searching Literacy Mobility across Contexts

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  1. ResearchingLiteracyMobilityacrossContexts 跨环境下的识字行为研究

  2. 二语写作研究方法及视角 • Pedagogicalinnovation • 教学创新:对有理论指导的新课程设计做出描述和评估。数据收集: 学生成果,学生反思,学生/教师访谈 • Connectiveethnographyontransnationalliteracy • 跨环境识字行为研究:对课堂,课余及网络环境中发生的识字行为进行追踪描述。数据收集:participantobservation,literacylog,semi-structuredinterview,screencapture,studentartifacts • Empiricalresearchofwritingprocess • 写作过程描述:对学生写作过程的描述及分析. • Product-based:Think-aloudreportonwritingprocessinresponsetowritingpromptinstructuredenvironment • Processtracing:Cross-contexttracingofstudentwritingasmediatedbytoolsandbrokers,distributedacrossbrokers,timesandspaces,mobilized

  3. 理论视角 Translingualism(跨语言理论):students’languagesandculturesasassets,notdeficits.Languageconsideredinrelationtoeachother,notasdiscretesystems Literacymobility(识字流动性):literacyresources,intheprocessofmovements,arereconfiguredanddifferentlyvaluated,socialandeconomicvalues Literacybroker (识字赞助人):Literacypracticesmediatedbypersons,technologiesandinstitutionalparameters Spatiality(空间理论):spaceassocialprocess,traceliteracyacrossspaces Rhetoricalviewoftranslation (翻译修辞化):translationnotasamechanicalprocess,butrhetoricalinnovation

  4. PedagogicalInnovation教学革新

  5. Bridge Writing Class at MSU密歇根州立大学大一写作桥梁课程 “Preparation for College Writing” (a “bridge” course, students placed there on the basis of ACT/SAT, TOEFL, and MSU writing essay tests) that annually serve 900+ heritage, first generation, multilingual, and international students. A typical demography of PCW classroom小班教学,学生多样性 • 15 来自中国大陆各地,台湾,香港的学生 • 2 美国本地,第一代大学生,非裔西裔学生 • 2 韩国/沙特/泰国/日本学生 • 2 墨西哥非法移民子女 • 1 非洲助学生.

  6. Facilitating Border-Crossing辅助二语写作 • Pilot started 3 years ago, viewing the rich languages & cultures that students brought with them as assets and resources, rather than as deficits. 三年的合作教学创新,将学生的语言文化看为资源 • Informed by translingual, transcultural workshops facilitated by Ellen Cushman, through MSU’s Center for Applied Teaching and Learning理论指导下的教学改革 • 6 instructors in the pilot created assignments and activities around this pedagogical perspective六名参与教师 • Pilot further Informed by bi-weekly meetings where engaged faculty shared approaches and talked through challenges教师团队的创新,分享,反思 • Scholarly publication of pedagogical innovation and teacher inquiry学术发表

  7. Translation Narrative翻译反思 Strategize Translingual Negotiation

  8. Translation Narrative Stages翻译反思阶段 • Are placed first in groups, according to their home languages and choice of a text in that language.学生以母语分组 • Translate a cultural story or scholarly article from their home languages into English将母语故事/学术写作翻译成英文 • Share and compare their English translations with group members, taking notes & noting similarities and differences小组成员分享,比较翻译过程与翻译策略 • Write a reflective analysis on their translation process基于比较进行反思

  9. Translation Narrative Project翻译反思项目 How the groups function:组内分享 • Sharing translations with others brings out the differences, which then can be analyzed in their reflective analyses.通过分享发现差异,并为反思提供素材 How the other non-group members function: • They serve as audience: an implied reader that the writer/translator translates for.小组其他成员作为听众帮助寻找差异

  10. Objectives教学目标 Position students’ languages and cultures as sites of inquiry and objects of analysis学生的语言,文化,翻译过程作为探讨的原材料 Recognize, name, and strategize translingual practices。有效认识,认定,并且策略化翻译行为 Develop metalinguistic understanding of languages as linguistic, cultural, and ideological structures培养学生的原语言意识

  11. Consider Audience关注听众需要 • A writer sticks to the original – and carries over Chinese practice of putting the family name first, in order to give her English reader the “flavor” of the Chinese original • A writer discusses her negotiations of different languages and cultures (Caraganajah) – adding in extra information to make Chinese traditions clearer to the reader – for example, "三国时期" is a period of old Chinese ancient time. In that period, there were three kingdoms existed, so I just translated the period to "the Three Kingdoms Period". The reason why I used "Kingdom" instead of "Dynasty" is, the kingdoms in China are not strong enough like "French Kingdoms" or "British Kingdoms.”

  12. Juggle Semantic Meanings 寻找恰当词汇 “To make my story more attractive and readable, I used more slang words and add a psychological description instead of academic vocabulary. For example, “而” originally means rest or get off work; however, I used the word “knock off” instead to let me readers feel more casual.” A writer puts in the word “buckaroo” for “shepherd,” when translating the Chinese word “牧童” into English, because he assumes a reader steeped in the American cowboy tradition. 将牧童翻译为牛仔

  13. Manage Syntactic Structures调整语序 “in order to make sense to my English readers, I will added some English words that it actually not exist in original story. For example, the sentence I mentioned in the above paragraph “日出而作, 日落而息” don’t have a verb and preposition in its Chinese version.” Another student shows how she had to adjust her translation beyond the literal, by adding in the explanatory references that would have otherwise not been an issue for the Chinese reader: “(he’s) afraid of people will catch (him) when they hear it (the sound of him breaking the bell).”

  14. Develop Cultural Sensitivities基于文化敏感性做出调整 A student explains how difficult it was to “translate” the cultural resonances of the loquat tree, a powerful symbol of sorrow in Chinese culture. Instead of being able to use her “tested strategies” of “adjective words to describe [one’s] inner feelings” and “careful and clever uses of tropes to show off my knowledge,“ she ends up using a more scientific” and “simplistic” style for what she sees as the “logic-driven” American reader. 庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣翻译成为sad

  15. 原语言意识 意识到不同语言的特征,包括词汇的构成,句子的构造,词性的特征(例如中文无时态) 意识到语言和文化的关系,包括修辞传统(例如中文对情绪的含蓄表达) 意识到语言的意识形态特征(语言之间的博弈) 意识到语言是流动的,活性的,不停变化的

  16. Metaphors & Cartoons比喻和卡通 Developing personal theories of multilingual experience

  17. Objectives教学目标 Develop critical awareness towards translangual practices对跨语言学习行为进行有效控制 Formulate local theories of languages and identities就自身的语言身份认同和多种语言形成理论 Reflect on multilingual experiences反思多语言经历

  18. Writing Theory Cartoon写作卡通第一阶段 • Have students complete the following prompts with several alternatives学生填空寻找想法 • When I use home language to communicate, I feel ____________. • 我的母语就好像。。。河流,因为中文是。。。。 • When I use (academic) English to communicate, I feel ____________. • 英语就好像。。。一棵树,因为英文遵循程式化逻辑。。。

  19. Writing Theory Cartoon写作卡通第二阶段 Use flockdraw.com to generate images that represent an attitude/emotion towards each language 利用网上绘图软件用图画形式表达自己的情绪及对语言的分析

  20. Writing Theory Cartoon写作卡通第三阶段 • Write a two-language explanation of design写作双语反思,探讨对色彩,文化符号的运用,以及对分析点进行阐述 • Choice of color • Choice of symbol • Story

  21. Language as Ideological Structures

  22. Language as Linguistic Structures

  23. Language as Rhetorical Structures

  24. Enacting TranslingulPedagogy跨语言教学法应用 • Facilitate language and culture crossing through storytelling, reflection, and strategy building.通过讲故事和反思来辅助策略的运用 • Position students as agents and experts of translingual and transcultural negotiation将学生看为学习主导,单一语言教师作为学生 • Surface “invisible,” backstage scenes of reading and writing帮助隐形的学习策略浮出水面

  25. Resources 文献 De Costa, P., Canagarajah, S., Singh, J., Wang, X., Fraiberg, S., & Milu, E. (2017). Pedagogizingtranslingual practice: Prospects and possibilities. Research in the Teaching of English, 51(4), 464-472. Kiernan, J., Meier, J., & Wang, X. (2016). Negotiating languages and cultures: Enacting translingualism through a translation assignment. Composition Studies, 44(1), 89-107. Wang, X. (2017). Developing translingual disposition through a writing theory cartoon assignment. Journal of Basic Writing, 36(1), 44-73. http://wracpcw.pbworks.com/w/browse/#view=ViewAllObjects

  26. TracingTranslationasMobilePractice跨环境追踪修辞翻译行为TracingTranslationasMobilePractice跨环境追踪修辞翻译行为

  27. Multilingual and Multimodal Writing on the Move多语言多模态写作进行中。。。 • Empirical efforts in tracing multilingual and multimodal composing processes across spaces (Canagarajah, 2016; Fraiberg, 2014, 2017; Lilli & Curry, 2010; Prior & Shipka, 2003; Roozen, 2013, 2015; Smith, 2016, 2018; Yi & Hirvela, 2015; Wang, 2019; Wargo, 2017, 2018) has positioned meaning making as • Co-constituted with interconnected, local and translocal assemblages of semiotic resources, human and non-human agents, practices, and relationships多语言写作行为涉及多种社会关系,工具,及多语言资源 • Fluid and emergent unfolding across times and spaces多语言写作行为是流动的 • Negotiated across multiple linguistic, semiotic and identity resources located at different scales (Blommaert et al, 2015 a, b)多语言写作资源在不同维度上存在

  28. Translation as Rhetorical Work翻译修辞 An increasingly robust body of cross-disciplinary scholarship attending to translation, broadly construed, as rhetorical practices (Gonzalez, 2018; Lu, 2011), sites of negotiating linguistic, rhetorical, and cultural differences (Canagarajah, 2006; Pennycook, 2007), as pedagogical means of developing metalinguistic knowledge and holistic semiotic repertoire (Jimenez et al., 2013; Kiernan et al., 2015), and developing agency and identities (Li, 2017; Orellana & Reynolds, 2008). 对翻译的关注是跨学科的(应用语言学,二语习得,写作研究,识字研究)。不再将翻译看作是机械化过程,而是修辞行为。翻译是一种特殊的写作过程,与写作共享许多特性。翻译是对语言文化差异性进行比对的重要途径。 .

  29. And Yet… Lack of understanding of translation practices as an integral part of multilingual writers’ writing process—where, when how does translation happen? 我们仍然不够了解翻译作为多语言写作的过程,它怎样,如何发生? Lack of textured accounts of concrete rhetorical strategies deployed by multilingual writers as they work through translation in service of academic writing tasks.业内缺乏对学生如何在学术写作中利用翻译策略 Questions for writing researchers remain: what are the exigencies and consequences of translation practices for immediate and far-flung agendas of multilingual’s academic writing?

  30. Tracing Mobile Bodies and Mobile Texts跟踪流动人群和语篇 This study: understanding multiple mobilities of Morgan, a Chinese international student, as she works to complete a Learning Memoir assignment for her honor-designated FYW. Tracing mobile bodies by following her into spaces of writing (classroom, campus writing spots, digital spaces)追踪学生,进入课堂,校园内的写作地点,网络环境 Tracing mobile texts by following her multilingual revision process across local and translocal networks跟踪学生在当地和跨国环境中的关系网

  31. Jessie 19yrs,Freshmen EliteprivateU, Chinese,English,SzechuanDialect Ryan 21yrs,Junior TopU Chinese,English,Cantonese ★ ★ ✪ Nicole 22yrsJunior@ MidlandU. English Morgan 19yrs,Freshmen Midland U. Chinese,English,SzechuanDialect

  32. Morgan’s Literacy Network: Assemblage of Technologies, Spaces, and Persons Honor-DesignatedFYW荣誉学院大一课程 • WeChat微信 • Popular Chinese social networking tool • 11 billion registered accounts, 570 million daily users • Text, voice, video messages • Moments Posting • Serves200studentsannually • International,multilingualwritersunder-represented(5-6 international studentsannually) • Readingandwritingintensitvecurriculu Informal Writing Spots学校地点 Writing center, Campus dining halls, favorite writing spot, office,

  33. Chains of Translation Moments翻译链 Translation is an inherently multimodal, culturally situated, cyclical, creative, rhetorical practice that “requires the combination, adaptation, and manipulation of multiple semiotic modes to convey meaning” (Gonzalez, 2018, p. 7). 翻译是多媒质的,循环进行的,扎根于文化的创作性修辞行为。它融合了多媒质资源。 “Chain of translation moments” to trace the complex mediation and distribution of translation practices in Morgan’s literacy network, working to identify her use of translation strategies on the ground.通过对受访学生翻译行为跨时间空间的追踪来了解具体的翻译策略。

  34. Weird/CuteChinglish Negotiate Language Differences

  35. FirstDraft:The exaggerated remarks lingered in my freshman year besides the ebullient cheers of “go green. go white” and themurmur of rushing Red CedarRiver. Think-aloudinChinese:这些夸张的言辞和“Go Green, Go White”的欢呼声, 红杉河的潺潺水声成为了我大一生活中重要的一部分。 Writing in response to multiple rhetorical exigencies Western Narrative genre: emphasis on sensory details, parallelism, vivid description Chinese rhetorical tradition: Duplication as onomatopoeia, embody emotion in scenery

  36. Think-aloudinChinese:这些夸张的言辞和“Go Green, Go White”的欢呼声, 红杉河的潺潺水声成为了我 大一生活中重要的一部分。 FirstDraft:The exaggerated remarks lingered in my freshman year besides the ebullient cheers of “go green. go white” and themurmur of Red CedarRiver. Nicolerearrangesclausesandsentencesforoverallcoherence. Suggests, “NoIthinkwordsyouusearecute, butyourteachermightfindthemweird.” Changes “murmur” to “mighty roar” Restructuring, Frame shifting Jessie:Whymurmur? Questioning Morgan:Theriverisa“闺蜜(female best friend)” justlikeyou.Murmurfeelsmorelikewetrusteachother? Storytelling Jessie:Iguess.YoushouldcheckitwiththeAmericans.Frame shifting FinalDraft:The echo of their judging voices grew to a decibel that covered the ebullient cheers of “Go Green, Go White” eventually completely drowning out the mighty roar of the rushing Red Cedar.

  37. Stories of Becoming The becoming of the text: the difficult task of writing through linguistic, rhetorical and cultural difference is shared; text as an emergent, heterogeneous remixing of voices, perspectives, linguistic choices and backstage conversations The becoming of a multilingual writer: informed by multiple trajectories of writing across languages, genres, and disciplines that inform theories and approaches to writing The becoming of a Spartan: writing is deeply entangled in old and new friendships motivated by romantic, professional and social interests and are therefore profoundly emotional and affective

  38. MethodologyConsiderations • Extend a “talk around text” methodology for examining writing process如何有效地了解写作过程? • The challenge of representing the layered, fluid nature of textual history如何展现多层次跨时间空间的翻译行为 • The challenge of probing into the back-stage scenes of writing如何深入到学生的后台学习行为? • Connecting literacy “becoming” to other dimensions of “becoming”如何认定识字行为和其他社会行为之间的关系?

  39. Theoretical Consideration理论考量 • When engaged in such disciplinary border-crossing, how does writing research reconcile multipletheoretical frameworks, methodological tools, and disciplinary histories that are deeply ideological (translanguaging, translation, translingualism) but often invisible? • Case in point, positioning translation (a dynamic negotiation of meaning across languages) • as site of translingual negotiation or • as one-directional movement of meaning from one language to another

  40. 英语写作研究型期刊 写作方向: CollegeCompositionandCommunication,CollegeEnglish,CompositionStudies,JournalofBasicWriting(关注大学环境内发生的写作行为) 识字行为方向: ResearchintheTeachingofEnglish,WrittenCommunication,JournalofAdolescentandAdultLiteracies,LanguageandEducation (跨理论视角,对识字行为的广泛关注, 多理论视角) 二语写作方向:JournalofSecondLanguageWriting,TESOLQuarterly,ModernLanguageJournal,JournalofBilingualismandBilingualEducation(二语习得,二语写作)

  41. 英文期刊发表流程 申请科研资助,申请校内批准Proposaltofundingagencies/IRBproposal:6months-1year 数据收集Datacollection:6months-1year 数据分析以及文献综述Dataanalysisandliteraturereview:3-6months 撰稿Manuscriptpreparation:3months 第一次投稿与同行评议1stsubmissionto1stroundreview:3-4months (同行评议4-16页) 修改与第二次同行评议Revisionand2edsubmission:2-4months 二至五次修改2edreviewto5threvision:3months 文章接受到真正发刊Acceptancetopublication:3months-1year 整个流程2-4年

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