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Von den Atomkernen in den Mikro- und Makrokosmos. Aus den Ruinen zum KIT-CETA. Herwig Schopper. Talk in German, slides in English. 1945 Karlsruhe in ruins ( town and physics ). Castle. Market place. Now reborn, town and physics.
Von den Atomkernen in den Mikro- und Makrokosmos Aus den Ruinen zum KIT-CETA Herwig Schopper Talk in German, slides in English H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
1945 Karlsruhe in ruins (townand physics) Castle Market place Now reborn, town and physics H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Looking back 50 years I am deeply impressed by the incredible development of Nuclear and Particle Physics(experimental and theoretical) at Karlsruhe I cannot cover all events of past 50 years, in 30 min - impossible Just some highlights Apologies for omissions Thanks to all who have provided material for this talk: H.Appel, B.Jenschke, W.Kluge, H.Koch, W.Eichelberger, L.Schänzler, H.-M.Staudenmeier et al H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
New beginningofphysicswith (big) bang Severalchairsat TH Karlsruhe werefilledwithin a fewmonths in 1960 1960 Werner Buckel, Festkörperphysik (Nachfolger Gerthsen), Stöckmann, Falk 19.7.1960 Gerhard Höhler, Theoretische Kern- und Teilchen Physik 22.8. 1960 Herwig Schopper, Experimentelle Kern- und Teilchenphysik HS appointedasDirectoroftwo Instituts for Experimentelle Kernphysik IEKPoneat Research Center Karlsruhe FZKtheotherat University Höhler Buckel Mycondition: unificationofthetwoinstituts ‚formale Zweiteilung des Instituts (TH und KFZ) soll im wissenschaftlichen Bereich nicht in Erscheinung treten‘
ReasonsforUnificationoftwo Institutes Advantages forboth, universityandresearchcenter • University offers: • - freeenvironmentnecessaryforcreativeresearch,no ‚directed‘ research (Auftragsforschung) • contactwithstudents, decisiveto find excellentcollaborators • Research centreoffers: • technicalinfrastructureandfinancialplanningnecessaryfor large projectsofnuclearandparticlephysics • basicresearchcontributestostabilityofresearchcentre,sinceindependentoftechnicalandeconomicfashions H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
First tasksatUniversity in 1960 ff New Buildingsweredesparatelyneeded: newHighrise, lecturehalls A newand modern curriculumhadtobeagreed upon andlecturesorganised (balancebetweennuclear-particlephysicsandcondensed matter physics) Hochhaus ready 1967 H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Institut Theoretische Kernphysik establisedat University Gerhard Höhler: World expert for Pion-Nucleoninteraction(haswritten a ‚bible‘ in Landoldt-Börnstein) Pilkuhn: mesic, antiprotonicatoms Genz: Symmetries, severalpopularbooks H.-M.Staudenmaier : decayprocesses, symmetries Julius Wess: FatherofSupersymmetryTheories (withZumino) 5.10.1990, Johann Kühn successorof Höhler, Particle-Phenomenology New nameof Instituts: Institut für Theoretische Teilchenphysik TTP Wess H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
First tasksatResearch Centre FZK get a building, preliminaryat Erwin Becker‘sinstitute Design andconstructionof ‚double‘ IEKP Howitstarted Soonwecouldmove in! H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
1. Phase of IEKP (unified) 1960 – 1973 Start withNuclearphysics First modestpossibilitiesto do researchwithequipmentbroughtalongandwithcolleaguesfollowingfrom Erlangen and Mainz H.Appel, H.Behrens, Galster, Hartwig, H.Müller Parityviolationexperiment 1957 (Cambridge,UK) β - γcircularporlarisationcorelation Thoughtimpossibleby Lee and Yang γcircularpolarisationscatteringfrommagnetisediron Exploited in manyways (manythesis): e.g. nuclearspectroscopymatrixelementsofbetatransitions H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
CircularpolarisationofInternal Bremsstrahlung • following • betadecay • K capture 100 % polarised Manypublications H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Other activities in nuclearphysics Nuclearreactionsusing KA CyclotronPolarizedparticles Source forPolarized Protons Polarized Neutrons E.Boschiz, H.Brückmann, W.Kluge, L.Schänzler, H.Ullrich, Ch.Weddingen Magnet torotateneutronspin
Institutsfeste H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
New Doctorsareproducedandcelebrated H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Transition toElementaryparticlephysics 1. Electron – NucleonScatteringat DESY, Hamburg I hadlearned e-N scatteringat Cornell (R.R.Wilson) 1960 firstexperimentat DESY from 1963by Karlsruhe groupElasticelectronscatteringon Proton and Neutron,internaltarget(D.Wegener, D.Fries, et al) GM ElectromagneticFormfactorstohigher q-values FinerdetailsofNucleonStructure
Invention ofHadron-Calorimeter 1967Sampling Total Absorption Countername „STAC“ not popularJ.Engler, K.Runge, H.Müller et al 2. Neutron –ScatteringatCERN und Serpuchov UdSSR First strike on Soviet Territory by students from Karlsruhe Smiledatby all experts: not competitivewithmagneticspectrometer,now in everycolliderexperiment First optimisation of a detector by simulation (Monte Carlo) (meters of Punch Cards for IBM Computer) First at CERN PS, ISR from 1970 atSerpuchov Minister Riesenhuber at CERN
ExoticMiddleEnergyPhysics Investigation of mesonic atoms at SC and PS at CERN Discovery of antiprotonic atoms Citron, Backenstoss, Koch, Tauscher,… Meson spectroscopy withCrystal Barrel Detector at antiproton ring LEAR at CERN Cierjacks, Koch, Kunze, Matthäy, Weddigen,... Measuringhutat CERN Crystal Ball More than 100 Publikationen Candidat for Glueball-Grundstate (f0(1500) Initiated antiprotonic part of FAIR-Project at GSI H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
High energy Proton acceleratorat KA? KFZ seemedtoofferexcellentconditionsforconstructionofaccelerator, cooperationwith France Proposal Proton Synchrotron 40 GeV, complementaryto DESY and CERN Look forreinforcement: Anselm Citron, 6.4.1965 Elementaryparticlephysics Arnold Schoch, 1965 to 23.7.1967 (deceased),accelerator expert Werner Heinz, 1969 bis 31.12.1984 (deceased),succesor Schoch H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
National acceleratorprojectabandoned:- CERN proposes 300 GeV Super Proton Synchrotron 1970 (Germany: either SPS or national project) - Resistance in FZK (emphysis on ‚reactorstation‘, fast breader) Basic Research at Research Centre?? SchnurrScientific Directorof FZK GreiffeldAdministrative Directorof FZK Foundationof Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Grossforschungszentren Now Helmholtz Association
Technological developments • Acceleratorsanddetectors: • First European studiesofSupraconducting RF Cavitiesfirstapplicationforparticleseparatorsat CERN andSerpuchovknowhowto CERN (LEP) andmanyaccelerators • Proton SC Linac Prototyp at IEKP (2 coolingplantsat 30 K)firstcryogenicat FZK • Supraconducting MagnetsW.Heinz, J.Halbritter (origineof ITP) • Useofcomputers(in particlephysicsexperiments) Basic researchhasintroducednewtechnologiesat FZK whichbecamebasisfornewapplicationse.g. SL magnestforfusion TOSCA SC protonlinac H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
No time todiscussimportanceofteachingandroleofstudents Oneexample(Allowmesmalldiversion!): Isa Khubeisfrom Jordan, Diplom Mainz, PHD in KA, Prof. Uni. of Jordan (German degreesveryappreciated in Middle East) MSc??Vice-Präsident Al BalqaUniveristy Help toestablish SESAME Synchrotron Radiation Lab in Jordan (2000)(underumbrellaof UNESCO like CERN) Byestablishingcontactswith King Isa Khubeis Prince Ghazi Schopper, ADG UNESCO, King Abdullah, Prince Ghazi
FZK (Manfred Popp) providedhelpforbirthof SESAME SESAME Building (Near Amman) iscopyof ANKA SESAME International Organisation (like CERN)Onlytwoinstitutionswithobjective: scienceforpeaceMember States: Bahrein, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine, Turkey H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
2. Phase IEKP Schopper disappears in April 1973 to Hamburg (DESY and Uni), difficulties in appointingsuccessors (tookmorethan 5 years!) End ofunification, IEKP dissectedinto 4 institutes: Nuclearandelementaryparticlephysics I atFZK Bernhard Zeitnitz1978!to 1997(retirement) Hans Blümer 1999 untilnow (Neutrinos, CosmicShowers)NuclearPhysics II atFZK Anselm Citronuntil 1991 (Retirement) Medium energyphysics,(Disolvedatretirement) Technical PhysicsatFZK, SupraconductivityW.Heinz 1969 bis 1984 P.Komarek 1985 Nuclearandparticlephysicsat Uni Klaus Schubert 1988 bis 1993 (Chairat Dresden) Thomas Müller 1996 untilnow
KARMEN KArlsruhe-Rutherford-Middle-Energy-Neutrinos NeutrinophysicsatRutherfordlab‘sspallationsource ISIS also strong sourceforneutrinos Zeitnitz et al Manyinterestingresults: Limits forν-oscillations(appearence) vµ -> ve interestingsituation: resultof LSND wrong ? orantisymmetrybetweenneutrinosandantineutrinos? (new FNAL-Minos resutls) ISIS at Rutherford Lab
3. Phase: towards KIT- CETA ‚Great Unification‘ 2009 concerns: University with Research Centre Theorywith Experiments Supersymmetry, Non-relativisticquantumchromodynamics Perturbativequantumfieldtheory, Colliderphenomenology Technology withPhysics Computing and Networking, Cryogenictechnology IncludingCooperationwith Associated Institutes: Institut for Technical Physics (ITeP), Institut forProcessdataanalysisandElektronics (IPE) Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC). H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Center forElementary - andAstroParticle- Physics KCETA Oneofthelargestconcentrationforthisdomainofphysics in theworldhasbeencreated Competitive on worldwidescale H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Unificationbecamebasisforrecognitionof ‚University of Excellence‘ Visit Senate UNI KA at CERN 6. Oktober 2006 ( E.Umbach, H.Hippler
KCETA has not onlyimpressivepast,but also brightfuture Someveryshortremarksconcerninghighlightsofongoingandfutureactivitiestocompletepicture These arelogicalcontinuationofearlieractivities More informationbyfollowingspeakers H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
KATRIN Measurement ofneurino massfrombetadecayoftritiumCan onlybeperformedat FZK: Tritium technology, Large equipment Neutrino mass different from 0 Howbig? Great mystery ! Onlyexperiment in theworldofthiskind Electron-Neutrino-Mass: Best presentlimit <2.2 eV, KATRIN 0.3 eV International collaborationG.Drexlin et al
CMS at LHC CERN Oneofthe 3 bigexperiments KCETA involved in CMS since 1995, R/D for silicon strip detectors and Micro strip gas detectors, radiation hardness studies at the cyclotron of FZK construction of large scale prototypes for feasibility tests. The Karlsruhe (Campus South): about 35 physicists and technicians Th.Müller, W.de Boer, M.Feindt
CMS at LHC LHC runningforp-pat 3.5+3.5 TeVmostof time in 2010 Results will bereportby Joachim Mnich Not onlymachineworksvery well, but also experiments Beginningof November until 6 DecemberPb + Pb CMS worksevenfor Lead ! First observation in Pb-Pb, 9. November 2010 Z-> µ+µ- and Z-> e+ e-
Jet quenching in quark-gluon matter First observationandstudy CMS Pb-Pbcollisions Normal jet pairback-to-back, equalenergies Hottest nuclear matter (Cosmicprimary matter) Normal hadronsplaynorole Quarks andgluons Onejetquenchend H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Worldwide LHC Computing Gridsuccessorof World Wide Web WLCG serves a community of more than 8,000 physicists around the world with near real-time access to LHC data, and the power to process it. store, distribute and analyse the 15 Petabytes (15 million Gigabytes) of data annually more than 140 computing centres in 34 countries Layers: Tier 0 CERN Tier 1 in theworld 11, oneat KIT Tier 2 at large universitiesandlabs Tier 3 Grid KA plays essential role: interface for all universities and labs in Germany Günter Quast et al., many partners at KIT H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
11 Tier 1 nodes KIT H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Cosmicsraysfrom Kaskade toAuger Kaskade (Grande) im FZK B.Zeitnitz, H.Kampert,H.Ullrich Large detectorarrayat FZK Toinvestigatecosmicairshowers 252+37 Detektorstationen Now also usedfor LOPES (Radioantennen) Whatisoriginofextremelyenergeticcosmicshowers?Whatistheirenergydistributionandnuclearcomposition? H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Pierre Auger - Observatorium J.Blümer,K.-H.Kampert, H.O.Klages Extension of KASKADE tohigherenergies In Argentinianpampas 1600 Watertankscombinedwith 4 Air Fluorescence Light detectors KCETA biggestsinglegroup in collaboration H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Cosmicrayenergyspectrum Main results: Form ofspectrum due to different mass components Cut-off athighenergiesexists! H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
Suche nach dunkler Materie EDELWEISS in Frejus tunnel W.de Boer et al RecoilenergyofWeakInteracting Massive Particledetectedwith Bolometers Only 4% of matter in cosmosis ‚normal‘23 % Dark matter, whatisit? 320 g Germanium at 0.0170 K Data takingstarted 2007, someresults (exclusions) More bolometersbeingadded H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT
AMS Antimatter Spectroscopy Onlymagneticspectrometerin space (on Space Station) Searchfor antimatter anddark matter W.de Boer et al Transport from CERN to Cap Canaveral
Conclusions • During last 50 yearsexcellentresults (experimentsandtheory) • Research ofhighstqualityatforefrontofnuclearandparticlephysicsandfullycompetitive • Fullintegrationinto international collaborations • Successbased on competenceandenthusiasmofcollaborators, oldandyoung • Cooperationbetween FZK and Uni was essentialI am very happy about ‚greatunification‘ in KIT_CEAT • All conditionsfor an equallysuccessfulfuturearethere Best wishesforthenext 50 years H.Schopper, 50. Jahrestag für Kern-und Teilchenphysik at KIT