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Investigating climate change discourse in Spanish education with a focus on adult students' perceptions and knowledge. Analyzing official documents and student perspectives to enhance environmental education.
SPACESHIP EARTH A Grundtvig 2 programme IESPA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Aims • Studying official discourse about climate change • Analysing climate chance presence in the Spanish basic curricula • Finding out Adult students’ backgrounds about climate change Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Culture, education and climate change Introduction IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
We are in a new kind of society • We have passed from protecting against nature to protect nature • Our society is producing no intentional collateral effects (climate change) • Sweden (1972) and Río de Janeiro (1992) meetings • Knowledge and citizenship become new meanings Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Climate change • Study through official papers and review articles • Colleting newspapers articles • Making a link list about climate change on the Internet Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Pundits’ opinions • A) Climate change is produced by pollution which intensifies greenhouse effect • B) Global warming is produced by solar activity and pollution has a little impact • Slow emissions or be prepared for fighting against the effects Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Official opinion • Climate change can be controlled reducing gas emissións and pollution • Kioto protocol • Questions and more questions • We need more educated citizens • Participation will be more relevant in the future Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Culture, education and climate change Climate change in curriculo IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Climate change in curriculo • a) Compulsory Secondary Education - Biosfera 4: Biología y Geología. Vicens Vives • b) Adult Secondary Education - Naturaleza 2. CIDEAD - Naturaleza. Ciencias de la Vida y de la Tierra. Edit. Santillana. - Ciencias Naturales. Biología y Geología. Un Planeta Vivo. Educación Secundaria de Adultos. Edit. MAD. Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Culture, education and climate change Student’s perspective IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Survey aims • Collecting information about students’ knowledge about climate change • Finding out how students have learnt that knowledge • Discovering student’s expectations about climate change in the future Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Participants in the survey Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Students’ knowledge about climate change • Two out of three people think Earth is warming because of greenhouse effect which is increased by gas emissions. • A half of students think greenhouse effect problem is not improving, although one out of three thinks technical improvements can tackle the problem. • Two out of three people think there is information that shows climate change is a fact. • Almost a half of them think the greenhouse effect increase main cause is climate change[1] (wrong answer) as long as one out of three has the opinion that it is produced by pollution and deforestation (right answer). • More than a half know right what climate change consequences are. • Most of them think that deforestation will have a negative impact in sustainable development. • More than 60% know some measures are being taken by worldwide organizations to slow climate change. • Most negative consequences about climate change are thought to go to impact on health and agriculture (86.84%) and cattle raising (75.89%). So climate change will mainly affect to living beings. • It is a mistake some students made: a greenhouse effect increase produce a temperature rising but not in the contrary. Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Do you think it is important the climate change problem on a worldwide scale? Why? • Almost all students think climate change is an important problem. • It is thought to be a serious problem which will affect to a worldwide scale. It is related to temperature rising (thawing and raising sea level), the ozone layer, pollution and environmental deterioration. Natural catastrophes are underlined. • The answers are going from a catastrophic vision to be no very important. Others give some typical answers around things which affect mankind and things which affect life in the future. Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
Do you think the measures which are taken nowadays to slow climate change are effective? • Students’ 30% answers are negative. They point out the measures taken are insufficient. They are unlikely to fulfil the agreements because penalties are not strong enough. • Students’ 70% answers are positive but with raising objections. International agreements like Kioto protocol have to be fulfilled. They usually ask for more strength with most pollutant countries. Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
What can each one of us do to slow climate change? • The answers to this question are led to the personal area. There are no collective actions, except generic ones like “We have to get aware about the matter”. • Some ones point out that the problem is not about people but about factories or countries. Others are more critical and think people have to do something to solve the problem. • There are references to cars (13), water (3), electrical light (2), electrical appliances (1), deforestation (3), aerosols (2), heating (4). The answers show students have a superficial knowledge about the issue. • In short, the answers are influenced by mass media, especially, by TV. For example, climate change and tobacco are set together in the same answer. Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)
What effects can be made for climate change in the future? • The students think there will have great natural catastrophes in the future. They talked about thaw, rising water, desertification, floods, climate & season disorders, fires… All these thingswill affect economy. Even life in the Earth may disappear by pollution, in an atmosphere where we couldn’t breathe. • The apocalyptic vision is clearer in this question. Climate change won’t bring anything good to mankind. Even, in some cases, nature gets an anthropomorphic role and it is led by a superior intelligence who takes decisions and even can punish human beings. Spaceship Earth / IEPSA, Zaragoza (Spain)