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Improving Vocabulary Skills. Chapter 18 . 1. cor , cour () - ___________ I felt truly welcomed by my cor dial hosts. Their kindness and generosity were heartfelt. c or , cour means :. resembling double C. heart. 2. di-, du- () - ___________
Improving Vocabulary Skills Chapter 18
1. cor, cour() - ___________ I felt truly welcomed by my cordial hosts. Their kindness and generosity were heartfelt. cor, courmeans: • resembling • double • C. heart
2. di-, du-() - ___________ When Tyrone and Verna got divorced, they had to spend a difficult day dividing their household possessions into two groups. di-, du- means: • make • two • C. great
3. -dom() - ___________ A few actors achieve overnight success, but for most, the road to stardom is long and difficult. -dommeans: • like • state of being • C. fear
4. -fy() - ___________ First liquefy the ice cream over heat. Then mix in the strawberry jam. -fymeans: • cause to become • again • C. dislike
5. il-, im-() - ___________ My brother-in-law is so immature that he often acts as if he is 16 instead of a married man of 26. il-, im- means: • not • double • C. like
6. -ish() - ___________ My devilish brother once videotaped me huffing and puffing my way through aerobics, and now he shows the tape to every new friend I bring home. -ishmeans: • forth • characteristic of • C. mind
7. magni-, magn-() - ___________ My grandmother uses a magnifying glass to make the small print in the newspaper appear larger. magni-, magn- means: • forward • fear • C. large
8. phob() - ___________ One of the most unusual phobias is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one’s mouth. phobmeans: • forth • quality • C. fear
9. pro-() - ___________ One scientist propels his car with fuel he gets by burning garbage. pro- means: • forward • resembling • C. dislike
10. psych-, psycho-() - ___________ To treat her depression, Lee takes medication and also sees a psychiatrist once a week. psych-, psycho- means: • mind • make • C. again