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Multiple Biometrics for Personal Verification/Identification. Chaur-Chin Chen Department of Computer Science Institute of Information Systems & Applications National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan E-mail: cchen@cs.nthu.edu.tw. Outline. What is Biometrics?
Multiple Biometrics for Personal Verification/Identification Chaur-Chin Chen Department of Computer Science Institute of Information Systems & Applications National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan E-mail: cchen@cs.nthu.edu.tw
Outline • What is Biometrics? • Motivation by Evidence Iris Image Pattern Analysis Handwriting/Handprinting Verification Personal Signature Verification Hand Geometry Verification Voice (Speech) Pattern Recognition Face Image Recognition Fingerprint Image Verification/Identification Palmprint, Ear shape, Gesture, … • Fingerprint Classification and Verification • Face Image Recognition • Opportunities and Challenges
What and Why is Biometrics? • What is Biometrics? Biometrics is the science and technology of interactively measuring and statistically analyzing biological data, in particular, taken from live people. • Why Biometrics? (1) The banking industry reports that false acceptance rate (FAR) at ATMs are as high as 30%, which results in financial fraud of US$2.98 billion a year. (2) In U.S., nearly half of all escapees from prisons leave through the front door, posing as someone else. (3) Roughly 4000 immigration inspectors at US ports-of-entry intercepted and denied admission to almost 800,000 people. There is no estimate of those who may have gotton through illegally. (4) Personal verification/identification becomes a more serious job after the WTC attack on September 11, in the year 2001. • The evidence indicates that neither a PIN number nor a password is reliable.
美國啟用出入境指紋及影像辨識系統 • 美國國土安全部基於安全考慮,自(2004)元月五日起,啟用數位化出入境身分辨識系統(US-VISIT),大部分來美的14歲至79歲旅客,包括來自台灣、大陸、香港的留學生,於進入美國國際機場及港口時,都要接受拍照及留下指紋掃描紀錄以便辨識查核。(27個免簽證國公民之入境待遇略有不同,短期來美者,將受豁免。),亦將需接受指紋掃描查核。
US-VISIT • US-VISIT currently applies to all visitors (with limited exemptions) holding non-immigrant visas, regardless of country of origin. • 2004 – US$ 330 million • 2005 – US$ 340 million • 2006 – US$ 340 million • 2007 – US$ 362 million
入境按指紋 日本11月將實施 • 日本入境排隊長 指紋掃瞄會更長!(2007年9月27日) • 入境日本將按指紋 日官員赴台宣導新措施(2007年9月27日) • 日11月20日實施外國人入境須按指紋臉部照片(2007年9月25日) • 入境按指紋 日本11月將實施(2007年9月2日)
Implementation of An Automatic Fingerprint Identification System Peihao Huang, Chia-Yung Chang, Chaur-Chin Chen Department of Computer Science National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan E-mail: cchen@cs.nthu.edu.tw Presented on May 19, 2007 in IEEE Int’l Conference on EIT
Outline • A Flowchart of Fingerprint Identification ♪Type Classification ♪Minutia Points Detection ♪Minutiae Pattern Extraction ♪Pattern Matching ♦Databases:Rindex28, Lindex101 ♦Experimental Results
Image Enhancement • Support that A(i, j) is image gray level at pixel (i, j), μ and s2 are the mean and variance of gray levels of input image, and α=150, γ=95, γ must satisfy γ>s. The enhanced image B( i , j ) is obtained by a contrast stretching given below • B( i , j ) α + γ * ([A ( i , j ) – μ]/s)
Orientation Computation (1/4) • First we apply a 5 by 5 median filter on the image to avoid false gradient vectors generated by noise. • Then compute the gradient (Gx,Gy) at each pixel by a Sobel operator. mask Sobel Operation
Orientation Computation (2/4) The relationship between [Gx, Gy]T and [ρ,θ]T
Orientation Computation (3/4) • Because of opposite gradient vectors might offset each other, we double the angles of the gradient vectors before averaging each block, and let the length of the gradient vectors be squared [5][6][10][11] • Let be represented by • The average gradient in each block R (w×w)is
Orientation Computation (4/4) • The block gradient direction ψ is defined as where (a block direction) is defined as for
Results of Block Orientations Block orientated images
B3 1 B2 1 B1 1 B4 1 2 Bc B0 1 1 B5 B6 1 1 B7 Singular Points Detection (1/2) • Because of noisy directions, we have to smooth the direction before computing the Poincaré index. • We regard the direction as a vector, double the angles and use a 3 by 3 averaging filter to smooth the direction. • The average direction of the block is
P1 P8 P7 P2 P P6 P3 P4 P5 Singular Points Detection (2/2) • We compute Poincaré index by summing up the difference in the direction surrounding the block P. For each block Pj, we compute the angle difference from 8 neighboring blocks along the counter-clockwise directions. P1 → P2 → P3 → P4 → P5 → P6 → P7 → P8 → P1 Core if the sum of difference is 180° Delta if the sum of difference is -180°
/ \ | • | | | | Example of An Ideal Core
Detected Singular Points (Blocks) Singular points of Fingerprint Images
4+1 Fingerprint Type Classification Arch Left Loop Right Loop Whorl miscellaneous
Fingerprint Database (1) • Rindex28 Rindex28, is obtained from PRIP Lab at NTHU. It contains 112 images of size 300 by 300 contributed by 28 different individuals. Each contributed 4 times with the same right index finger scanned by a Veridicom FPS110 live scanner with the resolution 500 dpi
Fingerprint Database (2) • Lindex101 Lindex101, is obtained from PRIP Lab at NTHU. It contains 404 images of size 300 by 300 contributed by 101 different individuals. Each contributed 4 times with the same left index finger scanned by a Veridicom FPS110 live scanner with the resolution 500 dpi
Results of Classification • Experiment on Rindex28: 4x28 right index fingerprint images collected from 28 students • No classification error • Experiment on Lindex101: 4x101 left index fingerprint images are collected from 101 students • 17 classification errors • Due to inappropriately pressing, too complex structure?, or poor quality.
Inappropriately Pressing Right Loop Arch ?
Inappropriately Pressing Whorl ? Left Loop ?
Too Complex Structure ? Left Loop or Whorl ? Left Loop or Arch ?
Outline • A Flowchart of Fingerprint Identification ♪Type Classification ♪Minutia Points Detection ♪Minutiae Pattern Extraction ♪Pattern Matching ♦Databases:Rindex28, Lindex101 ♦Experimental Results
Image Binarization (1/2) • We have to distinguish valley from ridge of a fingerprint image before smoothing and thinning. So the gray value of pixels in the enhanced fingerprint image will be binarized to 0 or 255. • First we compute the gray value of P25 and P50 from the enhanced image, where Pk is the kth percentile of enhanced fingerprint image histogram. • Then we partition an enhanced fingerprint image into w by w blocks and compute the mean of each blocks. We define that Mj is the mean of the j-th block.
Image Binarization (2/2) • If the gray value of pixel Si is less than P25, we assign 0 to Si . If the gray value of pixel Si greater than P50, we assign 255 to Si . Otherwise, the pixel value is defined by the following rule:
Post-Processing (Smoothing) • After binarization, we find that there is still much noise on ridge region. In order to make the result of thinning better, we have to smooth the fingerprint image first. A smooth stage uses neighboring pixels to remove noise. • First a 5 by 5 filter is used. The pixel pi is assigned by: pi = { 255 if Σ5x5Nw≧18 0 if Σ5x5Nb≧18 pi otherwise • Then a 3 by 3 filter is further proceed by: pi = { 255 if Σ3x3Nw≧5 0 if Σ3x3Nb≧5 pi otherwise
(a) Original image (b) Enhanced image (c) Binarization image (d) Smoothed image
Thinning[9] • The purpose of thinning stage is to gain the skeleton structure of a fingerprint image. • It reduces a binary image consisting of ridges and valleys into a ridge map of unit width. (d) Smoothed image (e) Thinned image
Minutiae Definition ♫From a thinned image, we can classify each ridge pixel into the following categories according to its 8-connected neighbors. ♫A ridge pixel is called : • an isolated point if it does not contain any 8-connected neighbor. • an ending if it contains exactly one 8-connected neighbor. • an edgepoint if it has two 8-connected neighbors. • a bifurcation if it has three 8-connected neighbors. • a crossing if it has four 8-connected neighbors.
Spurious Minutiae Deletion • Spurious minutia pixels include: (a) endings that lie on the margins of the region of interest. (b) two “close” endings with the same ridge orientation. (c) an ending and a bifurcation that are connected and close enough. (d) two bifurcations that are too close.
Spurious Minutiae Elimination Due to broken ridges, fur effects, and ridge endings near the margins of an image, we have to remove the spurious minutiae as described below. (1) Two endings are too close (within 8 pixels) (2) An ending and a bifurcation are too close (< 8 pixels) (3) Two bifurcations are too close (< 8 pixels) (4) Minutiae are near the margins (< 8 pixels)
Region of Interest Detection (1/2) • To avoid obtaining false singular points or minutiae, we use mean and standard deviation in each block to determine if the block is “good” (not a marginal block) or not. where , and is the ratio of distance to the center of the fingerprint image. μ and σ are normalized to be in [0,1]. • If v > 0.8, the block is what we want.
Region of Interest Detection (2/2) Enhanced image Region of interest