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SECTION 3. Centerline and Edge Line Final Rule DECEMBER 1999. Not in 1988 MUTCD . Definitions for: Roadway Traveled Way. Definitions. Not in 1988 MUTCD . Definitions for: Collector Highway Arterial Highway. Definitions. Section 3B.1 1988 MUTCD, fifth para. Markings are recommended
Not in 1988 MUTCD Definitions for: Roadway Traveled Way Definitions SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Not in 1988 MUTCD Definitions for: Collector Highway Arterial Highway Definitions SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Section 3B.1 1988 MUTCD, fifth para. Markings are recommended 1 ...rural districts on two-lane pavements > 16 feet or > 35 MPH 2 …residence and business districts…through highways…significant volumes 3 On all undivided pavements > 4 lanes SHALL be placed paved 2-way traveled ways 1 Urban and rural arterials and collectors with traveled ways 6 m (20 ft) or more in width with an ADT > 6000 2. Urban and rural traveled ways with > 3 lanes Center Line Markings SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Section 3B.1 1988 MUTCD, fifth para. Recommends 4. At other locations where an engineering study indicates a need for them. Center line markings should… paved, 2-way traveled ways … 1. Urban arterials and collectors with traveled ways > 6 m and >4000 ADT 2. Rural arterials and collectors with traveled ways > 5.4 m and > 3000 ADT Center Line Markings SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Not in MUTCD Center line markings may be placed on other 2-way traveled ways on any streets and highways Center Line Markings SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Not in MUTCD Engineering study for traveled ways < 4.8 m (16 ft). Center Line Markings SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Section 3B.6, second paragraph The lines shall be white except ... left edge of each roadway of divided streets and highways, and one-way roadways in the direction of travel, they shall be yellow. Section 3B.6, first paragraph --Edge line markings shall be white, except they shall be yellow for the left edge in the direction of travel of the traveled ways of a divided and a one way street or highway. Edge Line Markings SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Section 3B.6 second paragraph Edge lines shall be provided on all Interstate highways, on rural multilane divided highways, and may….. Section 3B.6, first paragraph --Edge line markings shall be placed for paved traveled ways on streets and highways Freeways Expressways, and Rural arterials. Edge Line Markings SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Section 3B.6 1988 MUTCD, second paragraph Edge lines shall ... and may be used on other classes of roads. Edge ling markings should be placed on paved travel ways for streets and highways with the following characteristics: Rural collectors > 6 m Paved streets and highways... engineering study Edge Line Markings SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Not in MUTCD Edge line markings may be placed: on the traveled way with or without center line markings may be excluded … engineering judgment… curbs or markings. Edge Line Markings SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE
Not in 1988 MUTCD 3 years after the effective date of the Final Rule, or when lane markings are replaced ..., or when the highway is resurfaced or reconstructed. Compliance Date SECTION 3. CENTERLINE / EDGE LINE