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Travelling Businesses are an important economic Sector

Education for Children and Teenagers of occupational Travellers in Germany Review and current Developments. Travelling Businesses are an important economic Sector.

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Travelling Businesses are an important economic Sector

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  1. Education for Children and Teenagers of occupational Travellers in GermanyReview and current Developments

  2. Travelling Businesses are an important economic Sector „Most people do not know that the estimated annual turnover of more than 30,000 public festivals in Europe is 3.5 billion EURO (3,500,000,000). Every year about a thousand million people go to see public festivals, circus shows or marquees in Europe.“ Efecot (1996/97): Handreichung für Lehrkräfte, S.9.

  3. In Germany nearly 170 million people go to see entertainment events every year. In comparison: Swimming pools 160 mill.,cinemas 149 mill.,theatres 33.8 mill., Bundesliga matches 9.3 mill. Market study supported by the German Ministry of Trade and Commerce, “ Wirtschaftsfaktor Volksfest” (2000). In: Report on the Implementation of the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2005 RESOLUTION on new challenges for the circus as part of European culture, 2009.

  4. Approx. 10,000 children and teenagers of showmen families, circuses and boatmen on inland waters attend school in Germany.

  5. showmen circuses mobile trader market supplier box stalls pony ranches street performer stuntshows travelling theatres exhibitors seasonal workers reptile shows Children and Teenagers from travelling Families in the administrative Region of Düsseldorf (2005-2010)

  6. Travelling students…often gazed at, not always treated well and mostly left alone when it comes to schooling.

  7. …. the beginning: Mid-80s: Study of occupational travellers in the EC travellers are a considerable minority • 1989: decision to school children of families from: • a) boatmen on inland waters, members of circuses and showmen • b) Sinti and Romanies and other travellers

  8. Efecot (1988 - 2003) European Federation for the Education of the Children of Occupational Travellers • Europe-wide working association with office in Brussels (2003: 17 employees) • Created an information and communication network with 150 partners in 10 countries • Intention: educational work

  9. Before 1989: The German educational system: federal – stationary - administrative travelling way of life system of norms and values The travelling Life

  10. Equality of educational Opportunity Life and learning on the road is very different from life and learning in brick and mortar schools.

  11. Tuition for Children and Teenagers of occupational Travellers in Germany • nation-wide concept „learning on the road“ • Schule für Circuskinder NRW and Hessen – soon in every federal state in Germany? • BeKoSch (Berufliche Kompetenzen für Schausteller – vocational competence for showmen) • supplementary offers/projects • boarding schools • private teachers • ….

  12. Concept: „Learning on the Road“ Clarifies responsibilities and competencies and has the aim to achieve a better continuity in learning of travelling children by personal, structural and organisational measures.

  13. nation-wide handout to the school-journal and to questions regarding schooling children of occupational travellers • passed by the KMK (standing conference of the Ministers of Education) 2006 • This guide is primarily for teachers of regular and temporary schools. Parents can get important information regarding schooling as well.

  14. www.schule-unterwegs.de

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