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The AP

The AP. Day 21. September 20 , 2011. Assign Yourself: Research 10 Vocab words Do Now ! Copy the definition and answer the question. Tone: the speaker’s attitude to the audience and/or the subject. W hat is the tone of this paragraph?

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The AP

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The AP Day 21

  2. September 20, 2011 Assign Yourself: Research 10 Vocab words Do Now! Copy the definition and answer the question. • Tone: the speaker’s attitude to the audience and/or the subject. • What is the tone of this paragraph? If Bella chews the shoes in my closet again, the dog will have destroyed a universe of footwear. She has consumed over five pairs of sneaks, two high heels, and eleven and a half socks. Puppies are difficult. Objective: SWBAT analyze how a writer uses language to manipulate a reader.

  3. “What are you doing?”

  4. Group Chart Do Now! Guiding Questions Notes & Anchor Chart

  5. Guiding Questions 1. Why and how does language construct perspective and tone? 2. Why and how do I identify slanters(bias) in writing? 3. How do I revise to eliminate bias?

  6. I. Tone Top Three Misconceptions: It’s NOT an action. It’s an attitude. It’s NOT stated or direct. To feel it, you have to read “between the lines.” Tone is not the same thing as mood. (Mood=feelings or emotions the author wanted the reader to feel. Tone= author’s own attitude towards the subject. )

  7. II. Slanters Review

  8. II. Slanters Review

  9. “Abolish HS Football!” Turn to Pg. 136.

  10. Look for… • Language that reveals perspective (tone) • 5 slanters (rhetorical definition, labeling, innuendo, hyperbole, sarcasm)

  11. III. Eliminate bias • Either for homework or in class (time permitting), select three passages to revise to eliminate bias. • Eliminate bias in the selection.

  12. Anchor Chart • The purpose of the anchor chart is: • To recall as much as possible that has been learned during class. • To fill in gaps • To “Anchor” learning so that it stays with you. • To prepare for Exit Slips.

  13. Exit Slip The Way Things Work, David MacaulayThe kind of nuclear reaction that happens inside a nuclear reactor is called nuclear fission. The fuel is uranium or plutonium, two very heavy elements which have many protons and neutrons in their nuclei. Fissionstarts when a fast-moving neutron strikes a nucleus. The nucleus cannot take in the extra neutron, and the whole nucleus breaks apart into two smaller nuclei.What is Macaulay’s tone in this passage?A)  uncertain/confused  B)  scared/apprehensive C)  factual/unbiased

  14. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley"I am not mad," [the monster] cried energetically, "the sun and the heavens, who have viewed my operations, can bear witness of my truth. I amthe assassin of those most innocent victims; they died by my machinations. A thousand times would I have shed my own blood, drop by drop, to have saved their lives; but I could not, my father, indeed I could not sacrificethe whole human race.”2. The speaker in this passage is the monster. What is the speaker’s tone? A)  sorry/remorseful    B)  angry/vindictive    C)  humorous/happy

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