Who We Are … "Future Farmers of America" was founded by a group of young farmers back in 1928. Their mission was to prepare future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population. They taught us that agriculture is more than planting and harvesting-- it's a science, it's a business and it's an art. FFA continues to help the next generation rise up to meet those challenges by helping its members to develop their own unique talents and explore their interests in a broad range of career pathways. So today, we are still the Future Farmers of America. But, we are the Future Biologists, Future Chemists, Future Veterinarians, Future Engineers and Future Entrepreneurs of America, too. Cited: https://www.ffa.org/about/Pages/default.aspx
Why Agriculture? Why the FFA? • Agriculture is the nation’s largest employer, with more than 23 million jobs (17 percent of the civilian workforce) involved in some facet of American agriculture. • Over 3,000 sponsors provided more than $16 million for FFA and agricultural programs and activities in 2011. • In 2011, 129 sponsors provided 1,590 individual scholarships worth over $1.9 million through the National FFA Organization. • To date, more than $34 million in FFA collegiate scholarships have been awarded to students pursuing higher education. More information can be found at www.ffa.org
FFA Mission Statement The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
FFA Motto • The FFA motto gives members twelve short words to live by as they experience the opportunities in the organization. “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve”
Virginia FFA Statistics • Augusta County was the first county in the entire United States to have an FFA chapter! • There are 168 FFA chapters in Virginia! • Virginia currently has 9,756 FFA members!
National FFA Statistics • Today, there are 540,379 FFA members, in 7,489 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. • 43% of FFA members are female; women hold approximately 50% of state leadership positions. • FFA chapters are in 18 of the 20 largest U.S. cities, including New York, Chicago and Philadelphia.
Career Development Events (CDE) • Help students develop the abilities to think critically, communicate clearly, and perform effectively for a competitive job market. • There are 24 CDEs, covering job skills in everything from communications to mechanics. • Some events allow students to compete as individuals, while others allow them to compete in teams.
Middle School CDE Contests for the state of Virginia … • AgriscienceTechnology Mechanics • FFA Quiz Bowl • Food and Fiber • Plant Science • Small Animal Care For more information on each event please visit: http://www.vaffa.org/cdes/cderules.html and scroll down to Middle School Career Develop Events
What more can we offer? Along with the CDEs our FFA chapter offers many activities to participate in throughout the year! Here are just a few examples: • FFA Officer Positions • Welcome Back picnic • Trash Pick-up • Socials • Award Ceremonies • Trips (i.e. Conventions, FFA camp, PA Farm Show etc.) • PALS