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WHAT SHOULD BE NEXT? PROCHAINES ETAPES ?. ما هي الخطوات المقبلة؟. Build a core group of a network of individuals and organizations interested/involved in KMKS in rural development. THE GROUP SHOULD EXPAND TO Projects .org . gov . com.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WHAT SHOULD BE NEXT?PROCHAINES ETAPES? ما هي الخطوات المقبلة؟

  2. Build a core group of a network of individuals and organizations interested/involved in KMKS in rural development THE GROUP SHOULD EXPAND TO Projects .org .gov .com

  3. Elaborating a national Road map “a national KariaNet” linking to regional KN • 1. How are you going to start building the KM KS national Network?? • 2. What Training and capacity building needs (if any) in KM KS. What process to use to know what are your needs and priorities • 3. Are there ideas plans for regional or sub regional specific activities for regional networking.

  4. Elaborating a national Road map “a national KariaNet” linking to regional KN • 4. How to kick start the thematic networks: KM and KS in Food Security, Rural enterprise development, KM. • 5. What should we start doing now to ensure to sustain KariaNet

  5. Training and Capacity building • Through workshops to belimitedunlessthereiscleardemand • Process of mentoring and Coaching on a specific KM KS issue or question • National versus international expertise • Training of trainers a process over the threeyears

  6. How to continue the discussion • Web based: meetatkariaNet wikis, blogs facebook, twitter: today’s session on KariaNet website • Nextregional and national eventsrelated to KN work • Knowledgeproducts and learning exchange

  7. In the context of your country • Start an inclusive group (core) • Identify needs in KM • Identify the resources • Set the list of priority activities • Set the role of KariaNet and your netowork role in each of the activities

  8. End of the session • Clear vision on we can start with in terms of • Building the national network • Staring an inclusive networking activity • Identify through the network what type of support is needed in terms in training and capacity building and what assets are available • What are the needs at country level • What the country network can contribute • How kariaNet can serve and support each and every country and any regional idea in KM KS

  9. Elaborate the country road maps

  10. The group Should be inclusive Start small but keep growing Show results and interest

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