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BULATS Vocabulary List

BULATS Vocabulary List. B1 Level. BULATS Vocabulary List. A 1.Abbreviation (n.) 省略;縮短 2.Ability (n.) 能力;能耐 3.Able (adj.) 有能力的;能幹的 *able to go… 4.About (adj. & prep.) 在附近的;關於、對於 → The company has about 500 employees. (adj.) → The report is about cutting costs. (prep.)

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BULATS Vocabulary List

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  1. BULATS Vocabulary List B1 Level

  2. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 1.Abbreviation (n.) 省略;縮短 2.Ability (n.) 能力;能耐 3.Able (adj.) 有能力的;能幹的 *able to go… 4.About (adj. & prep.) 在附近的;關於、對於 →The company has about 500 employees. (adj.) →The report is about cutting costs. (prep.) 5.About to(be about to ) (phr v.) 即將

  3. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 6.Above (adj. & prep.)上文的、前述的; 在…上面 7.Abroad (adv)在國外、到國外 8.Absence (n)缺席、缺少、缺乏 9.Absent (adj.)缺席的、心不在焉的 10.Absolutely (int.)一點不錯、完全對

  4. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 11.Accept (v.)接受、領受 12.Access (n. & v.)接近、存取、通道;取出、 使用、接近 13.Accident (n.)事故、災禍、機遇 14.Accommodation (n.)適應、調節 15.Accompany (v.)陪同、伴隨;伴奏、伴唱

  5. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 16.According to (prep.)根據、按照 17.Account (n.)帳目、帳單 →I’d like to open a bank account. →Our company has an account at Transport Solutions. 18.Accountancy (n.)會計工作(或職位)、會計學 19.Accountant (n.)會計師、會計人員 20.Accounting (n.) 會計、會計學、帳單

  6. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 21.Accounts (n.)帳戶、客戶;解釋、說明 22.Accuracy (n.)正確性、準確性 23.Accurate (adj.)準確的、精確的 24.Achieve (v.)完成、實現;達到目的 25.Acknowledge (v.) 承認;告知收到(信件等)

  7. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 26.Acquaintance (n.)(與人)相識、了解;熟識 的人 27.Acquire (v.)取得、獲得;學到、養成 28.Acquisition (n.)獲得、取得 29.Across (prep.)橫越、穿過;與…相交差 30.Act (v.) 扮演;做事、行動

  8. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 31.Action (n.)行動、活動、作用;訴訟 →The company has reasons for its actions. →Industrial has affected production. →We need to develop an action plan. 32.Active (adj.)活躍的、活潑的;積極的、勤奮的 33.Activity (n.)活動、行動 34.Actor (n.)男演員、演員;行動者、參與者 35.Actual (adj.)實際上、事實上的;現實的

  9. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 36.Actually (adv.)實際上、竟然 37.Ad (abbrev.) *active duty【軍】現役 *air-dried 空氣乾燥的、風乾的 *after date 【商】發票後定期付款 38.Adapt (v.)使適應、適合;改編、改寫 39.Add (v.)添加、增加;補充(說明) 40.Addition (n.)加、附加;加法

  10. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 41.Additional (adj.)添加的、附加的、額外的 42.Address (n. & v.)住址;地址;向…演說 →Could I have your email address?(n.) →The CEO addressed the conference. (v.) 43.Adjust (v.)調節、調整;校正 44.Administration (n.)管理、經營;監督 45.Administrative (adj.)管理的、行政的

  11. BULATS Vocabulary List • A 46.Administrator (n.)管理人、行政專員 47.Admire (v.)欽佩、讚賞 48. Admission (n.)入場許可證、入場卷;承認、坦白 →Admission to the conference is by invitation only. 49.Admit (v.)准許進入;承認 →He admitted there were production problems. →This ticket admits two people to the performance. 50.Adult (n. & adj.)成年人;成熟的

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